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Forum Post: PRIORITIES, Demand FEDERAL ISSUES, then State by State

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 29, 2011, 8:22 p.m. EST by SIMPLEMAN (0) from Monticello, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Please identify the issues at a federal level, what demands do we want for ALL THE PEOPLE of the U.S. .... and THEN identify the states demands. WE NEED OBJECTIVES LIKE Abolishing the Federal Reserve; Demanding an independent 9/11 Investigation; End all illegal wars? then add state's demands as they see fit.... please this is vital!!!



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[-] 1 points by BailoutDemocracy (2) 12 years ago

my wishlist---FEDERAL-- 1-End the Patriot Act 2-Get rid of TSA X RAY Machines and groping in airports, fire execs. 3-Clean up the FDA & the EPA 4-End capitol punishment 5-Free Bradley Manning and pay him, give him free college 6-Hire Julian Assange as a consultant and stop hounding him. Wikileaks is the best thing that ever happened to Democracy. We should have a citizens oversight committee for everything. Government can't be trusted --STATE--- 7-declare amnesty for student debts over $10,000 8-Make free medical schools to bring down healthcare costs. 9-Make green jobs in every state. Make corporations contribute.

[-] 1 points by EducationNotLoanSlavery (4) from Dallas, TX 12 years ago

ok, it seems I confused links. I thought it would go there by default. I will post it there, thanks!

[-] 1 points by EducationNotLoanSlavery (4) from Dallas, TX 12 years ago

What about Education that will not put people in enslaved position due to the loans that had to be borrowed to pay for skyrocketing expenses.

How one can say that a society is free if education is not free.
Education is not a commodity.

Is this a libertarian blog or this is something for ordinary people as well. What about it?