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Forum Post: Predatory Lending

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 10:54 a.m. EST by rfrank22 (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Wow! A great response to Predatory Lending! Some of you believe in personal responsibility. I am sure we all will agree with that. My question to you is that when you go to Circuit City and purchase a TV do you go through the fine details of the warranty and/or the extended warranty you had purchased. Probably not because you trust the company to fulfill the terms of the contract without question. The same is the case with most Predatory Lending issues. (I am speaking to those who attempted to chastise me for complaining about my re-financed loan). Predatory Lending existed en-masse to the Low and Middle Income population. The details were wrapped up in fine print and you trusted the Loan Company because they assured you "everything was going to be alright". Well low and behold,everything was not alright and the banks got into a mess through corruption and our government bailed out crooks. Is that a conspiracy! Of course it is! Don't chide me for not reading the ' fine print' of numerous documents. Confront those greedy people who have ruined this economy and placed the lives of families in jeopardy.!!



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[-] 0 points by dantes44 (431) from Alexandria, VA 12 years ago

Thank you Barney Frank.

[-] 0 points by smartguy (180) 12 years ago

Yes, I read the contracts I sign, anyone who doesn't needs to get their head examined. Sorry for being blunt, but your excuse of it being their fault because YOU didn't read the contract is the most ridiculous excuse ever. You need to grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

It's amazing how lazy some people are... Can't even read a few pieces of paper to keep their asses safe.