Forum Post: Pre- #S17 meetings, actions and outreach opportunitites between now and Friday
Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 9, 2013, 1:53 p.m. EST by grimwomyn
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Monday September 9, 2013
OWS S-17 2013-Planning Assembly Whole Foods (2nd Floor) 95 Houston Street New York City, NY 6:30pm
We want justice for Kimani Gray (6 Months Since his murder by NYPD) 55th Street Church Ave (East Flatbush/Brooklyn) 7:00pm
Tuesday September 10, 2013 FINAL PRE-S-17 OWS LABOR OUTREACH COMMITTEE MEETING 60 Wall Street New York City, NY 6:30pm
Wednesday September 11, 2013 Next steps after the Harlem to Bronx March and Justice for Trayvon Martin Assembly Solidarity Center NYC 147 W.24th Street 2nd Floor New York City, NY 6:30pm
Thursday September 12, 2013 Hands Off Syria! Protest Wall Street & War Profiteers! NY STOCK EXCHANGE WALL AND BROAD STREETS, 4 PM TO 6 PM
99 Pickets Monthly Solidarity Meeting (Basement) 1199 SEIU 310 W.43RD Street New York City, NY 6:00PM
SEPTEMBER MEETING LEFT LABOR PROJECT[With others]- "SAVE OUR PUBLIC SERVICES WITH THE ROBIN HOOD TAX"@1199/SEIU 310 w.43RD st. 7th.fl [between 8th and 9th aves] 6:00pm
Friday September 13, 2013
NO WAR/NO BOMBING OF SYRIA Wall Street Occupied-The People’s Voice-Weekly Speakouts for Justice and Democracy
Federal Hall Steps 26 Wall Street New York City, NY 5:30pm
SPECIAL S-17/NO WAR IN SYRIA 99%-OWS City Wide Assembly for the 99% 60 Wall Street New York City, NY 7:00pm