Forum Post: Powerfully fighting the NSA - without actually doing much
Posted 11 years ago on Dec. 4, 2013, 8:33 p.m. EST by dukehagen
from Anrode, TH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hey Guys!
I have a really great suggestion that might be really helping the people with the NSA-surveilling-everyone-problem. The idea is as follows:
I, as I guess most people, suffer because of the NSA (and "friends") surveillance, because I started to feel having to think about every facebook-post and every email: do I want the NSA (or BND, I'm from Germany) to have that particular information about me or not? But some days ago I made a joke and talked into my phone "directly to the NSA", and I realized something: "Wait a minute! If they really surveill everything, we could use that against them!" Because they have thousands of employees (direct or in contractors), who have to check our data. And even if those employees don't read every piece of data, they will read the meta data in which there is the essence of all those messages. And if they read the specific messages: even better!
Because my idea is that we all start a Meme or a campaign or whatever, that will weaken the NSA by the days. Here is how it works:
That Meme could have the keyword "#NSADisclaimer" and it's basically an EMail or Smartphone-Signature (or similar where that would make sense). Every participant adds that disclaimer and sends it (automatically every time in the signature of course) with every email to friends.
The benefits are potentially huge!
First of all it spams the NSA-Records tremendously! The more people participate the more distorting it will be for their meta-data (I'm a software engineer, so I know a little bit about that).
If the NSA sees some record where there is the disclaimer they suddenly can't be sure anymore if the data is correct, because the person states they know they are watched. It's even better if the disclaimer states that directly that the data might be incorrect (see disclaimer example at the bottom).
Third it will be a great way to communicate with the NSA directly and let them know that we're watching and psychologically weaken their direct or indirect employees. People can even start cybermobbing them or their work if they want to.
It could be really fun for people to use that disclaimer, play with it, invent their own and ultimately feel some power they have against the NSA.
I really think that campaign could give the NSA-Big-Brother-Offensive yet again (after the Snowden Leaks) an even broader public (because people read the disclaimer in their friends' emails). We could coin the Hashtag #NSADisclaimer or #OWSNSADisclaimer or whatever so people will find it on twitter.
Down below is one example for a disclaimer.
All the best! Hagen from Germany.
----- #NSADisclaimer: for NSA, GCHQ, BND and other surveillance agents ----
We can see you. We know that you, the NSA and "friends", surveil everything, that we do on a daily basis via telecommunication. (<--- Thought behind that: Breaking the power fantasy of the NSA employee and psychologically weaken them, maybe endorsing them to leave their jobs)
Your surveilling us is a reprehensible and paranoid job, that probably is really exhausting for you and will make you sick. (<--- Cybermobbing of their work)
Because we know that you surveil us, the contents of our eMails might be incorrect. You should better check every little detail twice and compare it to our other personal data to be absolutely sure. (explicitly stating the lack of data reliability)
--- This Disclaimer helps spam the NSA records on us law abiding citizens all over the world. Feel free to modify the content and tell the NSA what you think of them! @OccupyWallSt #NSADisclaimer ---
----------- EDIT (UPDATE, 2013-12-08) -----------------
As friends pointed out to me (see comments below), we should not primarily just fight the NSA. It would be even better to promote alternatives and just slow the NSA down as a side effect (because we surely won't beat them). So an alternative disclaimer might be of the following kind:
A disclaimer underlining possible alternatives could be as follows
--- Disclaimer to my friends, to the NSA and to anyone who's listening ---
- I stopped my existence as a sheepish, silent citizen some time ago now. And shortly after that I discovered that I can live healthier, more happy, more socially integrated and a more fulfilling life apart from the mainstream.
- I don't eat processed foods anymore, because they made me sick. I eat fresh food that I grow myself or buy regionally. And that increases my health tremendously.
- I started to change my relationships to really make real friends where I had "people I spend time with" before. I share my emotions, I help my friends, they help me and we all share the joy of truely interacting as human beings - not as society's "roles".
- I started to unplug from the "grid", not listening to the mainstream dinosaur news media anymore, not consuming the pseudo-realistic Hollywood and music business crap anymore. I produce my own "entertainment", which comes from the heart and not from a motivation to make money. And my friends start to do that too.
- The current system - especially including capitalism - is sick and sickening, so I unplug whereever I can and plug into alternatives. And I invite everyone to join me. Because another world is possible. And this other world is not what will happen if we beat the current system. This better world IS what we beat the current system with.
A disclaimer that highlights the alternatives most of us already live, might be the following. I will add it to the main post too.
--- Disclaimer to my friends, to the NSA and to anyone who's listening ---
we need to record and report injustice on the public internet
I agree. I want every one of these douche bag pr firms and multiple ID trolls held accountable. Don't you?
This is Positively Brilliant!!!
Hi, Hagen from Germany!
Now, this is thinking big!
I make international phone calls knowing full well that the NSA, et al are surveilling, and I have also taken the opportunity to 'speak' with them. So many possible things one could say, isn't there? Including messages of empathy and love at how difficult it must be, to be in a much needed job that compromises their personal ethics against their fellow human beings.
The key here is doing this 'en masse'. This is an excellent example of how the collective power of the people can make a huge difference. And we'd be using their surveilling technology to get the message to them. Lol!! Ahh...I'm just giddy at the thought.
I'm going to private message 'jart', the owner of this website and forward your thread to her and see if she'll make this into an OWS article that will sit on the front page of the website for a while.
Oh, and did I say this was Brilliant?!!!
Thanks Hagen!!
Thanks Renneye!
It genuinely feels great to get such a positive feedback - especially with you personally having had a similar idea and even adding the empathy part - I really love that. Beautifully wrapped up what I wanted to express and even improving it! Thank you!
And excuse me if I erupt in some joy here. I'm used to people just raising an eyebrow over such ideas when I present them, because great parts of German society are still running "as usual" and don't wanna challenge the status quo. So thank you very much for picking that up!
I had an idea today adressing the problem that the NSA might be able to filter out all of our dislaimers. That would not affect the effect the disclaimer can have on friends, family or collegues. But that would affect the influence of the disclaimer-campaign on the NSA.
But still: even if the NSA filters out all disclaimers. As their goal is to gather as much relevant information as possible, the disclaimer will definitely be in their Meta-Data, reading for example "NSA-Disclaimer: 1,0067,753 mentions last month". And that might have an effect too on the people making decisions there.
This idea goes hand in hand with the idea of peppering all correspondences with words from the DHS's 'key words and phrases' lists, as so eloquently expressed by ZenDog a few months ago:
Excellent idea!
Note to willing reader: I suspect this threat is going nowhere. That's unfortunate. I guess this forum isn't the right place for such a suggestion. Has anyone a suggestion for a better way to bring this idea to the public?
I'm really curious on more opinions regarding this strategy proposal! And also, who we could really encourage people to take part in this. I believe this - may it be a campaign - could be successful in fighting the NSA, waking even more people up and showing and encouraging people to use alternatives apart from the mainstream ...
I'm getting aware, that the Disclaimer should also be concentrated on the alternatives rather than just fighting the NSA. As friends pointed out to me: The NSA has powerful ressources. The disclaimer-strategy (if somehow successful) would merely weaken their power a little bit, which would just give us a little more time.
So, the disclaimer should also serve other purposes, for example: Alternatives, Alternatives, Alternatives. People could write in the disclaimers how they manage to get good food off the grid or in the grid at least. Or they could write which health alternatives they use instead sickening meds. Or they could tell how they educate their children instead of public schooling indoctrination.
Another possibility might be to put great projects that inspire us to change the world into the disclaimer. And close to that either put "NSA" as keyword or the buzzwords they will react to (see the mentioned post by ZenDog), so they (if they check the disclaimer) will read about the projects that changed our lives and maybe it melts their frozen hearts :D
Another idea would be to discuss conspiracy facts in the disclaimer. It might be the case that some NSA-contractor employees might be not that informed about what is and what was going on. Thereby we encourage even more whistle blowers...
This is very unfortunate. I've been downvoted for no reason, I guess. Thanks for the support, guys (The people actually supporting), I would thank you personally, but I can't write personal messages anymore.
I guess enough people in this forum are on the government's payroll already :( The ones who actually are: Be ashamed of yourself. You're actually supporting your own oppression (which is to say: the system we live in). But I guess you've gotten too comfortable with it.
The others: Thanks really much for the support! You rock! Keep on fighting!
I moved the topic here in fear this threat might be removed.
This is a really nice scene you described poetically there. But what do you mean? Your point doesn't come across :(
As already mentioned in the other threat: you are trolling really well :D it's an honor being trolled by a person with such trolling skills :D
A friend pointed out to me that we should also look to the capacities the NSA has. Their capacities may be enourmous, but certainly not limitless. So maybe we should consider, adding some data trash, that our friends won't read but the NSA will. His quote: "The NSA is like a cactus. They will not wither to death, but maybe if we water them enough ..."
An important possible effect of the NSA-Disclaimer-"Campaign" would be to raise even more awareness among the people how severe that NSA-Big-Brothering is. Even if the NSA somehow completely filters all disclaimers and messages, adressed to them, at least the people receiving those mails might read the disclaimer and understand a bit more what is happening and might start engaging for a better word.
Also: More and more people posting that disclaimer might make the NSA acting more fast and drastic. And as they say: If a tyrant behaves moderately he's far less likely to be stopped and removed than if he really acts like a tyrant.
Another problem, that a friend of mine made me aware of (beside the one that TechJunkie pointed out) is that the NSA might filter everything that reoccurs in our emails, so that they are just looking for the new things. That might lessen the effect of course. I would counter that by mixing the messages up and really encouraging people to update their disclaimers from time to time. Because in that case the NSA would still have to save and check every new one of your personal disclaimers at least once.
Still, I'm thinking for a better solution. Can someone help?
If every spam email were tagged #spam, then it would be pretty easy to filter out spam. You're proposing that every spam that you send to the NSA should be tagged #NSADisclaimer. That's not going to waste much time except around the water coolers where they laugh at this proposal.
Thanks for the criticism, TechJunkie. I thought about that too.
But: I think in that case (with the NSA) you cannot apply normal Spam techniques, because: If I was sure the NSA would filter out my NSADisclaimer, then I would of course put all my relevant data in that NSA-Disclaimer-"Tag", fully knowing that tag could now be considered a "<noNSAread>Secret Data</noNSAread>"-Tag.
So the NSA would still have to read all parts of the eMail to be sure.
I agree with you that they could easily filter if all people used exactly the same disclaimer. That should not be the case. Then filtering would be easy.
What do you think? - Agree?
Also TechJunkie, regarding your concern of the NSA possibly filtering out all the disclaimers: Maybe the disclaimer should also encourage people to explicitly use the nsa-disclaimer tag in normal messages around some phrases to distort the NSA records even more?