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Forum Post: Power of the People

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 9:07 a.m. EST by Philjer1 (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Let's take note of how the people voiced their opinion to Netflix and Bank of America. Because of their exuberant greed, the people flexed their muscle and dropped them. The people have the power. If 50-60% of Amreican's refused to buy high priced oil that is making oil folks rich and the rest of us poor for just one day, we would force change. If we refused to re-elected these childish politicians we have running and ruining the country for their personal and party gain we would force change. Let's not just "sit in"....but rather sit in and flex our muscle at the same time with what we buy and who we elect. This will make a much larger impact. We the People!!!!



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