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Forum Post: postmodern egalitarian

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 3:42 p.m. EST by marv (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Like Zuccotti Park, America is privately owned with 24 hour public access until further notice.

Political savants like Bill Clinton recommend that protesters should make specific suggestions. But if the protesters want to destroy Moloch, they shouldn't feed it. Moloch will only digest and modify the specifics to suit itself. That way, the protesters play by the rules defined by Moloch. If the protesters want to change the system, they must have the patience to endure the uncertainty involved in imagining an opposing, more egalitarian system. One begins imagining it negatively: not this, not that. That's why general, negative criticism of capitalism is more important right now than specific suggestions. When you go with what you know, you can't go wrong. And if what you're sure of is negative, go with it! Don't let the experts shame you into acting as pretentiously as they do. They have an agenda. They want to geld you. And they will succeed if they trick you into entering their corral.



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