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Forum Post: Please develop a counterterrorism and disaster plan

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 8:42 a.m. EST by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Yesterday an al-Qaida sympathizer in New York was arrested in a bomb-making plot. ( http://news.yahoo.com/nyc-mayor-al-qaida-sympathizer-arrested-014501683.html ). He wanted to blow up police, and from the news reports, I know one place in New York where there are always lots of cops hanging around. I think everyone who is in favor of OWS's efforts owes the police who caught this person a heartfelt Thank You! I just hope they are right that this person was acting alone!

I think this proves that OWS needs to make some serious consideration of what it can do to help stop terrorist attacks, or at least to get out of the way of them or to be ready get out of the way of those responding to them. You're too well-known, too vulnerable, too much vilified by the deluded, and too close to Ground Zero for comfort. I think OWS needs to think seriously about how to try to prevent terrorist attack on themselves, and to reduce the odds that the protest could be used as cover by terrorists attacking the World Trade Center or other locations.



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