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Forum Post: Petition your local City government

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 1:41 a.m. EST by Shule (2638)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Great idea to stop using credit cards, divest from national banks & stock market, get out of debt, etc. etc. These are all forms of boycotting which is good, but this stuff is on a personnel level. What if we could turn it up a notch? Here is an idea! It would not work for NYC, but it certainly would help NYC. What if the Occupy movements in other towns, possibly it may work best in smaller towns, would petition and lobby their local city governments to mitigate the taking out of loans from major banks; that is to fund future local city projects only with local city monies, to stop giving tax breaks to major corporations, and stop giving favorites to national retail chains like Walmart, and so forth. The idea being that we as a society must divest ourselves from dependance on large major finance institutions and corps by developing new localized finance and business infrastructures.

Micro-money anyone?



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[-] 0 points by ColbertLovesDanSavage (16) 12 years ago

I have a better idea...how about if all income taxes go to the state and the state decides how much to send the federal government? Huh? Is that gold or what?