Forum Post: Perpetual Motion of Money
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 13, 2012, 11:57 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
From my journal on September 7, 2010
A machine to move a substance from a lower place to a higher place has been designed and operated successfully for hundreds of years. It's owners and admirers have come to believe the machine is eternal. But all substances on Earth are finite. When all of the material has been moved to the higher ground, there's nothing more the machine can do. But the owners and admirers will not understand that all that can be done in this way has been done. There's nothing more for their marvellous machine to do.
Our economic engine of free market capitalism has successfully moved all of the wealth and money to the top. The system has faltered because it was so successful. Since higher profits, the sign of their success, have demanded outsourced production and low compensation for the majority of consumers, the rich owners can only loan us back past profits, to create future profits. Theoretically they could sell the foreign made goods in other markets but even the middle class ministers to the neoaristocracy might see the flaw in that plan. So far they've decided to let the abstract part of the machine, finance, operate on monetary momentum, which they hope will become perpetual motion.
The simple truth is: no matter how much motion they induce in the economic corpse, the mortality is due to the concentration of wealth at the top. But they won't give it back so that we can have a real economy again. They want even more. They've got it all and that's the economic disease. They live in denial and will not do what it takes to be cured even if they kill off the Human Race by that studied ignorance of the truth of their folly. They've got it all. Their machine has worked too well. There is no more to take from us. The details of their process should be obvious. Nonetheless further examination will be forthcoming.
For more on dysfunctional economy and culture see: How Does That Work?
General Assembly,Peoples Audit Committee, Peoples Arrest Committee, Peoples Court, No Judge Judy.. Seize the Assets of the financial terrorist bankers,politicians,and collusionist traitors..Distribute to the People..We have to create our own justice because current court systems are bought and paid for by these same traitors..
Game Over
If I get all the money in a Monopoly game, I win. But the game is over. I could continue, I guess, to play, if I loaned the money back to the losers. I could print more monopoly money to “grow” the game economy and assure that I win even more and faster by the interest and fees I charge the other players who borrow it from me. But really, the game is over for them once I have the power of concentrated wealth and they must borrow from me in order to play. The board will never be level again.
Read about dysfunctional economy and culture: How Does That Work?
"This article is very well written, however the conclusion appears to be for higher taxation, which I disagree with. Higher taxation simply makes the state unions happy as they keep munching on too much of the state tax revenue and perks that are just unfair." - DebtNEUTRALITYpetition
What do taxes and unions have to do with parasitization by and perpetual motion of finance?
For more on dysfunctional economy and culture see: How Does That Work?
They live in denial and will not do what it takes to be cured even if they kill off the Human Race by that studied ignorance of the truth of their folly. They've got it all. Their machine has worked too well. There is no more to take from us. The details of their process should be obvious. Nonetheless further examination will be forthcoming.
For more on dysfunctional economy and culture see: How Does That Work?
A child can see what's wrong with the perpetual motion of finance. Why can't the “best and brightest?”
Read about dysfunctional economy and culture: How Does That Work?
This article is very well written, however the conclusion appears to be for higher taxation, which I disagree with. Higher taxation simply makes the state unions happy as they keep munching on too much of the state tax revenue and perks that are just unfair.
Work for 20 to 25 years and then when the pension kicks in, it is based on the one year the person made the most money. So, a game is played, every year 5% - 7% of the workforce works a TON of overtime so that that overtime year becomes their bellweather wage onto which they then receive their pension plus whatever percentage of the highest wage.
In essence, union pensions are ponzie schemes that are fraught with ways to milk personal pensions above and beyond what is fair and right, and that is done in exchange for allowing one's vote to be bought by the politician that will deliver the tastiest new compensation package.
Why would anyone want to pay more in taxes so that that tax money can eventually be used by politicians to gain favor with voting blocks?
much money goes to paying interest to the national debt
and that debt is owned by a few entities with most of the money, they are not more important than the world.
they have the power to determine what jobs are done
"they" don't need you explaining, defending, or empowering them.
they have money for that
which is why I am on my debt neutrality petition crusade. I'd like to see consumers reduce the 1 billion dollars a day in interest rate charges on 2 to 3 trillion dollars of credit card and student loan debt.