Forum Post: PEOPLE, the REAL problem is THE FEDERAL RESERVE!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 6:51 p.m. EST by strivehappy
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Everyone, we do not have a free market system, what we have is a government married to corporations, it's corporatism! We have to End the Federal Reserve (private banking cartel) that has a monopoly on creating our money supply out of thin air and debasing the dollar. The FED and the fractional reserve banking system, they are the fuel to this horrible fire, protest the federal reserve, go to the Federal Reserve buildings in your city/state and we need to call them out on this!!!
I am not sure that the reserve is the problem as much as the court ruling that companies can spend as much as they like while the opposition is not given time to respond. It allows for too much twisting of reality in favor of making the rich richer.
The Federal Reserve seems do less damage then the federal government. At least they have the education to back their decisions, Congress seems more like a sitcom. Bunch of attention hungry people. not true leaders with inteligence
The Federal Reserve seems do less damage then the federal government. At least they have the education to back their decisions, Congress seems more like a sitcom. Bunch of attention hungry people. not true leaders with inteligence
The Federal Reserve seems do less damage then the federal government. At least they have the education to back their decisions, Congress seems more like a sitcom. Bunch of attention hungry people. not true leaders with inteligence
By fozziealexander: End the FED. International Bankers must be targeted as well. They Control the World Markets. Do not think Warren Buffet is for the Cause or Bill Gates. These people want you to tax the middle class not them. The billionaires and trillionaires don't care if the some what rich get taxed, they want that, because they know they are exempt. Go after The FEDERAL RESERVE and you will see the military show up instead of the police. Don't be fooled people continue what you are doing but know your enemy. May the truth guide you.
GammaPoint, we are on the same side, but please research the federal reserve and the uncontrolled power and influence they have over our government. This is a PRIVATE banking cartel that has a MONOPOLY on printing money out of thin air!!! PLEASE look up the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island". We have to wake up!!!
Another name for governement and corporate marriage if fascism. We currently have a President and Congress (mostly in the Senate) who are marxists that dabble in fascism. They wouldn't be able to practice this if the federal reserve was eliminated.
End The Fed. End fractional reserve banking. Take the money power back. There should be no such thing as a "national debt".
iTS not just the Federal Reserve, its people and their pathetic lazy fat fucking asses.
I don't agree that the Federal Reserve is the primary problem. The main problem is a lack of democracy and the failure of our political system to represent the people. Once we fix this other things can follow.