Forum Post: Penn and Teller B*llsh*t on Walmart
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 7:22 p.m. EST by SavetheWorld
from Jersey City, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is a must watch for people who are protesting against Walmart. They interview even the maker of Walmart high cost of low price
'Adbusters' - "Taming the Walmart Bully - Nationwide walkout emboldens America's labor movement." : and / or - [alt link] .
Also, please note the date of this particular forum-post ! Prescient. much ?
Please avail the information on this long forgotten but important old post & -
respice, adspice, prospice !!!
As someone who has worked at Wal-Mart when I was younger, I can say this with ease
"Fuck Wal-Mart"
The wealth of the Waltons is an obvious example of exploiting workers for profit.
This should be watched.