Forum Post: Party politics: Do any of you bozos still fall for this circus?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 12:35 a.m. EST by Sample246
from Pell City, AL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So I think we can ALL agree that the latest "The whole world is a battlefield" is complete and utter bullshit. Well, check out the comments on the yahoo news article about it:
They've got you fighting amongst yourselves while they laugh all the way to the bank! I don't care if you hate Occupy Wall Street. This is a message to every single person, because you know what we all have in common? We can all feel pain and sadness. And I guaran-fucking-tee you that there is an immeasurable amount of pain and sadness in your future if you don't pull your head out of your ass and see what's happening in BROAD DAYLIGHT! NO MORE!
I'm sure you're also aware the the Department of Defense views protests as low level terrorism as well.
I've been thinking about moving to Canada.
The DOD co-opted all protesting years ago and keeps a database on all protesters. If you go to any kind of anti-war protest you will be photographed and spied on for eternity. This is because from the DOD point of view, if your not in support of the WAR, then you are the enemy. Contrary to myth you cannot 'root for the enemy', even though most of the time we will know that our enemy is a victim of USA rape&pillage for OIL.
It's funny since we're on this subject, but in my mind OWS is clearly PRO-WAR. Thus its probably NOT YET a concern for DOD, this is why DHS is in charge of everything. Perhaps you didn't know but I knew years ago the US economy would collapse post 2008 most people knew it was coming, this is why they created DHS. To protect the government from starving lunatic masses. But talking about DOD which YOU brought up, the DOD see's their loss of vietnam as a public relations failure with the US public, so they said "NEVER AGAIN", thus this is why for DOD the US public is the enemy.
You are correct sir. I'm trying to get my local group, Occupy Omaha, turned toward protesting the wars and the military spending bankrupting our country all the while tax payers dollars flood billions to many war profiteers.
I'm trying to get everyone to start doing sit-ins at the congressmen's offices. All of our congressmen voted for the trillions in war spending and all voted for the "patriot" act and the National Defense Authorization Act as well. As well as the Intelligence Authorization Act. And so many more fucked up things they shouldn't have voted for that violate the constitution.
I went to my congressmen's office today in regards to his vote on this bill. He wasn't there but I will be going in there once a week with more and more people demanding answers. Where are the sheriffs and the police to arrest these crooks that continue to violate the constitution?
I hate to tell you this, but most people are really, really, very stupid.
Unfortunately most of the posters here don't understand this. If they did the discussions would be centered on how to conduct a revolution. I guess its a bit like believing in Santa Clause, you just know if we vote for the right person this 'economic train wreck' will get solved.
Well said Sample246! We all have to forget our D's and R's. We need real transparency and real change. Our country is for sale every election. Money elects our representatives, not the people. The candidate who raises the most money wins, is then babied by lobbyists throughout their term, and is given a cozy job afterwords. We have no say. That's why they split the country into D's and R's. To give the illusion of power, and the illusion of hope. This is why we occupy, we see through that illusion.
My dog won't hunt... my cat will not purr... they don't pay me enough... they limit and censor...
People are going crazy these days. Everything is part of a plot of some system of mass domination. People have lost their trust and their values. Politicians think someone might just walk over and shoot them in the head (which they do), and everyone on the street thinks the opposite.
I don't get why everyone will rush to the support of a war veteran, but they think the whole military is plotting to control the country.
You're right. That was the point. No one is plotting. :)
Oh, because they pee on the floor means that they aren't plotting against us? What kind of fucked up logic is that?
They are simple folk. Plotting and spying requires work. The greatest achivement a government employee can have, is getting to work in the nap room or at home doing the homer simpson job.
Besides, I didn't say pee, I said they messed the floor. Don't take away from their other accomplishments on the floor, the toilet, the sink, the walls. Stealing other people's food from the refridgerator. Et cetera Et cetera.
Again, what kind of retarded logic is this? You honestly think the people in the government aren't clever and hard working? You can be the smartest, most evil fucker on the planet, and still shit the bathroom floor because in the end, nobody will ever know you did it. Just shut up now before you make yourself sound even more retarded.
If you're clever and hardworking, they just pile more work on you. And if you try to move up, you usually have to do a lot more too. You can even end up getting promoted, doing more work, and earning less! :P Yeah, there's not a lot of motivation to do anything. The trick is to end up doing nothing. :)
Than why do they argue and VETO each other?
Wake up you are not getting the Veto from the White House it is all a game.
It is all a drama to distract people with fear and desire. We must work together to create solutions based in love and respect.
So they go to work for 8 hours, cause a lot of drama to distract everyone, than spend the rest of their day conspiring with each other and how to make everything worse?
Wouldn't it make more sense that both Democrats and Republicans are Americans? And because of that, they act very similar?
Hell yea they do it is called "political absurd theater," pull up a chair grab some popcorn because at the end of the day they know exactly how something is going to turn out they planned it just like actors work from a planned script they do too.
Who is writing the script?
Why are hundreds of people just acting and following a scripted behaviour on Camera all day?
Who is this group that already knows what the future holds? What powers do they have?
Can't believe how ignorant some people are. Here's what happens:
Politicians put on a show for everyone, and in doing so, divide the country so that we bicker amongst ourselves over stupid shit. Have you noticed how people follow their favorite political party like it's a goddamn football team?
Then, when the day's "work" is done, they go home with all the money they've been bribed and live the high life, and/or devise more schemes to get a tighter, more tyrannical grip on America.
Oh shit, and that's just assuming these motherfuckers aren't just puppets.
Please badconduct. PLEASE tell me you aren't so pants-on-head retarded that you ACTUALLY think this economic crisis we are in is a natural fluctuation of the market and that the government ACTUALLY has our best interests in mind!
Just take a second, sir, and use the critical thinking skills that I KNOW you have and just take a fresh, unbiased look at how things are right now. Isn't it just a LITTLE BIT suspicious that our country is divided RIGHT down the center to the point of wanting to fight over it, while your government has countless secret meetings and other shit that the public knows nothing about, all while more and more legislation that the people DO NOT approve of gets passed, and the economy goes down the shitter while they and their bank friends get richer and richer? Does that not raise a red flag at ALL?
"Politicians put on a show for everyone, and in doing so, divide the country so that we bicker amongst ourselves over stupid shit. Have you noticed how people follow their favorite political party like it's a goddamn football team?"
False. Politicians do exactly what they are paid to do, discuss the law and push for the promises they promised to make. Yes, some people follow their political party like a football team, but they also recognize the individual players on the team, their differences and similarities and many of them actively participate by writing letters, or petitions and volunteering in the community to help out their local candidate.
"Then, when the day's "work" is done, they go home with all the money they've been bribed and live the high life, and/or devise more schemes to get a tighter, more tyrannical grip on America."
Their phone lines aren't tapped either? They live under the same laws that you do. How many Politicians get busted for stupid-shit all the time? Look at Cain. You can't say he was a pawn. Who is the puppet master if all these people, with well recorded backgrounds, including high school diplomas and college degrees, are all puppets?
"Isn't it just a LITTLE BIT suspicious that our country is divided RIGHT down the center to the point of wanting to fight over it"
Isn't it Ironic that Left and Right Paradigms correlated with the left and right hemispheres of our brain? Gee whiz. It's almost like it has always been this way in human history, and will always be this way unless we change our genetic coding.
"PLEASE tell me you aren't so pants-on-head retarded that you ACTUALLY think this economic crisis we are in is a natural fluctuation of the market and that the government ACTUALLY has our best interests in mind!"
Yes, actually, I do believe it exists.
In Europe, they have one currency. Because of the Greek and Italian governments were spending massive amounts on social programs, many of the countries are in a massive amount of debt that they cannot possibly pay back. They borrowed too much money, and they can't afford to repay it.
They are selling off the debt with interest right now to try and raise money to make payments and reduce the over all deficit. Than they need to make cuts to social programs because they can't afford it. Germany does not want to bail out all of these economies with their tax dollars, than have them pile up more debt and do it all over again.
We do not want to bail out the Euro, and we don't really want it to fail either. The Federal Reserve could print money and fix it, but that wouldn't really solve the problem of Governments from over spending. It's that over spending habit that gives Government an appearance of infinite power, but there's a limit.
The USD is still the primary currency. I don't think that will change, simply because the alternative, which is China, is a communist dictatorship and not a reliable base dollar.
China has a strong central government and doesn't let speculators control their game. I don't know a lot about China but I doubt that their banks are sucking their country dry like they are here. They have a huge population and the fastest growing economy of the major countries in the world. While we have tens of millions of wage slaves they have hundreds of millions. They produce everything. They don't have the mass confusion and faux democracy that we have and that makes their currency more reliable and stable. And China doesn't have to do things like bail out the Euro unless it would somehow be in their best interests. They don't have their dick in that race.
China is a communist country, their currency is state run, not private.
But their whole economy depends on exporting. If the United States can't afford to pay it's bills (many owed to China), their economy will sink with their #1 customer down.
Their currency isn't stable, that's not true. It's manipulated, and the United States often fights against it.
Their economy is slowing down -
China's offer to bail out Europe -
China Exports Dip -
They are purposely increasing the value of the Yuan to put pressure on the US Government to pay down it's debt. They don't want the Gov to default.
But look: That's a lot of countries that have defaulted on their debts. It's not the end of the world, it's actually very common.
The economy isn't going to collapse, it's impossible. It's a fiat currency.
Everyone is looking at this backwards. The internet and undeground media is telling us that the end is coming; meanwhile they are selling you all this stuff and making money off their "information". The economy isn't going to collapse, relax. The Government isn't trying to imprison you, there's no gain from it. They're trying to do their job, and it's getting stressful because of the pressure from the banks, who know what is going on and don't want to collapse, and the people who don't understand the situation and don't like bailing out private companies. The problem with the 99% is that they don't understand the financial consequences of allowing your private industry to completely collapse.
What is making the economy slow is that, because of bad loans, bad lending and bad credit ratings, it's becoming difficult to BORROW money. This is a problem because, I believe, 1/4 of Americans live off their credit cards right now. That's why central banks are adjusting interest rates, to encourage lending.
It's a credit crisis. We live above our means, and we should know that.
I don't have time to look through all that info right now but thanks for posting it. I agree with some of what you say but I don't think that China being Communist has as much of a negative impact on their economy as you think. It may for their private economy but I think that as long as they are growing at rates several times higher than we are their currency will continue to grow stronger. I'm not an expert on any of this though so I'm not making any solid claims here.
China isn't the glorious nation they appear to be, the city life is good, but their rural farm lands are still poverty stricken. The Government has long walked away from Mao's vision of equality. If anything, they have become more unequal. It's easy to find information on it.
They are pawns that are part of a system completely corrupted by corporate interests and money...some of them have been in congress or politics their whole it is ingrained in the way things operate.
Two choices is a false sense of choice...just like the false sense of security and the false sense of hope that beg us to rely upon some external authority or savior.
A little pessimistic there?
Of course they are ingrained. They have been in politics their whole life. It's their job :D They do that by choice, not by force. Do you want to be a politician and have everyone calling you corrupt or a pawn all your life, no matter what you do? Probably not.
There are plenty of other choices out there; the majority of them are either not experienced enough or financed enough to run the whole country, or they are some sort of extreme left or right wing. Take your pick from the list:
They are all registered, and you can apply for a position in any of them.
It's just one generation running the country. It's the way the Baby Boomers do things.
They'll all be dead in 40 years or less, than you will be responsible for making those decisions and controlling the security of the generation under you. And just like the Hippies protesting against Vietnam, your kids will protests against your decisions as well.
I'm not being pessimistic, I'm actually extremely optimistic. I believe in the people, I believe in our strength as individuals and collectively. I believe that we make the most profound changes by changing things in our own lives and state of being. I was simply saying it isn't about giving up this personal power to a false external source.
With light like this patrolling the forums.... we will see beauty eventually...Thx for being a source, not a seeker!
Your not "giving up" anything. The only threat to "freedom" is that, if you break the law, you may get busted sooner rather than later.
Half the population is freaking out at the Government for all the school shootings and not doing enough to prevent 9/11.
The other half is freaking out at them for taking away their freedoms and arresting and torturing people without warrants.
If they prevent all sorts of terrorist attacks, than no one seems to believe they were ever a threat. If they miss a terrorist attack and it does happen, everyone's going to be angry that they couldn't prevent it.
I can see exactly what is happening. None of my personal freedom has ever been threatened.
Are you actually suggesting that I have some kind of choice here? I mean, really dude. Use your fucking head. There IS no choice. Only the illusion of it. When has any other party ever even had a snowball's chance in hell of winning an election? I can only think of one time with the Bull Moose party, and look at what that did. It split one party down the middle so the other party had an easy landslide victory. Use your fucking head man. It's happening all around you! Let go of your current perception of what's going on because it's WRONG! You've been brainwashed!
Give it up Sample. You're never going to convince someone that's been effectively brainwashed for years. But don't group all of us together, there are plenty of people on this forum that know the left-right thing is an illusion, myself included. Don't insult the rest of us. And by the way, that link isn't even an image of this forum. You should have found a page on here that supports your argument. At least it would've help your cause a little more.
When has a political party had a nation-wide platform that actually covers issues the people are concerned about? Most of the political parties are specific to one issue. It's difficult to make a national party, especially without much understanding of law, taxation or the financial system. Most people just want something they have difficulty describing.
At one point in time the Democrats and Republicans weren't the only two parties. The last 200 years, yes. But that can change, assuming the political environment is right. Canada has changed a few parties recently.
I haven't been brainwashed. I've just "Waken Up" and realized that our whole culture and society is falling apart. People seem to think they are helpless and have no control.
Stop being such a coward. No one is going to imprison you, unless you're acting like an idiot.
Because they have to put on a good show to fool idiots like you! Oh my god how can you not see this!?!?
They spend 8 hours causing a scene? Are they trying to fool the whole planet as well?
I don't think so. I think you are a little paranoid. I'm pretty sure they legitimately disagree with each other. The Democrats don't want to cut away spending, and the Republics don't want to increase taxes.
I'm sure you agree with one group or the other. In this example above; the democrats want to VETO the defence bill because they disagree with detaining Al Qaeda without trial. I agree with that.
They are all friendly behind the scenes...look at Bush Sr & Clinton for example...always hanging out and being buddy buddy...
Of course. They all work together. I'm sure you argue with your co-workers all the time.
Ok, I'm going to stop asking if you are retarded because I KNOW you're retarded now. The senate is currently controlled by the democrats, and they passed the bill with over 90% agreement. Please tell me, badconduct, do YOU agree with this bill? Do you think it's right that they can detain your best friend or family member FOREVER because they might support something that undermines the efforts of the elite? If so, then why does our government ignore us? We DON'T want this bill. We want it GONE! But they pass it anyways. You can continue being fucked up the ass and begging for more, but you're gonna have to wake up sooner or later. I just hope it's not when they are marching you into a prison camp, because then, my friend, it will be too late.
My friends, family or neighbours won't be arrested, they aren't members of Al Qaeda. I won't be rounded up into a prison camp, I haven't done anything wrong. And if I was, I'd have no problem fighting back.
Oh look, he got set free. Now he is suing the Government for $27 million. I don't think it's right, hence why there are going to be law suits if they charge the wrong person.
But, what is the alternative? Just let the United States turn into Afghanistan, where car bombings and shootings are daily activities?
9/11 was an inside job. Urban Moving Systems Inc.