Forum Post: OWS Wins at Iowa Caucus! Urgent! Please Read!
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 12:01 p.m. EST by gsw
from Woodbridge Township, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Democrats/Independents: Be A Republican For A Day,
I WOULD URGE WRITE In, Possibly Rocky Anderson.
You need to show up at the proper precinct, based on your address. You can participate if you'll be 18 years old on Election Day of November 2012. If you're a registered Republican, your name should already be on the list. If not, you can register as a member of the party on the spot, regardless of your political affiliation.
The Republican Party of Iowa announced on December 29, 2011 that they will report vote totals for the following candidates:[82] Michele Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesota Herman Cain, business executive from Georgia Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House from Georgia Jon Huntsman, former Governor of Utah Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas Rick Perry, Governor from Texas Buddy Roemer, former Governor from Louisiana Mitt Romney, former Governor from Massachusetts Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania as well as the following two categories: No Preference Other,_2012
Excellent information.
Another Write-In in the Democratic caucuses would be elizabeth Warren and/or Russ Feingold for president.
Wall Street hates and fears Elizabeth Warren. A good show of Write-In support for her versus Obama would send a strong message to the Democrats that Americans want some real change rather than Obama's bullshit.
I don't know if the Iowa caucuses are involved in the congressional races but if they are here is a list of current members of Congress who voted, in 1999, for the repeal of Glass-Steagall.
Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]
Rep. Latham, Tom [R-IA-4]
Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA]
A compilation of current members of Congress who voted, in 1999, for the repeal of Glass-Steagall:
The Congress That Crashed America
Wow, thanks for type about Rocky. Never heard of him before this post and like some Wiki info I read very much. Cheers for sharing!
I'm in LV, NV and our caucus is coming up toot sweet. I'll take this with me when I go.
It is a great idea
throw them repelicans for a loop!
Yea cause the dumbocrats are so much better? Get of your acid trip already wolf, Leary was not your friend.
He pointed out REPUGS specificly, so.......... Who is Rocky Anderson? Funny how you expect anyone to vote for this mystery guy. Ill stick with Ron PauI!!!!
Yes for those that understand the knowledge, ill remind you that socialism is a failure. I understand you support what Obama ran under, i did not. You will keep getting sold down the river, i will not.
A cut n paste to Wikipedia was too much for this Ron Pauly.
I figured he was a libtard i was right. He is Dumbocrat party 2.0 just for those that stopped publicly supporting Obama.
You should watch the 60 Minutes interview with Eric Cantor
The repelicans are intent on sabotage of everything. I am seriously temped to leave the Occupy Movement and begin providing my own solutions.
the fucking scumbags got it coming
Do you just ignore everything that does not fit your view? Remember our conversation yesterday about NDAA 2012? Ill remind you that all but 7 congress men did not sign and the majority that signed were DUMBOCRATS, not that it matters cause almost as many REPUGS signed. Oh yea, Ron PauI was one of those 7 that did not sign!!!
I just ignore fools like you
have you even read any part of that bill? Probably not.
Hey dumb ass your still talking to me hence not ignoring, but you double speak and think idiots wouldn't get that. Remember yesterday you got made at me and said you would not look into my claims about the bill? I know it is hard to talk to real adults old kid but ignoring facts does not make it not real. I have read many parts of the bill but i know you have not you claimed yesterday you can't even view open congress.
that was salon,
and I have read sections 1031 and 1032 of the Senate version - 1031 happened to have been stashed somewhere around 1025 in the online version.
and I repeat:
The President's statement sounded fairly clear on that bill
Levin / McCain wrote it - and it's a budget bill - which means it kinda had to get passed - it's one of the tricks of Congress - attach bullshit to the bills you know must pass
And I would point out that the whole confusion over whether terrorists are criminals or Prisoners of War dates back to bushite
The President has been attempting to address that issue - and Congress has stalled him - as have those who were screaming about the cost of trials in NYC
You just don't understand how this complex machine actually works
Obama ordered Americans to be included in the bill. Also i am not a bush fan. Are you sure your not frying now? Let me point out i spotted your stealth Obama support before you admitted to it. You are not nearly as smart as you think you are.
I don't you-tube
are you sure you aren't a repelican intent on privatization of every single function of government?
Nice argument, I am almost positive you are mentally handicapped or a fed ether one are about the same. So i guess you have nothing to argue? The problem is you are playing this game with out a full deck of cards. If you don't have access to information everyone else has how can you possibly claim to be right?
i do not understand how one person can be so completely stupid
yeah- that means you Ld
Yea, I am the stupid one! Post that picture of your acid fried post Manson following face again. You think Obama signed NDAA 2012 to help you, and i am the dumb one. Oh no i forgot "it was a political decision to make them look good for election". Take another tab and move back to the Zendik farm.
I don't do drugs, thanx
The President's statement sounded fairly clear on that bill
Levin / McCain wrote it - and it's a budget bill - which means it kinda had to get passed - it's one of the tricks of Congress - attach bullshit to the bills you know must pass
And I would point out that the whole confusion over whether terrorists are criminals or Prisoners of War dates back to bushite
The President has been attempting to address that issue - and Congress has stalled him - as have those who were screaming about the cost of trials in NYC
You just don't understand how this complex machine actually works
Are you mentally handicapped or are you a fed? Signing statements do not affect the bill. A signing statement is a written pronouncement issued by the President of the United States upon the signing of a bill into law. They are "usually" printed along with the bill in United States Code Congressional and Administrative News. The reason they say usually is they have no affect. BTY Obama ordered the words to include Americans.