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Forum Post: OWS using tactics from a backward Arab country?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 5:57 p.m. EST by Karl99 (63)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

'We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.' That statement is on the front page of this web site. Doesn't OWS realize that 'Arab Spring' happened in backward despotic countries. The USA is an advanced democracy, if one wants change here in the USA, there are ways to that within our system of government. There is no need to crap in the streets(excuse my language) and bully our citizens and police to achieve political goals. Take a look at Arab spring now anyway, it is a bloody mess, i certainly wouldn't look to a bunch of crazy muslim/arabs for any ideas on how to run a country, would you?



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[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

Backward ?

scalding the arab scarab left a scare on secondary simpletons

[-] 2 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

If these 'backwards' countries are so ineffective how did they manage to throw out their president of a repressive regime?

And what other suggestions do you have to go about changing they system in better ways?

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

They didn't throw out their President. They threw out a dictator. And, did that fix anything?

[-] 1 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

From wikipedia, (and not in any way in dispute, to my knowledge)

"Mubarak was appointed Vice President of Egypt in 1975, and assumed the presidency on 14 October 1981,"

As for did it fix anything, it did put things on hold for awhile, and was a type of progress, and one i might add, that no one ever saw coming or expected to happen really.

Did it solve everything? Obviously not. I'm not sure anyone had those expectations to begin with. History is still in the air, meaning we are seeing right now how it is playing out, for better or worse.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

The army has been running Egypt for decades. Still are.

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

Out of the frying pan into the fire. Look at Egypt. Why don't you go there with a t-shirt that says 'I love Christians and Jews', see how long you last.

[-] 1 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

and that is a terrible idea for a t-shirt by the way lol. Anyone with any fashion sense whatsoever would not wear such a thing. Unless it written in graffiti art or something. Whatever i kid.

[-] 1 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

and that is a terrible idea for a t-shirt by the way lol. Anyone with any fashion sense whatsoever would not wear such a thing. Unless it written in graffiti art or something.

[-] 1 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

It is a different culture. That doesn't mean because it does not adhere to your definition of what a free country is, it is somehow less than, does not follow to my logic. You are dealing with all sorts of religious, culutural, sociological things now, not necessarily government. That t-shirt example does not really seem relevant to me.

[-] 1 points by brie (3) from Toms River, NJ 13 years ago

I like how somebody posted a quote from wikipedia, because God knows they are the trusted source in research. Ummm, yeah, according to your own citation, Mubarak was appointed, not elected Vice President. Oh, and by the way, Hitler was also elected by his people.



[-] 1 points by humanprogress (55) 13 years ago

It's arrogant to think that there is nothing to learn from countries other that those so-called advanced societies like the US. That is one of the major problems in this planet that separates us.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

It's child-like and naive to think that any two political situations can be compared, especially if they have historical contexts which differ greatly.

[-] -1 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

You probably believe that the US is bad and third world people have some magical and superior culture. Why don't you go live in the third world, see how great it is. Please email me between your bouts of diarrhea, power outages, and starvation. Citizens of countries developed from the rise of Western civilization and Christianity should be proud; not apologetic and weak like you.

[-] 1 points by LarryBudMelman (55) from New York, NY 13 years ago

They already used the tactic of using human shields when they had their Family Day. Bringing in children on a day said to be an eviction day was a "great" idea reminiscent of a middle-east conflict.


[-] 1 points by bigbangbilly (594) 13 years ago

That was what Ayn Rand thought about the middle east. I am not a Randist.

[-] 1 points by packetStorm (128) 13 years ago

This might help you out ... this is the influnence ...

"How to cook a pacific #revolution."


[-] 0 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

That looks like a great thing for Spain.

this isn't Spain

[-] 1 points by packetStorm (128) 13 years ago

It was a Spaniard from 16 Beaver ... that NYCGA spawned from.

[-] 0 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

no surprise there.

when will the realization hit? when will the people of OWS realize they had been brainwashed by a man who was bent on the destruction of America?

It must be horrifying to know you fell for his hope and change speaches, worse to realize you were told in time but wouldn't listen, that you were Warned. all the warning signs you ignored.

You put this Anti-American in office and now that he is achieving his goals he simply blames us. yes I said us because You and I are corporations.
we make businesses. People are the 99%, People are the corporations your Messiah has been against since his Islamic radical masters funded his election, bought his seat in the senate.

NOW he blames this country for his doings and you Mindlessly continue to follow.

when will it truly end? tell me it wont be the total destruction of the greatest nation on the planet.

seriously? wake the hell up

[-] 1 points by packetStorm (128) 13 years ago

Why do so many people blindly follow the false two party dichotomy?

Democrats and Republicans ... are cut from the same cloth. They march to the same drummer. They are owned by the same bankers.

OWS ... is not Obama. And the General Assembly is the reason.

OWS has no leaders ... has no hierarchy ... by design.

OWS is co-opt resistant.

[-] 0 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

so. he let you down so bad you've totally given up on the system the rest of the world envys? including your Spain.

Spain btw has been a model of corruption for decades at least. I can understand why they have done what they have there. and I wish them the best

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Obama loves OWS because it keeps attention from what he is doing. Why else would he listen to a 45 minute protest song calling for violence and murder while many heads of state from other countries were there? The idiot performing the song tweeted a warning is okay. Warning? Threat of violence and death is more to the point. OWS gets worse every day.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly. There is a great lesson to be learned from Arab Spring. It must be lauded for what it is but as you state, they are way behind the US when it comes to voting and representation. The biggest lesson is that if you study recent history you'll see that Mubarak was an army guy who pushed his way to the top. When he was ousted, the same army that reacted to Tahrir Sq. uprising saw that they had to discard a figure that would appease the rising mob. The army is still in charge. Period. OWS is a hundred light years ahead just for being in America.


[-] 0 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

There's plenty of need to bully our citizens and police--you're living proof. Have a great day, retard...

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

Vooter, get out of your Mommy's basement and get a job.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"i certainly wouldn't look to a bunch of crazy muslim/arabs for any ideas on how to run a country, would you?"


[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

Tiquaise, is that all you've got, punk, islamophobe? Why don't you go live in one of those wonderful Arab Spring countries? Maybe you can sing 'Springtime for HItler' (from the movie ,' The Producers' ) while you are there.

[-] -1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"Karl99", YOU are the racist and the islamophobe, Adolf would love you, why don't YOU break out in song since 'Springtime for HItler' is on your mind???

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

what is it with the liberial left, they just love Islam and muslims. Strange combination; if you take progressive left wing ideology in the best light, it is the opposite of what Islam teaches. Oh well that why they say liberalism is a mental disorder.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Yeah, why were you thinking of "Springtime for Hitler"?

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

Do i need to explain everything to you Quebec? Arab Spring = Muslim Brotherhood = Anti-Semitic = Hitler.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

That seems like an extremely simpleminded line of thought. Wait, I'll check my computer's analytical engine and see what it makes of it.... Hmmm.... Yes... It would seem the computer agrees with my a priori assumption. Your reasoning was qualified as: simpleminded, predictable, uncreative, unsurprising, foreseen, unadorned, basic, unsophisticated, plain, boring, unembellished...

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

You are so funny. What software are you running that has a analytical engine? Talk about simple minded.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I have a localized version of Wolfram/Alpha. I made some custom modifications for automated logical and reasoning analysis. I'm working on this project for my PH.D.

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

I understand. You use Wolfram/Alpha to analyze a silly forum from OWS, instead of using your brain. Good luck with your PH.D.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"Liberalism is a mental disorder", writes Karl99.

WOW! What a pearl of wisdom! I shall have to add it to my "Compendium of Trollosophy".

THANK YOU for your valuable contribution!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

Tiouaise, you are welcome, i'm always happy to help the disadvantaged.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Same here!!! Someday I'll make you a star...

In fact, I just added your pearl of wisdom right here :


If you have any more material of that quality, don't be selfish, please send me a copy ASAP. :o)

[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 13 years ago

Tiouise, i think you are missing the 'h' as in 'http' not 'ttp'. Again, i'm happy to help the disadvantaged.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

That's right, the "h" was missing. Now you can find your immortal quptation :


[-] -1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

It just shows how delusional the left really is. Like they can openly and proudly admit they are following an Arab movement and the whole nation will sing and dance.