Forum Post: Officially a violent movement.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 8:33 p.m. EST by angelofmercy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy Oakland Protester admits bottles were thrown at Police BEFORE police responded!
SO it's perfectly fine to throw bottles and rocks at people? NO! Not even if they have riot gear on.
Shame on them , and shame on you people that support them.
There are videos on youtube of the supposed incident earlier in the day where some bottles are shown being thrown, but the video starts out with an officer jabbing at protestors holding a sign:
Also, when police arrive in full riot gear to disband a peaceful protest, using the occupation of a space with tents at their free speech, some people are likely to get scared, agitated, and potentially violent. The police tactics are inciteful. Other Occupy's like the one in Albany, have had police go against an order to remove the protestors, understanding that fringe elements being confronted by riot gear police are just asking for, wait for it... A RIOT! So they decided instead to allow the peaceful protests, and provide normal police support of the people against any crimes:!-OccupyAlbany-OccupyWallSt-
The main complaints I heard was that the park was dirty or not clean, so instead of showing up with riot geared police, why don't they provide some portable toilets and cleaning supplies..
Why are you so against the right to peacefully protest in this supposedly free country of America?? Shame on YOU.
You need to look up the word peaceful.
Did you even acknowledge all the research I did for you, that you could have done yourself, showing its ambiguous whether police or protesters started things- but it doesn't matter because police showing up in full riot gear are aggressively prompting a riot- something the Albany police understood quite well.
Don't bother angelofmercy with facts. Her/his mind is made up already.
Did you look up the word peaceful?
Yes and it certainly isn't shooting a twice Iraq-deployed Marine standing for peace in his country getting shot in the head by a rubber bullet and obtaining a fractured skull and brain swelling just to have a flash bang thrown as protesters try to help him..
What is it exactly that you are defending here?
There is nothing peaceful about a bunch of people yelling at the tops of the lungs , beating on drums, and using bull horns, while blocking traffic is there ?
Peaceful-Free from disturbance; tranquil.
People everyday assemble peacefully. At a church , at a wedding , class reunion , prom , a seminar , a conference , city hall mettings , town hall meetings , a game indoor , or out. Fundraisers for diseases , marathon. Scheduling time in a public park , for a birthday party.
hear hear! don't feed the Troll!
While I do understand not wanting to feed the troll, I think it is very important to provide reasoned arguments and sources in an orderly debate to provide important information.
If someone new to the movement saw this post and the video provided and made up their mind that this was a violent protest, that person would not be likely to ever join the movement.
I am realizing that this is an information war. People come to this site who are inquiring into the movement, so supplying reasoned arguments and facts to disprove the rhetoric is incredibly important.
This is the front line.. the other battles are going to be in face to face discussions with your family, friends, neighbors, and strangers
Well said. I try to reason with the trolls too,. just to show how silly they are,. but they never actually debate,. just insults and nonsense. like "Did you look up the word peaceful?" wow deep.
I just wish we could build an army of intelligent and calm debaters to clear the air and shine a light on information and sources of importance, but sadly most of us actually do have jobs, volunteering, school, friends, and lives!
We can make spreading light a part of our lives! I will if you do. can;t say I will remain calm,. much of the stupidity is frustrating,. but I do try.
So where is that video of it??? Cops have more cameras than the activists!,. and yet no video of people throwing anything other than tear-gas back at the police line after the cops started firing that sht. Remember this is after the cops destoyed all the property in the occupation,. and took it away,. .
some say that American Indians at Wounded Knee - also provoked the U.S. Army. How dare they? Those violent violent people. The Army of course just responded in self defense and massacred those violent violent Indians.
The Police are the Bad Guys plain and simple. Their needs to be a Creative Deterrent that's not Violent.
anyone throwing bottles or rocks-must be apprehended by the protesters
and turned over to the police for prosecution.
they will never be arrested as they are usually "police" dress as protesters.
Yeah , like a protester is gonna turn over another protester to the police. Look at the comments all in this forum. When people see the police as pigs , or evil , you really think that is going to happen ?
when they realize that the person throwing rocks , is really a cop. sent to make there protest violent- yes they will.
John Adams said, "we are a nation of laws, not men," and he was committed to insuring that everyone received equal treatment before the law. But Adams would agreed that when the law becomes so corrupted as to deprive you of your unconditional freedom- when men stand above the law, then violence may become necessary. When men stand above the law, unconditional freedom can only be regained either in exile or revolt. When the American colonies felt the oppression of the crown on their liberty (which all of the founding fathers EXCEPT ADAMS equated with property), they chose revolution. Today we are facing another crisis where freedom is equated with property. Violence is to be expected.
ya, in your dreams troll
Injured vet Scott Olson's roommate speaks out
Looks like the Mayor of Oakland has changed her position and the cities protest handling policies
If you look at her it doesnt even look as if she would have been hearing the same questions, but if that were scripted too look a certain way for the media that is the exact way that the script would have been written!!! Shame on any one who sits back and allows their nation to be taken over by money and power hungry politicians!!!
You know, what do you expect? If you throw rocks at the police, they are probably gonna respond in such a fashion. When I was little I knew that if I started a fight with the kid who carried a knife, I might end up getting stabbed. I bet there are some oakland occupiers who were spoiling for a fight just as badly, if not more so, than the cops.
I wish I could give you more points then one. :)
the police are pigs!
yeah, shes lying. check the body language.
OWS in any case is occupy wall street, not occupy oakland, one rogue occupy does not make the movement violent, even assuming its true, which it almost certainly isn't.
the pigs were in riot gear and when pigs get into riot gear they ain't going to go home until they riot. until somebody posts a video of somebody throwing stuff at pigs, its hearsay- and suspicious hearsay at that given the lack of evidence.
shame on you for trolling .
lol Trolling ? No this was in the news .
You just mad because some people made OWS look bad. Ops I should say " The Movement" that is suppose to be non violent.
being in the news does not make it post worthy. your take on it proves you are trolling.
making occupy oakland look bad. you construing it to be OWS is ANOTHER proof you are trolling.
Just for you I changed the title , that better ? :)
"angelofmercy" ain't NO ANGEL...
Just like "Tednugent", "OccupyEverything", "brianobx", "canalSt", "HilscherBanned", "blkflg", "Badhornet', "americanfreedom69", "uslynx81", "therealdeal2011", "1percenter4life", "superspiff", "suwata", "sudoname", "hahaha", "Momcalled", "justfactsallowed", "ArrestAllCEOS", "AntiCorp", "MikeyD", "MovingTwoChina", "DukeNukem299", "dukeNukem347", "Moving12China", "MovingToReelection" and "Rob", "angelofmercy" was outed as a TROLL ages ago...
To understand WHAT MAKES A TROLL TICK - AND have a chuckle while you're at it - go to:
Ohh I made a list. Wahoo !
Yeah.... You can brag about that to your grand-children : "While the OWS patriots were birthing a New America, I was doing my utmost to distract, disrupt and destroy the Movement... and getting PAID for it!"