Forum Post: OWS is less than 10% of population, we need the other 89%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 11:15 a.m. EST by Bernie
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How do we get the 89% on our side? With a simple message everyone can support. Do not confuse the issue with a lot of demands. Use just one demand that all 99% can get behind that will start correcting all the injustices. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS.
PS Please do not let this movement disappear without making a difference!
I want ONE thing from this movement. I WANT MY GOVERNMENT BACK !
As long as we INSIST on debating our minor differences, liberal vs conservative, we will break into FACTIONS with NO POWER ... JUST the way the STATUS QUO desires ! Once we have TAKEN BACK our Government we can use UNCORRUPTED Democracy to settle our other MINOR differences !
For background, see my post at and a proposal at .
TAKING BACK OUR GOVERNMENT is a message that ALL Americans can support. We all KNOW how corrupted things have become.
Working TOGETHER, both liberals and conservatives, we can DO THIS.
I agree getting our government back is the goal. But on a practical basis you cannot form that concept into a bill that becomes law. We can form a legislative bill that can get money out of politics and if done right can correct many of the injustices that will get out government back.
I agree with everything you said, but how do we do it? How do we get the 89% to wake up and help us? I say, if we can get money out of our politics we have a chance to clean up many injustices in OUR government. It is a simple message to the 89% that they understand and the vast majority agree with the premise.
Yep - and sadly, Wall Street isn't the place to make that change. It's your state legislature and your Congressional representatives. These people want our votes. We need to attend every town hall, every news conference, every public gathering these people hold and make our voices heard.
Bankers...don' Neither do CEOs. They are in the business of making money.
But, for instance, Tan Parker, my local state rep, cares a LOT about getting re-elected. So do my federal level reps. Those are the people I can actually get some form of face time with. Those are the people who will either listen to us or not get re-elected. If you don't like your candidate, find another one. Have your local Occupy Group form a search committee to try to find alternatives.
Bona Fide below is right - this can't be about which party you affiliate with, either. This has got to be about issues, not parties. We need to DEMAND honesty instead of just buying into the whole dog and pony show all over again.
I agree!! MOOP Money out of Politics
I can stand behind that - Get money out of politics
Try chanting something like, "by the people, for the people." or " people are the RULE, the government is here to SERVE" One simple demand would be, 'provide transparency and information on all political issues while providing the means with which every citizen votes on these issues. This can be an alternative to allowing politicians free reign to make decisions without majority approval.'
Nearly 200 companies and special interests have registered to lobby the 12-member congressional supercommittee. Guess how much money is going to flow into their individual campaign funds!! Guess how they will vote!! The system on how we elect our Representatives is broken and corrupt.
Suggestion: No campaign or political funds of any kind from/or to private, union, corporate or individuals. Only Federal general funds can be used to run campaigns.
We must get money out of politics
Brilliant suggestion Bernie! This needs to be stopped now before it goes any further!
I do agree with this "get money out of politics" is even something my grandmother can get behind. somethime I even read some peoples ideas and think they are a little crazy.
I do agree with this "get money out of politics" is even something my grandmother can get behind. somethime I even read some peoples ideas and think they are a little crazy.
I do agree with this "get money out of politics" is even something my grandmother can get behind. somethime I even read some peoples ideas and think they are a little crazy.
I do agree with this "get money out of politics" is even something my grandmother can get behind. somethime I even read some peoples ideas and think they are a little crazy.
Good, we need your grandmother! (:
Those 89% would surely join us if they knew the awful truth about the deceptive Federal Reserve - which is actually a privately owned and controlled corporate cartel of banksters – who have been exploiting our nation since 1913.
For the OWS movement to really succeed and expand, it must educate the American people about and the so-called FED, its unconstitutional origins and nefarious criminal history - and how it has stolen OUR HARD-EARNED MONEY from the US Treasury and used it to control our economy and foreign policies.
That current 89% would be motivated if they knew how the FED is still picking their pockets like theives, and leaving them poorer and poorer while they get obscenely richer and richer.
I’d like to see and hear more OWS protestors speak and publicize these facts while carrying banners, signs, talking to the media, or blogging Eg: “MASTERS OF DECEIT -THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKSTERS”
Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dead. —Aristotle, 384–322 B.C.
WATCH How the Federal Reserve Banking System began
How a cleverly devised banking system robs the average person of the right to a decent life while providing enormous wealth for its corporate owners and stockholders
This is a must see. G. Edward Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" and other books and materials, , interviews Norm Dodd, who shares inside information about the hidden agenda for world goverenment. If you are interested in this subject, you might also be interested in Ben Gradon on Parents United in Responsibility for Education - , and Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt -
AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism – a film by Aaron Russo - FULL LENGTH
Who was Aaron Russo?
Aaron Russo's Last Message To Humanity
WHAT YOU CAN DO PETITION TO Abolish the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Never doubt the power of a group of committed people to change the world. That's about the only way it has ever happened in the past
Winners never quit and quitters never win!
Actually we don't need all those people. Most folks aren't paying much attention and will go where they're led.
Do you think the 89% are following OWS now?
You are infiltrated by Communists, Marxists, Socialists and anarachists. You will NEVER Get REAL AMERICA on your side.
Those 80% would surely come if they knew the truth about the deceptive name of the Federal Reserve - which is actually a privately owned and controlled corporate cartel of banksters – who have been exploiting our nation since 1913.
For the OWS movement to really succeed and expand, it must educate the American people about the so-called FED, its unconstitutional origins and nefarious criminal history.
I’d like to see and hear OWS protestors speak and publicize these facts while carrying banners, signs, talking to the media, or blogging Eg: “MASTERS OF DECEIT -THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKSTERS”
What can we do? Check the following links, EDUCATE YOURSELF! Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dead. —Aristotle, 384–322 B.C. Decide what to publicize WATCH How the Federal Reserve Banking System began
How a cleverly devised banking system robs the average person of the right to a decent life while providing enormous wealth for its corporate owners and stockholders
This is a must see. G. Edward Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" and other books and materials, , interviews Norm Dodd, who shares inside information about the hidden agenda for world goverenment. If you are interested in this subject, you might also be interested in Ben Gradon on Parents United in Responsibility for Education - , and Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt -
AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism – a film by Aaron Russo - FULL LENGTH
Who was Aaron Russo?
Aaron Russo's Last Message To Humanity
WHAT YOU CAN DO PETITION TO Abolish the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Never doubt the power of a group of committed people to change the world. That's about the only way it has ever happened in the past
Winners never quit and quitters never win!
Good post, but too complicated for the 89%. We need a simple message. MOOP Money out of Politics!
Incentives. incentives direct the people and instead of wealth/greed as the incentive, well being the out come. and well being is health for your loved ones and the planet. I dont need wealth, i just need peace of mind. Make desire for greed payouts a crime, like a lose of peace of mind, and make a traders who just made lots of money that will be used to feed 100,000 hungry in a days work, gets on the cover of time. The furture of no more gdp but of wellness and peace of mind thru INCENTIVES.
a clear path of what we need to do and what it will look like when we have accomplished those things like raising the money by taxing corporations/ banks/wallsf and the 1% as of NOW {dramatized thru massive protests and big civil disobedience} start building infrastructure for wind and solar. MONEY stopped immediately INTO GOVENMENT.
How do you do that? You must first pass a law that states no Federal Representatives will receive any form of money from private, corporate, union or individual sources. Once you cut off the source of corruption we can elect people who will make laws to correct the injustices you site.
Yes! But how do we get there? We need one solid demand that resonated with the 89%. We can then turn that one demand into solid legislative initiatives that will make a difference. MOOP Money out of Politics!
Here is my suggestion to MOOP that will garner support with the masses.
OWS needs a list of desired changes. If enough people get behind an idea, the politicians will support it also. They want to win!
OWS needs a list of desired changes. If enough people get behind an idea, the politicians will support it also. They want to win!
Too many demands will cause chaos. Keep it simple. What one demand has the potential to reach all our goals? If we can keep the 1% from stuffing the pockets of our Representatives, they might actually listen to us! MOOP Money out of Politics.
A very good start; but, doing only that does not solve the many problems with the system. I have a partial list at
the future we need must be simplifed so everyone can see. perhaps not lists but a clear view of what need to be done
The other 89% are taking control in their day to day lives by making different lifestyle choices. Stop listening to advertising, stop buying crap you don't need, and start educating yourself in ways that will actually improve your life. Educating yourself about the newest politician or bill or conspiracy theory will not improve your life. Reading a book about growing food, producing your own power, or managing money might. Try it!
What! Why not chop wood to keep yourself warm. If you can't afford a car, get a bike. You are buying into the 1% message. You are giving up and letting the 1% control your life.
I have chopped wood to keep warm. It is fun and rewarding exercise when you have the freedom to choose to do it. Biking is also a sport I participate in as much as possible. I've yet to hear a commercial to convince people to chop their own wood or to buy a bike versus a car. I believe it is you my friend who is letting the 1% control you by making you think modern heating and air and a suv are the only solutions to your life's challenges; commercials for these items are hard to avoid, btw.
Nearly 200 companies and special interests have registered to lobby the 12-member congressional supercommittee. Guess how much money is going to flow into their individual campaign funds!! Guess how they will vote!! The system on how we elect our Representatives is broken and corrupt.
Suggestion: No campaign or political funds of any kind from/or to private, union, corporate or individuals. Only Federal general funds can be used to run campaigns.
We must get money out of politics
Great Post. You are right! We need a simple message. MOOP Money out of Politics
A lot of polls show over 50% support OWS, but more needs to get out and protest though.
You will lose support fast when twenty demands are made. We have to keep it simple. One Demand. MOOP. Money out of Politics
The other 89% are playing cards with 1% So you are alone there till winter freeze you
BANNED FROM FACEBOOK!!! Im having a problem logging onto Facebook. Seems odd that Facebook was used as a crucial tool in the middle east to organize people to stand up for their rights and overthrow their
dictators. Funny how now that protestors are gathering at Wall Street and around the world to demand Justice for plummitting the world economy into chaos that many people are having
trouble logging on to facebook...this same senario happened in Iran when people starting organizing against their government. Seems to me that Facebook has been taken over by the.01% to
prevent the 99% from organizing. The 99% must organize before Occupy Wall street becomes a faded memory... organize your groups around the world...elect leaders to stand together
world wide. DO NOT GIVE IN!!!... DO NOT GIVE UP!! It is time to take our countries back from the greedy and corrupt. For those of you who still have access to Facebook it is your
duty to spread the word.
Please post this on your facebook profile and forward this email.
No it's better to get in the face of every white man and scream at him how he is responsible for all that is wrong in the world, especially the out or work ones in middle America. Then go to his local mall or football stadium and chant things like "Free the Immigrants" "Give me free Money" and "Free Mumia" in his childrens' face till they start crying. The way this "movement" is acting we will soon be on par with the Westboro Baptist Church.
Heres one: Occupy Wall Street: A Movement for Democrats and Republicans Against Government Corruption with the Same political ideology: Freedom, Liberty, and the fight for REAL economic freedom.
--I think its also important to stress that this is not and should not be a movement with political ideologies, but rather a movement that really benefits everyone. However, the hardest part is to get everyone to understand that this movement is for them, and does not have political ideals, but rather the ideal of a common notion that everyone can relate to.. REAL CHANGE, not Obama change.
According to a NYT/CBS poll, 2/3 of Americans think that wealth should be more evenly distributed, around 2/3 support raising taxes on millionaires, 7/10 Americans believe that the policies of Congressional Republicans favor the rich and 2/3 object to tax cuts for corporations. Let the opinions of the American people speak for themselves. Are the American people crying out that we embrace Ayn Rand and endorse Ron Lawl or can we admit to ourselves that the Americans are no longer buying into the be happy with what you have and do more with less horse sh-t? [grin]
Right,our Representatives are not going to listen to the 2/3 until they are not being paid by the 1%.
Bernie, Speaking of Bernie, Senator Bernie Sanders has been hammering your point home. I think that it is a great point. Getting the critical mass, the support in Congress, is the only thing; to bring about a Constitutional Amendment. (unfortunately necessary, due to Scalia and the gang) If we could focus the vast majority of the American people on that one issue, well, maybe. S! MJ
I agree. I also think Bernie Sanders is a great Senator. Lets see if we can continue to push for the simple demand that we can get the 89% behind, get money out of politics!
Complete agreement with you on Senator Sanders. I think that Senator Sanders is great, too. Well, I think we have the will of the people, moving our way. If we listen carefully tot he American people, I think we will be pleasantly surprised. Already, almost half of Americans seem to agree with the spirit of the OWS protest. When pushed to take a stand on issues, the vast majority of Americans seem to stand behind issues, OWS protestors also seem to be behind. We may be getting in sync with the other 89% sooner, than later. Then again, polls and a Metrocard...[giggle]
that message alone is not enough. any kind of demand is failing to take responisbility and making the game error of imagining that the elites give a fook about our demands.
without actual work on every single issue, not just your pet issue but every issue across the board, and without depth details on each of them, the movement will fail.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
If you think you are going to get the 89% to read what you just wrote me, good luck! We must simplify the message. Getting money out of politics will resonate and will also solve the injustice.
nope, i think that one percent will get it, i think that irregardless of whether or not most people will get it is the required factual truth needed in this situation, and so i refuse to be double binded by peoples dumble down and intentional ignorance. i provide a service, if you can't use that service because of your choice to have a short attention span- thats your problem. I still have to do the work- either way and in any case.
getting money out of politics won't solve the problem if the oligarchs remain in power. just to start.
How do you get the protesters though the snow and winter ? ... and i think 99% of the people would support a call for "Accountability" from the mortgage fraudsters
The only way we will get "accountability for mortgage fraudsters" is to elect law makers that will send them to jail. The only way to do that is to get money out of politics so that our Representatives listen to the 99% not to the lobbyists handing them money.
Ya I know I think we all relize that the politians work for the oligarchs
Yeah...because WE keep voting them in. If your current rep (state or Federal) has not done the job you think they should have, then this is your chance to change things up. They are comfortable. They don't see any reason to change things. And frankly, just blaming mortgage brokers or banks, etc and not placing a large amount of the blame at the doors of people we VOTE into positions who then prove to be corrupt and susceptible to bribery is like sending the hit man to jail while the mob boss goes free.
So who to vote for that's not democrat or republican ... Cause they are both in on it ... That's the problem with elections ... We are told vote for the lesser of two evils ... I rather not vote or vote for a third party
I agree,with many of the posters who recomend focusing on some specific, acheivable political goals. Take advantage of the attention to change public policy in favor of the 89% and they will get on board.... Otherwise, there will be no change and supporters will just become targets for the existing political machine to silence...
I agree.
If this is the demand I am in. That should be the top priority.
I agree completely.The park occupation has been a tremendous catylist,but it does not a MOVEMENT make.It can grow into that movement,but only iof you nurture it. Real coaltions must be pulled together- to include the 99 %.You brave souls in Zucotti are the OTHER !%.We need to work together to build a real movement icl.the other 98%.