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Forum Post: OWS is controlled by the 1%, do not be fooled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 3:31 p.m. EST by JOEJOE (32)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


Do Not Donate to OWS.

Do Not Donate to OWS.

Do Not Donate to OWS.

Do Not Donate to OWS.



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago

I cannot emphasize enough, please do not donate to OWS.

[-] 2 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago

So, how do we know this isn't One Percent propaganda to steer us away from OWS?

By checking the facts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago

oh my

[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago

oh my

[-] 1 points by daverao (124) 12 years ago

OWS is being controlled by 1% , politicians and union leaders ( I used to blame union but now I think it is their leaders. I support the OWS once the influential groups are out.

[-] 1 points by Frankie (733) 12 years ago

Interesting... The wife of the UN rep for Ecuador is the one who registered 15OCTOBER.NET. A site which was promoting the "spontaneous" global protest that "grew out of" OWS (at least as the media tells it) which was registered in July within days of this site being registered by Kalle Lasn/Adbusters.

What a conicidence. ; )

[-] 1 points by randart (498) 12 years ago

This is just the beginning. It is the time when people have had enough and can't take it anymore. If it doesn't happen now it would have happened soon and it might just resemble the French Revolution. It will happen and it has to happen. If you are a troll set to this task by your masters then you should try your best to find what you did with your empathy.

[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago

eat shit

[-] 1 points by deGrene (199) 12 years ago

So, how do we know this isn't One Percent propaganda to steer us away from OWS?

Of course, we can always become completely paranoid and imagine that OWS is a subversive front for the Tea Party, which is a subversive front for the Socialist Party, which is a subversive front for the Nazi Party, which is a subversive front for the . . .

You get the picture.

Besides, it doesn't matter who owns the domain name, or who registers the OWS name -- what matters is who is in the street and what they do. This movement isn't directed from a central point and, as far as I can tell, doesn't have an agenda dictated to it by any central committee.

In the 60s, every demonstration, protest, and socially conscious action, inlcuding the music we listened to was declared a subversive front for the Communists -- they were secretly pulling the strings behind everything!

As I said -- I don't care who is sitting in the office; I care about what is happening in the streets, and that is pretty clear to me.

[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago

So, how do we know this isn't One Percent propaganda to steer us away from OWS?

By checking the facts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by deGrene (199) 12 years ago

Of course, no interest group could possibly invent "facts" to mislead others. That's never been done, has it?

Besides, I reiterate my original point -- it matters not a jot who owns what name or what domain -- what matters is what happens in the streets and the aims and objectives of them that are there.

[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 12 years ago

Also read this please:


This article shows Soros money is paying for OWS.

[-] 0 points by jph (2652) 12 years ago

Dude,. these are not "facts' these are paranoid delusions. You have wild conspiracy theories and nothing more to offer.

Exclamation points do not get more power by using more of them. after one, the rest are redundant and a show childish mentality.

[-] 0 points by deGrene (199) 12 years ago

Besides -- how do I know you're not a subversive front for the Tea Party or Republican Party -- or for the Wall Street Cabal, for that matter? What are your credentials?