Forum Post: OWS is a front for the Central American Communist Party
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 12:46 p.m. EST by Rob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you do not believe me, research where the donations funnel through. Adios Muther F*&&^rs
Actually, I thought that we were getting all our funding from Havana, Moscow, and Beijing. Damn nice of our Central American brothers to chip in as well.
You are nit getting funding from them, but the money is being funneled through them.
obvious troll is obvious.
Boy, you guys must be getting really scared - every day you come out with more and more outlandish claims. But that is great, keep it up. At some point, even the most hoodwinked "capitalist" is going to realize how full of crap you are. Your days are numbered, my friend... we have not even started to have an impact yet - just wait until the next round of corporate layoffs, in order to create even more outrageous profits, swells our ranks even more. The more worried you get about it, the stronger we become.... I bet you can't wait for the day when commies, gays, and blacks all move into your redneck neighborhood and we will be everywhere you look... Sweet dreams...
Look for yourself.....according to the NYCGA site, here is the phone number to call if you wanna make a donation to a reverse look up for yourself or check out the link below...OWS'ers are getting scammed!
Will you be putting "OWS Protester" on you resume?
You bet your purty little ass, boy! You going to put "ignorant redneck" on yours?
When you cannot win with reason, resort to name calling. I guess you are not too far removed from the playground.
Looks like the 1% is resorting to lies and slander.
prove me wrong.
I don't need to. Nobody believes you. So sad.
No one believes you, and any research done highly disagrees with you as well. Try again.
Don;t let this thread die, rob, if you can post this in the message up top so it stays there:
Go to here first: "You can also mail a check or money order to the Alliance for Global Justice. Please indicate “Occupy Wall Street” in the memo line. Alliance for Global Justice 1247 “E” Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 Or CALL at 202-544-9355 to make a telephone donation.""
Then go here: "The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) and its predecessor and founder, the Nicaragua Network, have been well-known grassroots organizations within the Central and Latin America solidarity movement and the anti-corporate globalization movement for over three decades. For probably 25 years we’ve used our 501(c)(3) non-profit tax status to fiscally sponsor projects that do not have their own tax-exempt status."
Then here: "The Nicaragua Network has been organizing in solidarity with the people of Nicaragua for over 30 years. In February of 1979, the Network was founded to support the popular struggle to overthrow the 45 year US-supported Somoza family dictatorship, and after the July 19 victory, to support the efforts of the Sandinista Revolution to provide a better life for the nation’s people. Thus, for over a quarter of a century, the Network has been a leading organization in the United States committed to social and economic justice for Nicaragua, Latin America and the world, based on respect for sovereignty and self-determination. The Network advocates for sound U.S. foreign policies that respect human rights and international law. The Nicaragua Network provides information and organizing tools to a network of 200 solidarity, sister city, and peace and justice committees across the U.S."
So, uh, what does the American Communist Party want with Canada exactly? Or Spain? Or France? Or Germany? Or Greece?
I mean, besides direly needed regulations on global financial institutions?
I have sent tips to both my local news stations with this information. I advise everyone else who cares about this story to do the same. "You can also mail a check or money order to the Alliance for Global Justice. Please indicate “Occupy Wall Street” in the memo line. Alliance for Global Justice 1247 “E” Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 Or CALL at 202-544-9355 to make a telephone donation.""
Then go here: "The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) and its predecessor and founder, the Nicaragua Network, have been well-known grassroots organizations within the Central and Latin America solidarity movement and the anti-corporate globalization movement for over three decades. For probably 25 years we’ve used our 501(c)(3) non-profit tax status to fiscally sponsor projects that do not have their own tax-exempt status."
Then here: "The Nicaragua Network has been organizing in solidarity with the people of Nicaragua for over 30 years. In February of 1979, the Network was founded to support the popular struggle to overthrow the 45 year US-supported Somoza family dictatorship, and after the July 19 victory, to support the efforts of the Sandinista Revolution to provide a better life for the nation’s people. Thus, for over a quarter of a century, the Network has been a leading organization in the United States committed to social and economic justice for Nicaragua, Latin America and the world, based on respect for sovereignty and self-determination. The Network advocates for sound U.S. foreign policies that respect human rights and international law. The Nicaragua Network provides information and organizing tools to a network of 200 solidarity, sister city, and peace and justice committees across the U.S."
Is no one going to comment on this? Look at the trail below
He is right. Go to here first: "You can also mail a check or money order to the Alliance for Global Justice.
Please indicate “Occupy Wall Street” in the memo line.
Alliance for Global Justice 1247 “E” Street, SE Washington, DC 20003
Or CALL at 202-544-9355 to make a telephone donation.""
Then go here:
"The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) and its predecessor and founder, the Nicaragua Network, have been well-known grassroots organizations within the Central and Latin America solidarity movement and the anti-corporate globalization movement for over three decades. For probably 25 years we’ve used our 501(c)(3) non-profit tax status to fiscally sponsor projects that do not have their own tax-exempt status."
Then here: "The Nicaragua Network has been organizing in solidarity with the people of Nicaragua for over 30 years. In February of 1979, the Network was founded to support the popular struggle to overthrow the 45 year US-supported Somoza family dictatorship, and after the July 19 victory, to support the efforts of the Sandinista Revolution to provide a better life for the nation’s people. Thus, for over a quarter of a century, the Network has been a leading organization in the United States committed to social and economic justice for Nicaragua, Latin America and the world, based on respect for sovereignty and self-determination. The Network advocates for sound U.S. foreign policies that respect human rights and international law. The Nicaragua Network provides information and organizing tools to a network of 200 solidarity, sister city, and peace and justice committees across the U.S."
They are too afraid to look behind the curtain because they would have to admit they have been played for fools.
You say that as though it's (necessarily) a bad thing.
And why should we take your word for it?
Look for yourself.....according to the NYCGA site, here is the phone number to call if you wanna make a donation to a reverse look up for yourself or check out the link below...OWS'ers are getting scammed!
Just like "Tednugent", "OccupyEverything", "brianobx", "blkflg", "Badhornet', "uslynx81", "therealdeal2011", "1percenter4life", "superspiff", "suwata", "sudoname", "hahaha", "Momcalled", "justfactsallowed", "ArrestAllCEOS", "AntiCorp", "MikeyD", "MovingTwoChina", and "DukeNukem299", "dukeNukem347", "Moving8China", "Rob"was outed as a TROLL ages ago...
To understand WHAT MAKES TROLLS TICK - AND have a GOOD LAUGH while you're at it - go to:
Sent this to Aaron Klein at WABC Radio NY and also Michael Savage they will listen also Andrew Bretbart at