Forum Post: OWS friends, I need some advice...Oh what to do...
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 17, 2012, 1:37 p.m. EST by debndan
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The primary season is upon us, and I live in ohio
Now here's the problem, when I vote this spring I can vote as a republican for a real conservative like newt G and not that corpratist leftist romney
Or I can vote as a DEM and vote for Angela Zimmann
she's a Lutheran minister and a professor (I have a fondness for the professor types)
She would be the perfect candidate against the GOP's Latta, to stop his war on the middle class
I'm really in a bind
what does a conservative do here?
I don;t understand. Does Ohio require you vote straight ticket? Vote your conscious. Ahh, you are taking primary I bet? Then still vote for Angela. Newt can;t win the gop nomination anyway. I am starting to think that paying more attention to local politics is a better way to really make a change. Bottom up and all.
"a real conservative like newt G"
Adulterer, draft dodger and dead-beat dad, first house speaker sanctioned for ethics violations, revolving door with lobbyists, millions from Freddie Mac, Newt's a real conservative alright!
That's almost as funny as "corpratist leftist romney"!
Newt helped push the reagan revolution back when romney was against reagan, and Newt's contract with america brought the GOP into control of the House for first time in 40 years
Newt has been consistantly prolife, progun
But Romney is a leftist for his proabortionist, antigun, pro china commie agenda (not to mention Romney care)
you guys just don't get it?
your antiamerican, anti christian, anti freedom and democracy agenda will fail
Your HYPOCRISY is that vivid
The RayGun revolution was the kiss of death for the USA.
I'll just have to agree to disagree with you on that.
The problems our country now faces were created by bush&co
And the GOP is corrupt, and needs to be opposed
My hope is that any real conservative or liberal can see this and work together to protest and/or defeat these neoconservatives and libertarians that would let our country collapse like they are with the post office, our schools, and communities
Clinton enacted NAFTA, signed the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (which replaced Glass-Steagall), eviscerated social services (welfare reform), the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (allowing consolidation and cross-ownership of media), etc., etc.
Reagan cut taxes on the rich, raised taxes on everyone else (11 times), and tripled the national debt with massive deficit spending. He is the origin of "deficits don't matter" (remember that quaint republican policy?) and the fallacy that tax cuts create jobs.
All presidents (and the vast majority of all politicians) are tools of the corporate financial complex. You can't even get into the race if you are not.
sounds like an honest question to me....
debndan, I say... as an independent for a long time... the current gop party is not for anyone but themselves.... and that includes most of the dems...
if you got a dem you like well enough to even consider the switch... go for it... the old guard need to go away....
"what does a conservative do here?"
First, stop being a conservative. If you genuinely want "to stop ..... war on the middle class" stop supporting those policies, virtually all conservative, that have waged that war in favor of the wealthy.
I understand your misunderstanding of what it means to be a conservative. For the past 40 years the neoconservatives have been working to rebrand themselves as conservatives, and for the past 12 years they have been successful.
The current crowd that typically call themselves conservative are anything but conservatives. And that's the point of my post. These guys like Romney are not conservatives, nor were they ever.
Reagan was the last truly conservative Republican president. And let's look at his record and compare.
Reagan fought against communist's and refused trade with china
The neocons LOVE china and cozy up to communists
Reagan helped people around the world strive for freedom to overthrow dictatorships
Neocons celebrate dictatorships as good for business
Reagan broke up AT&T because it was a monopoly that stifled innovation (this actually is a conservative Ideal-started by teddy roosevelt)
Neocons never met a monopoly they didn't like
Reagan saved social security for the next generation (us)
Neocons want to destroy it
Reagan after lowering everyones taxes, ended up raising taxes on the wealthy and closing loopholes for higher earners to close the deficit and so that our system of government could be conserved
Neocons lowered taxes on wealthy 12 years ago and are breaking our system, the only revenues they are considering are those that would come from ending the child tax credit
Neocons have rebranded themselves, then they consistantly ask when the 'next' reagan would come
Point is, they would never nominate another like Reagan
If any Republican tried to do those things that I listed reagan did, these jagoff neocons would label him a leftist, which is what is happening to Newt.
Now, I'm not trying to convince any liberals here that Reagan was great, I know we will never see eye to eye on this
And that's fine, because the important part is that we can all agree the biggest problems we face were created by the republican party` of the past 12 years, and many neolibs in the democratic party as well
And my larger point is that the GOP establishment is hypocritical and corrupt, that they do not represent the average person, and that issues like abortion and gun rights are merely wedge issues they exploit.
I'm just trying to wake up my conservative brethren to these facts. And to the fact they have much more in common with OWS then they do with neocons.
You could perform a public service by putting a gun to your own head and blowing your lack of brains out.
wow, straight from satan himself, you hate and destroy everything you shills touch
Keep talking, you prove me right with your own words
Any REAL christians or conservatives out there, read the above, this IS the real GOP of today
I'm not a Christian, I'm not a conservative, and I'm not GOP.
That's what you are, supporting an ass-wipe like Newt.
Doesn't change the fact that your a shill
just a matter of whom's shill you are
To suggest your opponent should commit suicide instead of actually engaging them in discussion, only weakens your position, only a fool or a liar would fear ideas of others.
Faux news is a case in point, they lie and distort, then try to stifle dissent.
I take it from your post, you dislike them as well, but that may just be self loathing, as you're no different then them in the kinds of asinine statements that they, too, make
Who are you shilling for?
I have never liked Republicans (and particularly hated Busy) but Mitt Romney is the best candidate as far as I am concerned.
wow, romney? really? He represents ALL that is so terribly wrong with america today.
The thought that the monied intrest is supreme and that corporations are people and that outsourcing is good ALL CAME from Romney and bane capital that he founded.
Romney is merely one of the owners of the reptilian party stepping forward to run things his way. He believes democracy is a nuisance (yes, he's actually said this in public before) and that a command society like what you find in corporations is what we need at the national level.
If he is EVER elected, kiss freedom good bye douche bag
Yeah Romney. He has the business acumen to see the country through this turmoil. As for Bain Capital, it is a very successful fund. His record in Massachusetts is also very good.
his business acumen is of the type that caused the turmoil, crony capitalism is not capitalism.
The Idea that some wealthy ruling elite is somehow more able to rule is more akin to MAO than Reagan
Remember the last truly conservative thinker? William F. Buckley stated that you'd find better leaders by opening a phone book and picking at random, then relying on political dynasties.
George Washington fought against that form of government, and we don't need to reimpliment it by voting in some govenors son.
And his record at bane and in Mass is an exorcise in leftism ( he doesn't qualify as liberal, they care for their fellow human)
case in point.
It's liberal to believe in a woman's right to choose abortion
It's leftist to run the company that disposes of the dead babies' bodies and making a profit from it is inhuman.
Dude, if you want to spew rhetoric carry it elsewhere.
This isn't rhetoric, This isn't put out there anywhere else that I'm aware of..... But give it time and It'll be rhetoric
And calling it so, isn't an answer, that's why you guys will go down in flames, because of a real piece of rhetoric
Truth is self evident
And even if this line is rhetoric, it's still true, as is my above post.