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Forum Post: ows education

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:41 p.m. EST by genanmer (822)
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What do you believe the population NEEDs to understand in order for society to begin fixing itself?



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[-] 1 points by Kwaayesnama (1) 12 years ago

I am protesting opening over one million acres in and around the Grand Canyon to mining uranium. When they mined uranium in Arizona in the 1940’s it was genocide against Native Americans. Today it will be genocide against millions of people who live in communities along the Colorado River. The American government is spending billions of dollars every year cleaning up the damage that was done then. But it will not bring back lives lost. But to today’s TEA PARTY GOP what’s a few million lives when there are profits to be lost? http://cronkitenewsonline.com/2011/10/lawmakers-push-to-lift-northern-arizona-uranium-mining-ban/

[-] 1 points by tritone (36) 12 years ago

How the politicians that supposedly represent their best interests are actually more influenced by their sources of money to fund their campaigns. And they need to understand that the right wing has it's own public relations networks. Fox News and conservative talk radio. Big money works with media control to rule America. Sign Dylan Ratigan's petition for campaign finance reform. Google "Dylan Ratigan Get Money Out".

[-] 1 points by usdarkops (51) 12 years ago

To abolish legalized BRIBERY also known as lobbying!! Think about it, the root of every problem we face as a country regardless as to political beliefs boils down to who's willing to pay the most money to see their agenda done.

It doesn't matter if you are a Republican, Independent, Democrat, Tea Partier, believe in Socialism or Capitalism. Contrary to what we believe none of us actually has a voice in this country. and if you don't believe me, ask yourself when was the last time you tracked down your congressman or senator in the capital between meetings and offered up a large sum of money in order to see a piece of legislation passed that best interested you?

Well take my word for it large corporations and special interest groups do. They spend millions upon millions of dollars each year to convince YOUR congressman, YOUR senator, and YOUR President to do what best suits them regardless as to what's in the best interest for the rest of the 99% of this country.

Oh and and they have no allegiance to any specific political party either!

[-] 1 points by imrational (527) 12 years ago

tons and tons of things. I recommend sending people over to debate.org. We need to learn how to have civil discussions and debates between one another. Then we need to debate/discuss our goals, objectives, plans and strategies.

We need to educate about propaganda techniques so we know how to avoid them.

We need to learn how to organize, form rallies, utilize tactics of peaceful civil disobedience.

We need to start explaining economics and how the Fed works and its history so people can decide if it should be eliminated or not.

We need to teach basic civics... and this is a HUGE need.

We need to teach about run-off voting and other possible methods at reform.

It's really very daunting.