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Forum Post: OWS dies a violent death and this forum should die with it...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 8:42 a.m. EST by MisguidedYouth2 (165)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Shut'er Down Kids! Time to go be adults, take your message to the ballot box, and vote for your own candidates. Just like the tea party did. The fact is this movement is a lame attempt to perpetuate class war fare as this is the only way liberals feel they have a shot next November.

Conservatism is coming, 2010 proved it, and the leftists and Marxists know the end is near. That's why this movement needs violence, needs to pit us against one another, needs to divert attention from the continuing downfall of socialist policies. It's all a well orchestrated movement financed by Soros and his types, and the gig is up.

Best to go home, get a job, and become a capitalist, like the rest of us.



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[-] 4 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago

Class warfare started decades ago. And guess what? The Middle Class and poor have already lost.

[-] 3 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

We don't have any candidates. Neither do you, unless you are one of the .01%. And that is the whole point. We are going nowhere until that changes. Oh, and we're not Kids...I'm middle aged. Stop parroting Faux Noos, and Glenn Beck.

[-] 3 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

Amazing that people still watch that station. I guess it's for the same reason that the national enquirer sells so well

[-] -1 points by MisguidedYouth2 (165) 13 years ago

We have Rubio in FL, Ryan in WI, and an entire caucus of tea party candidates. You're clearly clueless on how our system works!

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Tea Party = Literally owned by the Koch Brothers = the .01%.

The Tea Party does not represent the 99%. Not since the Koch Brothers bought it out.

[-] -1 points by MisguidedYouth2 (165) 13 years ago

You're so FOS. You just hate that conservatism is making a comeback, and all you got is moronic hippies and fatso Michael Moore supporting you.

[-] 3 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago


Read the article. The Koch Brothers, i.e., the multi-billioniare .01%ers, are the primary financial backers of the Tea Party....this is a WIDELY known fact.

[-] 3 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by freeows (84) 13 years ago

What a nonesense, LOL. Ya right, think we gonna believe that conservatism nonesense? Don't try to fool American people again. Yes, please ask that 1% self claimed job creators (AKA tax escapers) to create jobs for our citizens, not for China or India okay? These job creators are just liars like GWB who lied to American people that Hussein linked to 9/11 and WMD in Iraq BS. Totally disrespectful to UN and their weapon inspectors. Shame!

[-] 2 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

vote with a tax revolt, cut off the funding to the Corptocracy..Strangle the Beast with Boycotts, liqudate all stocks,commodities,bonds,money markets, Buy Gold, and silver physical delivery..Switch to solar,wind, and electric cars, learn how to walk again.. Or is that March Again..

[-] 2 points by smoke101 (1) from Norton Shores, MI 13 years ago

The ballot box has become corrupt.

[-] 0 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

Yes but some are more corrupt than others you still have to decide and vote

[-] -1 points by MisguidedYouth2 (165) 13 years ago

Gee, it worked for the tea party as today the house is voting on a BB amendment. Something the tea party fought hard for and will be coming to a state near you for ratification!

[-] 2 points by powertoothepeople (280) 13 years ago

Yes, amusing. The senior citizens voting away their own health care & ss benefits.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

quite the opposite. This social movement is the fastest growing and most viral movement in the history of humanity and is still DOUBLING its participant base EVERY 5 DAYS. the STUPIDITY of killing a meta entity that was a micro community is; Thats already ONE MARTYR, for a social movement with THOUSANDS of occupy SITES. You think this is over? All that happened in New York is that MORON bloomberg INSURED that this will go n UNTILL HE IS PERSONALLY ARRESTED AND TRIED FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

The wheels of justice turn slow. NOTHING can stop this wave, and its WILL grow and continue to grow faster than it can be shut down or silenced or pushed away or moved. You can kill a meta entity which exists as a community; but you can't kill an idea whose time has come; AND EVERY ATTEMPT TO DO SO ONLY GIVES IT MORE POWER.

As obi wan once said, Moron Bloomberg; "If you cut me down now, I will only become more powerful than you can now imagine."








[-] 0 points by NYGUARD (-6) 13 years ago

This asshole is why I don't believe in non-violent civil disobiediance. Passive resistance is bullshit. The only thing these assholes understand is a club to their heads. This is a revolution. Stop playing by their rules. Take this fight to them.

