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Forum Post: OWS being manipulated by the Democrats

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 1:54 p.m. EST by PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin (50)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am an independent conservative and I have been watching this movement from the outside from the beginning. At first the movement had no real clear objective but that is rapidly changing and not for the reason it was started. Now you have Dems like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama giving you praise for political reasons because if they don't give it a meaning it will turn against them, when in reality it is against what they stand for. Now you have the Democratic dominated Unions coming into focus the rallies into a political movement good for them, those greedy rich bankers whom the republicans support, Right?

Ask Nancy Pelosi why so many of her campaign financiers got a waver from the new health care law? Ask Obama why his billionaire supporter whom invested in Solyndra got a loan that garrunteed he got paid back before tax payers even though the law doesn't allow that? Ask Obama why so much stimulus money went to the Unions and not all companies equally? Ask bush why Halliburton was so heavily utilized during Iraq?

Now the Dems are jumping on this movement saying it is y'all speaking out against republicans because they support big business. I don't believe that for a minute and I don't think most of you do either. That fact is we are all sick of the political corruption and cronyism in this country and it has nothing to do with party politics, both side are equally as crooked, who is worse is whom is in power at the time.

DO NOT let's this movement be used for political gains by the Administration, they are just as equally bad if not worse then the last administration. They are telling you to support them yet they are not telling you that the same people you are protesting are the same people that funded their election and they bailed out for it. Ask yourself why the Union has come in to give you a hand, it's not because they want to help, it's because they want to use you politically.

Our finical system is destroyed, the middle class has been bled dry, the mega wealthy are richer and the politicians are too. The politicians are telling you to blame the rich when it is the rich whom is making the politicians rich and giving them power.

Stop letting yourself be useful idiots for the politicians, it is far time all Americans woke up and realized that yes, the wealthy is wealthier, but it is the politicians that sold us out. The current administration is pointing the blame away from themselves for a reason, they know a lot of you support them and will believe it, but they are as guilty or more guilty then the last administration.

We have to some way stop people from getting legislative favors for donations. If politicians thought with their hearts and not their own wallets we would never be in this boat to begin with. They are almost all crooked, both parties.



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[-] 2 points by Haitiana4Obama (20) 13 years ago

You're mistake this is about Conservati­ve vs. Liberal. It is the Conservati­ve machine which is more often then not oiled by the CEO's grease. The Democratic leaders will be addressed in time, as they have fallen short, but to cos a major shift Republican­s have to be held accountabl­e for their part in dismantlem­ent regulatory protection­s in the past 10 years and for standing in the way of progress. Once that happens and a Democratic majority is establishe­d in the House and Senate, then we can primary those Democrats with Progressiv­es...it is a three legged stool with a three legged process. Both parties are culpable but the Republican­s have their hands drenched in grime. We have to start somewhere and the more culpable of the two are Conservatives, we can not go this on our own. Democrats have a chance to change their ways and join Progressiv­es. But we can not go blasting everyone and expect results.

[-] 1 points by RonPaulFlixdotcom (73) from Kingsville, TX 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

This was always a movement to bring true democracy. We don't care which part supports true democracy, you are welcome to support.

[-] 1 points by MyHeartSpits (448) 13 years ago

They can say what they want about us, but they won't control this movement. Sooner or later, Obama will be asked what he thinks about corporate personhood. Then we'll see if he can twist the answer into something about debit card fees... f*ing clueless tool.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

agreed, lets take out the trash- all the dems and all the repubs need to get replaced.

to get serious requires a few things they don't have. like chat admins who aren't ego serving propaganda tools, a wiki, 1001 sub forums, an actual game plan, a straight up political platform... you know.. basic organizational things sane people do BEFORE protesting.. like figure out a diplomacy and logic centered metaprocess to give their chatadmins so that they don't really just drive out even more people than the trolls. Adminatrolla. trollaAdmin. Whats the difference to somebody whos got the truth facing a propaganda tool abusing admin powers to push their agenda? how can you prevent such a thing? Metaprocess. did i mention metaprocess? and science diplomacy science psychology science sociology and all those textbooks to read B4 protesting?

you can't have capitalism without a free(SLAVE) market. but you can have a free market without capitalism. And thats strangely the only way it CAN work.

Marketing 101 was fascinating. I admit thats a lot less than a bachelors but its sure more than enough to see whats really going on given the other things I know. Capitalism is not the problem since it does not exist. corporate oligarchy is the problem. capitalism has never been tried. I am a democracy guy. in order for real democracy to function a free market system is required. Thats not capitalism. thats a free market system. there is a subtle difference there which most people would miss. I will again repeat. Neither capitalism nor marxism nor communism nor socialism has ever existed. All of those governments were oligarchy pretending to be something as a con scam. Telling that simple truth gets one banned out of the Chat by either a capitalist or a socialist whos pissed you just said their pet ideology isn't real. It isn't. anybody who thinks that it is is accidentally playing for team corporate oligarchy as a tool. the ONLY system worth talking about is DEMOCRACY. how democracy HANDLES a FREE MARKET system is dynamic and interesting and NOT capitalism.

o. yes. no. yes. what? making change is not reliant on changing the money system one tenth as much as it is on changing the informational ecology. Going to a gold standard as an idea is a proof of ignorance, not a solution. Really the end game is we evolve out of money. To do that we evolve first new currencies and new economic strategies. this leads to economic singularity in about 50 years. If everyone is a millionaire how much you get depends on exactly the material valuation of that money. Which is to say that by the time money becomes obsolete everyone will live like the current millionaire. Tangible items to other tangible items? the real economy is about ideas, change the ideas and everything changes. the problem with the tangible economy is it does not change; its a static reality. you can't make a meaningful gold standard with only enough gold to represent on millionth of the economy. You can make a purely imaginal money system work; but it has to be subject to moral and ethical laws. This is about pinning down those moral and ethical laws and implementing them in new currencies; not trying to imagine a control freak impossible non solution because of the simplicity with which you go about thinking over the problem.

once again. there has never been a socialist or capitalist economy. in all instances such nations were oligarchies. using a mask and a con scam and telling their dupes and pwns that they were something other than oligarchy. the big hump to get over is that the USA oligarchy and the Soviet oligarchy are in on this lie against the rest of us TOGETHER. Neither of them was ever anything other than an oligarchy. both claimed some other system in order to have US fight over the ideals of THAT system while they secretly shafted us all playing a completely different game.



[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

True, both sides are equally crooked, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

[-] 1 points by McKinnley (53) 13 years ago

What’s YOUR occupation?

[-] 0 points by BigDikdJew (61) from Stratford, CA 13 years ago

What is "true democracy?" Majority rules? Is that what you want?

[-] 0 points by PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin (50) 13 years ago

I am a medical professional whom provides patient care. I am also having a hard time making a living because of the laws that have been passed in recent years by both administrations.

[-] 0 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

I came to this site Friday night to offer my assistance as a non-profit organizer. I can do basic coding of web pages, accounting, and other functions.

Mainly I wanted to get some sanitation facilities out to Zucotto (sic) park.

In a matter of about 20 minutes I found over 15 contact listings, and left vmail and email on every one of them.

24 hours later, no response. They aren't even updating the site anymore.

Where did everyone, and the "tens of thousands" http://afgj.org/?p=1765#more-1765 of dollars go?

Well, the General Assembly never was in the US, they are operating out of a hotel room somewhere in Nicaragua, and the money has been deposited in a Central American bank.

How could the people do this to our citizens, how can members of our government support this?

They have to know, it only took me 20 minutes to find out, and they had days and hundreds of people on their staffs.

[-] 2 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

YOU again? Only 24 hours ago you promised on this very site to stop posting your comments which seek only to damage the credibility of a Movement which you are obviously trying to sabotage.

At this point, why don't you create your own hysterical-anti-OWS-propaganda website and get off this one - for real this time?

[-] 1 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

Yes, 24 hours without a single word, and now they are scrubbing info off of this site that leads to them.

This cause should not be held hostage by their greed, can't you understand that?

If this is not addressed, it WILL harm this noble cause.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Give it a rest!

[-] 1 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

Can you supply about a dozen 5 gallon buckets, TP, and baby wipes to help with the sanitation issues at the park? Can you help at all? Or are you just trolling?

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

I won't dignify that with a reply.

[-] 0 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

I am being serious. I have been asking for these items since last night. I received about 2 dozen, but they are full. I had to pay $300, out of my own pocket, to get them hauled off, as some of the anarchrists wanted to throw them at the police.

It was, and is a serious request, to you and any others. I am sorry if I didn't make myself clear.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

I AM helping, but DEFINITELY NOT through the likes of you !!!

Just yesterday afternoon you posted this: "5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!!"

And I commented: "WHAT are you screaming about? Would you mind calming down for a few minutes and explaining yourself in complete sentences? If you can't be a little more rational, I'm afraid your credibility will be nil and people will wonder if you are simply trying to divide the movement by making baseless accusations and creating chaos."

And you promised to behave and stop posting: "Yes, I am not going to post anymore, because I have posted on several threads. Leadership stopped answering questions about accounting for where the donations are, and what they are being used for. No response in over 5 hours."

So yesterday you were obsessing on MONEY, today you're obsessing on TOILETS, what will you come up with tomorrow? Probably some horror story about the "anarchrists" (want a spell check for Christmas?)

You are a SABOTEUR, trying to scare people away from donating and creating rumors of "dysentary" - you must know a great deal about it, if you can't even spell it right! - and poor hygiene to discourage people from joining the OWS. Once again, Slam, you've been unmasked.

[-] 0 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago


There, proof.

I am asking that people place the donations into the hands of individual protester, because it appears that whomever started OWS is a front group based out of Central America.


Am I saying to leave the streets? NO, I am saying, for people such as yourself, that the people on the street should own their own cause.

This was co-opted from the start.

I have left my phone number, and email address in several forums.

I have received death threat from all kinds of people.

Yeah, that's me trying to sabotage the cause. I am a middle aged activist that is trying to help. I have spent more time on the lines than some of you have existed. Does that mean I know all? NO, but I am still trying to help.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Let me get this straight: You are, in your own words, "a middle-aged activist who is trying to help", and you sympathize with the protesters, are trying to provide toilets, etc.

And yet, you claim that "it appears that whomever started OWS is a front group based out of Central America."

So why are you trying to help such a "shadowy" movement??? Are you aware of the complete contradiction here? You aren't even able to follow the logic of your own lies.

[-] 1 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

I am not try to piss you off. I support the people on the street, the now public face of OWS.

I think what is happening needs to happen.

I am saying that the ones that started this group skimmed a whole lot of money, and split.

How many groups have had this happen to them? Lot's, it kills most of them. I'd rather it didn't happen to OWS.

I hope I spelled everything right for you.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

If there was ANYTHING to your story, in terms of facts, dates, names, you would have broken it to a reporter and it would be front page news across the nation. You would be the hero of the day. How do you account for the total silence of the media in the face of such a juicy scandal???

[-] 1 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

Ya'd think.

I sent this to my press release database, that is 1500+ current press rooms around the world. Over 1500.

Number of returned emails as of 20 minutes ago, 0, nada.

I put it out on an auto dialer I use for fund raising. Same result.

I broke down and tried to get so someone at fox. They don't work on weekend it appears.

I have been an activist for 35 years, and I have NEVER came up this cold.

If they start calling me tomorrow, I will be upset.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Sorry, I probably shouldn't be laughing but I can't help myself. You claim you sent your "press release" to over 1500 press roooms all over the world and you have received 0 responses? I love to have a good laugh at least once a day. Thank you for providing it just before bedtime.

You are completely CONFUSED, my dear Slam1263 !

To get the real story, check


And also http://www.whatis-theplan.org/t18183-donations-rolling-in

[-] 1 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

Fill me in on the joke, I don't see anything there that pertains to me, or what I sent out.

[-] 0 points by doggone01 (0) 13 years ago

I think OWS should be guarded about support from extreme leftist individuals and organizations. Or wind up co-opt'd like the Tea Party was.