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Forum Post: Our politicians want to go to war with Iran without any specific evidence

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 3:42 p.m. EST by peacejam (114)
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[-] 1 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

Seems that way. They're paniced and need to chage the converation out here. #OWS is scary for the elites. War is a tool they use if necessary to rally the sheep around the flag pole.

[-] 1 points by twisted (110) 12 years ago

They were just trying to take the focus off you.The want the nation in fear.It was a dismal flop and just proved to be another embarrassment for this administration.

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 12 years ago

Americans' hearts would not be in a war with Iran. To be honest, even if the guy really did collude with the Iran govt against the US, even then I think most Americans will still be against war with Iran. We have suffered tremendously from the expenses of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and to our soldiers lives and lives of civilians in those countries. If we go to war with Iran, we have to be told in full detail what our evidence is, and it has to be because we have absolutely no other recourse left to try.

[-] 1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 12 years ago

Can you define "no specific evidence"




[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 12 years ago

"Rogers declined to elaborate on entities involved in the transfers. But he characterized the payments as part of "a whole series of things to conclude that Iran was behind this.'' President Obama, meanwhile, denounced Iran on Thursday for a "pattern of reckless and dangerous behavior" but stopped short of accusing the Iranian regime's top leadership of having knowledge of the alleged plot."

What's important to me is that this "whole series of things to conclude that Iran was behind this" is made available to the US public and media before sanctions and decisions to invade are made. How do we know that it wasn't just some rogue a**hole in Iran sending money to a guy in the US? There's a difference between an important difference between a government plotting an assassination and just some guy in the government being involved in an assassination plot.

My worry is that this story will be exploited to put sanctions on Iran, which will infuriate Iran and exacerbate our conflict with them, which will result in an actual act of war type of offense against America from Iran, leading to our inevitable invasion of Iran. The act of sanctioning needs to be taken with as much seriousness as an act of war, because it could directly lead to a real war.

There is no good reason for taking the US government on its word for this. They said they killed Osama without revealing the evidence, fine, I don't think any damage is done by not revealing proof. But if they say this there's a murder conspiracy out of Iran, that can lead to sanctions and eventually a war. We should err on the side of profound skepticism until they give us enough proof.

[-] 1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 12 years ago

You're living in a Michael Moore movie. These people have provided material support to terrorism for a very long time. They're working on nuclear weapons. What else is there to say about this?

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 12 years ago

A lot of people have nuclear weapons. I actually don't like Michael Moore movies. I'm not comforted by them having a nuke, but I don't think our economy can sustain another war in the Middle East, and Iran will be the worst war yet. I think the regime in charge of Iran is hostile to the US, but that does not necessitate that we invade them if the cost/benefit doesn't add up.

I'm just saying that if we are going to war with or putting sanctions on (which can lead to war) Iran that our government give us all the evidence we need to confirm our intelligence is accurate. What if they turn out to be wrong? We were wrong about WMDs, why can't our politicians be wrong again?

Do you agree with me that we ought to demand more proof before declaring war/sanctions?

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 12 years ago

Yes, my understanding is the only evidence they have disclosed at this time are a couple money wire transfers coming out of Iran to this guy, and that the transfers allegedly came from a high ranking military official.

[-] 1 points by g6g6g6 (27) 12 years ago

they already entered a war wth iraq with no reason :P WMD never found\ nuclear missiles never found Mr obama and Mrbushh are liars forever .... and u still believe them\ americans are blind ! and leaders are very happy with this

[-] 1 points by olgglory78 (17) 12 years ago

America.....cut support off to welfare state Israel....this is the reason why we've been in all these Middle Eastern wars....we can't have any more of our children die in war because of Zionist Jew demands....

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 12 years ago

I think America should stop propping up Israel and should advocate for Palestine to have statehood.

But Israel sure as hell isn't the only reason we've had all these Middle East wars. Oil and resources are far more responsible for these wars than Israel.

But most importantly clean up your rhetoric, olgglory78. Represent our movement better. "Zionist Jew demands" sounds harsh and hate-filled, and I personally won't tolerate racial insensitivity in OWS.

Sorry if that wasn't how you intended it to sound, but I think you should be aware that's the impression it gives me. I'm happy you are taking interest in this movement.

[-] 1 points by olgglory78 (17) 12 years ago

Peacejam....I deal strictly with facts...you have been lead to believe that oil and resources were the reason for the Iraq/Middle Eastern invasion and that the boogie man Bin Laden was behind it all. Once again...the information is out there....zionist jews wolfowitz, chertoff, fife and a host of other thugs (as well as the Israeli Lobby) pushed for the war with Iraq....because who else would it benefit? Israel the most.....hate filled is when you section off a group of people, cut their olive trees down, evict them from their homes, cut their water off, kill their children....of course they will fight back. Occupation Wall Street seems to be touchy when Israel is mentioned and I have read that jews are behind what seems like a very phony movement....doesn't surprise me one bit....makes my stomach turn actually.

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 12 years ago

i agree to disagree