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Forum Post: Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall. -Confucius-

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 1:12 a.m. EST by blazefire (947)
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Any other strengthening quotes?



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[-] 1 points by CrossingtheDivided (357) from Santa Ysabel, CA 12 years ago

Here are some favorites. . .

"The great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise!" — Max Stirner

"Speak, speak, speak, & remember that whenever anyone's liberty to speak is denied, your liberty is denied also, & your place is where the attack is.." — Voltairine De Cleyre

"I build no system. I ask an end to privilege, the abolition of slavery, equality of rights, and the reign of law. Justice, nothing else.That is the alpha and omega of my argument." — Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

"The State is the curse of the individual. . . The State must go! That will be a revolution which will find me on its side. Undermine the idea of the State, set up in its place spontaneous action, and the idea that spiritual relationship is the only thing that makes for unity, and you will start the elements of a liberty which will be something worth possessing." — Henrik Ibsen

"When the truth is found to be lies / And all the joy within you dies. . .

Don't you want somebody to love? Don't you need somebody to love?...." — Darby Slick

Whenever I saw the classic movie 'The Male Animal' was playing on TCM, I'd always watch 'til the end again just to hear Henry Fonda's brilliant recitation of Vanzetti's final statement before he was executed by the State for crimes he was innocent of, moreover executed because of his sense of social justice (he and Sacco were both anarchists...) ....better than anything in 'The Grapes of Wrath', in my humble opine, and written by a non-literary non-native-English speaker to boot (take that, Steinbeck!:)

. . .

"If it had not been for these things, I might have lived out my life talking at street corners to scorning men.

I might have died, unmarked, unknown, a failure.

Now we are not a failure. This is our career and our triumph. Never in our full life could we hope to do such work for tolerance, for justice, for man's understanding of man as now we do by accident.

Our words — our lives — our pains — nothing! The taking of our lives — lives of a good shoemaker and a poor fish-peddler — all! That last moment belongs to us — that agony is our triumph."

—Bartolomeo Vanzetti

[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 12 years ago

"It is my choice to be kind, to those that are kind, and, it is my choice to be kind, to those that are unkind"- I ching "We will have world peace when the power of love overcomes the love of power" - lenny kravitz "there is no road to peace, peace is the road" - Bob marley
