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Forum Post: Our Government Has Been hijacked

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 12:01 a.m. EST by JoeyDee347 (14)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Controversial Republican billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch -- who have spent untold millions bankrolling right-wing candidates and causes -- are now the subject of investigation that shows Koch Industries profited from business with Iran.. In spite of US sanctions their greed has afforded them huge profits in dealing with Iran.Why are they still are permitted to throw around huge sums of campaign money to extreme right candidates. Something smells in DC and no one seems to be questioning it. We now may see WW3 as the Pentagon prepares to strike suspected nuclear targets along with Israel and Great Britain. Bad move says USSR.How long will it take us to pay off the debt we incurred trying end Iraq's weapons of mass destruction that were never found. Take down the Koch Bros. and the Wall Street will humble itself.Why does the name ROTHSCHILD not receive protester attention? They are at the top of all of this and have direct ties to elitists of the likes of the Koch bros. They were the catalyst of every war since they created the banking system.It is strongly believed they contracted the assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy. They own the Federal Reserve and are enslaving us.If we allow them to complete their well orchestrated domination of this planet we shall all become slaves/surfs or what ever else you might call it.



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[-] 1 points by thestruin (83) 13 years ago

I certainly agree with you that our government has been hijacked, but i would hesitate to single out individuals. Our federal government seems to have an anything goes attitude when it comes to money, regardless of faction. If everyone gets paid from the same pockets can they really disagree to loudly?
