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Forum Post: Open Letter

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 11:14 a.m. EST by Naturegirl (0) from Teaneck, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To the demonstrators in WalI Street and in the numerous cities of the United States and in Europe. You, brave people, who have been under fire over the past months and have been called many names; yet you deserve to be called "The Voice of the People".

Those of you who may feel very alone at this moment in time should know that backing you, are millions of people like you who, in silence, provide our sympathy and support. Organizations like Avaaz are collecting signatures from ail over the world from supporters who give you a reason to continue this mission that you have initiated.

So persist peacefully until justice is done. Do not actively sympathise with political parties, but wait until they decide to provide you with public support in the name of the people.

What you have expressed so far is what "99%" of citizens are feeling today. The next step is to convey a firm and clear message of what we require, and to support those decision makers who will have to make the change.

This message is:

  1. That certain banks and financial institutions be dismantled and that banks go back to being banks.
  2. That the dismantling is not imposed, but is carried out by the banks themselves and as a result of government regulations.
  3. That governments intervene and impose that our money, raw materials and homes are not used as vehicles for hazardous and irresponsible speculation.
  4. That each financial transaction conducted by banks and financial institutions must be accompanied by a physical transfer of merchandize or services.

We, the people, demand that the financial markets be brought to order and discipline, that the toil of those who work and produce is honoured and remunerated equitably and that prosperity and social justice become the right of every citizen.

For the implementation of these reasonable and fundamental demands we will persist until they are implemented.

Jorgen Hernpel International Entrepreneur jorgen.hempel@hotmail.ch

Chavornay - Switzerland 31st October 2011



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