Forum Post: Lancaster, NH Event in Late June
Posted 12 years ago on May 22, 2012, 8:56 p.m. EST by lkindr
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- The Free State Project in New Hampshire has been having a "Porcupine Festival", or Porc Fest, every year for several years now at Roger's Campground near Lancaster, NH in late June. I believe the dates for this year's event are June 18 to 24. The main activities occur on Saturday, I think. If you come for just one day, then you won't have to get a room or campsite to stay overnight. Admission is about $25.
- I encourage Occupiers to attend and get good ideas from it. It would be nice if Occupiers had a similar yearly or quarterly event in several locations, like NYC, LA etc.
- You can even come and protest, if you like. There are likely to be quite a few anarchists there, as usual, and there's usually a booth on the campground for agorist events. Agorist means anarchist, I think. It's mainly a libertarian event, but the definition of libertarian is very loose and includes a lot of progressives etc.
- I expect to be there and there may be discussion of Win-Win, a much better alternative to "might makes right" majority rule.
- We can discuss such things at if you say what day and time you can discuss there, or you can leave a message.
I doubt you'll get a whole lot of response here. Leaving aside OWS's purported philosophy of avoiding getting into the nuts and bolts of politics (which I suspect may be nothing more than cover for an inability to get organized and reach out to others), most of the folks around here don't seem to have much of a coherent political philosophy beyond formulaic denunciations of the mythic "1%" and "greedy banks" and the rest of their cast of villains; much less a concrete plan of action such as yours, or the knowledge of the political system, economics or other things requisite in putting such a plan into action. And frankly, a lot of folks around here would regard what you're doing as bad, and you as one of the villains for trying to work effectively within the system.
I wish you well, however. Getting together a critical mass of people in some small jurisdiction is a good idea, and probably one of few realistic options for getting some sort of real movement off the ground. A friend of mine -- a real old-school hippie leftist -- got himself elected county commissioner in a rural county out west a few years back, and had a very successful run. And he learned a lot in the process. In order to get anything done, he had to form coalitions and working groups with conservative republicans and others on the commission; and it all turned out really well. Turns out that nobody was the devil, nobody was insane, and when people of good will got together to try to solve real problems, they could do so, notwithstanding very different backgrounds and outlooks.
I'll fax Brown my John Hancock on making elections holidays
mind that's gonna cost time and $2 dollars
I think most OWS folks have no clue whatsoever about what to do about anything. It's pretty easy to spout bullshit about the greedy 1% and evil banks and whatever, but not so easy to actually get anything done, like for example organizing a meaningful voting bloc or formulating some realistic, workable policy position on an issue. Everybody either sticks with the bullshit or propounds some vague vision of a future world where everything is owned communally and there's no money and no poor people or rich people; and completely ignores all the messy little details that go into getting from here to there. And frankly, I think they have no idea how to tackle all those details and neither the interest or energy to try. Navigate around this site for a while and you'll get the picture.
this is startrek's fault
Hello lkindr -
Please check out
I recently launched this site for people to propose, discuss, and vote on public policy ideas. I hope to converge on and popularize policy goals, get media attention for them, and get candidates to adopt them.
I think it can make a big difference if it catches on. I hope you'll use the site and help spread the word. Let me know if you have any comments or questions.
Thanks, Greg
This does seem to be a better than usual forum setup. Thanks for the link. I'm checking it out now. I haven't learned how to spread the word very well yet, and I'm not clear yet on what word to spread, but I'll stick around for at least a spell and see if I can collaborate somehow for good causes.
Thanks. Just to clarify, vote by clicking on the labels by the graph.
Greg, I think your site there should have some way to help like-minded folks there collaborate. I've been using Google Documents to have discussions with small numbers of people. I use it like a chatroom, that's much less restricted than most chatrooms. Something like that would be helpful, I think.
You can put suggestions for the site on
I will keep private collaboration methods in mind -- have other things in queue at the moment, but I agree this would be valuable.
There is the inbox currently, through which you could privately coordinate discussion referencing a google doc.
Rather Argue or Collaborate?
Rather Argue or Collaborate?
Great post. This is what this forum if for. Thanks.
I have been going to NYC once a week since late October to take part in demonstrations, protest marches, and helping out the one of OWS's affinity groups, Occupy Town Square. I cannot remember the last time I heard anyone promoting canidates, or parties. Instead they are collaborating on a a whole host of issues, with the goal of reaching out to the timid, and/or the unknowing as to what OWS is about. That is a good sign of their health as far as I am concerned.
no i do not but i am actually looking for more people email me at
On this point:
"If any Occupiers are doing anything like this, running for local or state offices, I'd like to hear about it, but I haven't heard of that so far."
There was another article that listed 10 or so people that had entered various Congressional races as Occupy candidates. I don't know which, if any, made it past their primaries.
I don't think the majority of Occupy patrons want to be political. These people are in the minority.
I'd like to see more work done to get Occupy sympathetic people in office for 2014, as third party or non-partisan candidates of course. The 2012 elections are coming up too soon to start a real awareness campaign about these candidates.