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Forum Post: One simple demand that covers everything

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 5:47 p.m. EST by equazcion (688) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Separation of Money and State.

Similar to the separation of church and state, which most would agree is an asset that keeps the religious motivations of a few from influencing the government, the separation of money and state is just as important.

Money is the new religion, in that it both motivates AND authorizes the few that pursue it above all other concerns.

Removing financial influence on government players would trickle down to most of our more specific problems. If money were not a factor, think of how different political decisions would be.

They like to call us anti-capitalist, since that paints us as anti-American. I would urge the thinking that capitalism itself is not, at all, the enemy. It's not what you are angry about. Rather, you're angry about how corrupt it's become. Any economic system is corruptible, and changing to a different one won't solve the problem in any lasting way.

Remove the enormous corporate campaign contributions, and think of how your candidates' priorities would change. Remove the medical insurance and drug companies' influence on politics, and see how medical care changes. Remove credit card companies' abilities to finance political campaigns, and see what happens to the laws governing recurring credit card charges. Remove corporate institutions' place in the Federal Reserve system, and see how economic priorities shift.

Placing the general credo of separation of money and state as a permanent fixture in United States policy, on par with the separation of church and state, would result in limits on the potential for government corruption that would reverberate throughout the system.

No matter what names are thought up to describe the problems, they call all be described simply as corruption. Corruption is the problem, and the exchange of money between corporations and government figures is what encourages corruption to self-sustain. We need to end that relationship.



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[-] 2 points by PithHelmut (5) 12 years ago

You have got the right idea, it's got to be one or two simple demands and absolutely no aberrations and if it's going to be two demands, no taking one and leaving the other. Private campaign financing is at the root of all the dis-ease in politics right now and that is being worked on to be eliminated by other groups. However it's too big and complex to use as the first strike. The first strike has to invigorate the protesters and has to be almost universal in its appeal. Here are two demands that will have widespread acceptance. It's important that we strive for acceptance across party lines. We can do this by proposing demands that are irresistable to all. 1. Reverse Citizen's United immediately. 2. Reinstate mandatory teaching of civics in middle schools and high schools. We've got to keep demands simple. We've got to keep demands unshakably clear. These may not seem like much to demand but the most important objective is that we need a clear victory as soon as possible; we need a majority to come on board to be enlivened. Afterweards we can discuss and build a structure that works - for everyone. Demands are going to be needed soon or many people will decide against getting involved because they won't know what they are involving themselves in. It's as much about psychology as politics.

[-] 2 points by equazcion (688) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Unfortunately I don't think your suggested demands would ring with the masses either though. Don't you think the financial influence on the government is something most people will see as a problem that needs fixing, over "Citizens United" and "teaching civics to children"? Mine also has the benefit of a simple catch-phrase. (addressing your practical need for a psychological center to crowd around).

[-] 1 points by PithHelmut (5) 12 years ago

Yes I agree with you now even though it is against what I said at first. When I posted that comment the OWS movement was not what it is today. But now that is has grown it can be much more bold in it's demands and therefore I agree that public campaign financing is the one thing that is absolutely crucial to fix. Another demand that I would love to see is to implement a tax on dirty energy. It would start at a small percentage, and increase by small percentages for about 3 years, then it would be raised by a large percentage. This would eventually make it prohibitive to pollute but it gives the signal to industry and individuals to retool to cleaner energies but they would have no excuse not to do otherwise with the three years they had to prepare. We have to find a way to cleaner air and water and a lower trajectory of CO2 emissions. Once we started it could set a trend that the world would follow, which is also important to lowering global emissions. These things are not as difficult as politicians make it seem. It only becomes difficult if one is being bribed to do otherwise.

[-] 2 points by wakeup (10) 12 years ago

To play devil's advocate, that money they're donating was yours before you bought their goods. The beauty of capitalism is, if their political actions really affect your decisions, you can stop it by shopping elsewhere. We simply live in a society where the average consumer isn't concerned. You can vote with your wallet every day

[-] 2 points by equazcion (688) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Wouldn't it be great if everyone didn't need to research how the parent corporations of a retailer spent their money before going shopping? You make a valid point, however it's an impractical expectation for the masses. The relationship needs to end if we're to see a real change.

[-] 1 points by PithHelmut (5) 12 years ago

For Capitalism to flourish, a healthy workforce is needed, with healthy wallets. The profit principle does not work for some facets of our society like health care and education, water and special services like the police force, military, etc. For Capitalism to work it needs to be under-girded by a stable government with just laws.

[-] 1 points by zipo333 (6) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

In case you haven't noticed, the far right god squad is firmly embedded in our government. Separation of Church and State is not held up or enforced.

[-] 1 points by PithHelmut (5) 12 years ago

You have got the right idea, it's got to be one or two simple demands and absolutely no aberrations and if it's going to be two demands, no taking one and leaving the other. Private campaign financing is at the root of all the dis-ease in politics right now and that is being worked on to be eliminated by other groups. However it's too big and complex to use as the first strike. The first strike has to invigorate the protesters and has to be almost universal in its appeal. Here are two demands that will have widespread acceptance. It's important that we strive for acceptance across party lines. We can do this by proposing demands that are irresistable to all. 1. Reverse Citizen's United immediately. 2. Reinstate mandatory teaching of civics in middle schools and high schools. We've got to keep demands simple. We've got to keep demands unshakably clear. These may not seem like much to demand but the most important objective is that we need a clear victory as soon as possible; we need a majority to come on board to be enlivened. Afterweards we can discuss and build a structure that works - for everyone. Demands are going to be needed soon or many people will decide against getting involved because they won't know what they are involving themselves in. It's as much about psychology as politics.

[-] 1 points by OccupyFEDnao (7) 12 years ago

I agree completely with you. The government doesn't know more then you on how the money should be spent, and you don't need to be forced to give money to things you don't agree on.

Let the people take care of the economy, the government obviously can't.

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 12 years ago

Check the link after the edit mark on this page for a working list of goals http://occupywallst.org/forum/first-official-release-from-occupy-wall-street/

and this Warning from the original Tea Party before it got hijacked http://occupywallst.org/forum/an-open-letter-and-warning-from-a-former-tea-party/

and this list of usefull PDF files http://occupywallst.org/forum/demonstration-materials/

[-] 1 points by equazcion (688) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Thanks. OWS really needs to make anything "official" easier to find. These things should be posted someplace other than buried in the forums.

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 12 years ago

A better forum structure is being worked on