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Forum Post: One demand that would affect everything

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:11 p.m. EST by tiredofthis (0) from Indianapolis, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There have been tons of great ideas for demands, but one thing isn't stressed as much as it should be, the influence banks, corporations, and the 1% have over our politics right now. Citizens United is the biggest single decision that has taken our power over our government away, and it needs to be overturned, or none of the other demands have a chance of passing when politicians only need the support of the wealthy.

We need a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.

Check out http://www.getmoneyout.com/ for the specific details of the amendment, but the basics are essentially that money is no longer considered speech or allowed to be donated to political campaigns. It seems to me that this is the only real way to enact lasting change.



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[-] 1 points by TheLORDGod (2) 12 years ago

Hello, My dear people, action without purpose any priority is a waste of our two precious commodities, Time and energy... OK, we've defined the problem and its our government., we will organize a dual power here in the United states as Russia did in the past and let our newly formed government absorb the other, we will have one party, OUR PARTY OR WE PARTY just the same it describes all of us., you our Government is just like a pup, we buy from the pet store to serve and protect our home ., at first this innocent pup., just explore new things, and then one day we notice this pup has grown to be a huge dig and is taking over the entire house... unless the beast is tamed and trained it will be out of control and destroy the entire house , so we must tame and train this dog to serve and protect us like he was intended....... we are a Global society now and all should learn his universal rights.. Declaration of Universal human rights..... Now if we declare our own Independence and gain international recognition we truly can establish a new govt. Not only are we a Global society, we now have a Global Economy and must be addressed on a Global level., I have prepared a plan to bring all this madness to an end someone please email us so we all can join in moving forward to oneworld The LORD thy God!!!! kingdomofheaven@live.com

[-] 1 points by TheLORDGod (2) 12 years ago

The Kingdom Of Heaven DBA ciconeworld.org coming soon one world Community Investment Cooperative

[-] 1 points by Scamentology (3) 12 years ago

Corporations are not people - Do not afford them free speech.

1 person = 1 vote 1 corporation = $100,000,000 votes

[-] 1 points by madcc (6) 12 years ago

Support a Constitutional Amendment: Corporations Are Not People

For 100 years ruling after ruling that the people do not support has been made giving corporations greater power under the premise that corporations are people. Corporations are not people. People are mortal, e.g. Corporations are not. Support a Constitutional Amendment stripping corporations of "people" status.

[-] 1 points by Aurora (1) 12 years ago

You will get rid of the power of govt that benefits corporations, and it will be replaced by another govt that will benefit new corporations.

Do not treat the symptoms of disease, treat the core of disease - change the system.

[-] 1 points by iawai (11) 12 years ago

How about we get rid of the power of govt that benefits corporations so they don't feel compelled to try to influence govt?

Doesn't this "get money out" campaign further empower the wealthy to be govt leaders, because they would be the only ones with enough personal wealth to run a political campaign? There would be no academic politicians, or poor politicians, or politicians with great ideas. There would just be the 1% running.