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Forum Post: ONE demand everyone should be able to get on board with.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:24 a.m. EST by thoreau42 (595)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Make lobbying a felony.

Keep it simple, peeps.



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[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

agreed, end lobbying.

[-] 1 points by entrepreneur (69) 12 years ago

Making lobbying a felony can possibly solve the problem of corporate greed however it does not solve the problem of our economy unless the federal government closes FED and establish new Monterey instruments that are controlled directly by elected representatives of USA

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 12 years ago

I agree, the fed is closer to the root of evil, but this group, and the people at large, don't have the collective willpower to go get 'em.

[-] 1 points by anonymouschristianterrorist (88) 12 years ago

One demand needs to be, remove the people who are fucking up America like the psychiatrist and the Right Wing Christians who are making life hell for all people, it is not just some of the people in the government who are fucking things up it is anybody who works to make life a living hell for anybody everyday all the time. You know who these people are, they need to be locked up.

[-] 1 points by marsdefIAnCe (365) 12 years ago

How do you codify lobbying in such a way that it doesn't cover individuals talking to their representatives?

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 12 years ago

That's a great question. Not one I have an answer to right away, nor am I a lawyer.

The first thing that came to mind was to eliminate the possibility of closed door meetings. If representatives wanted to talk to people, they'd have to have an open door type policy, or be working in the office on their own. We couldn't get rid of communication, obviously, but the question is how to keep the communication legitimate. Maybe each district could have an elected position for that of auditing their own representatives. Though I can imagine how that could be gamed as well.

It doesn't strike at the root of the issue, but it's something concrete and it's a step in the right direction, I would say.

If we wanted to talk about legitimate solutions, then we'd have to start talking about auditing the federal reserve and eliminating that, but you can see how as a whole, the people don't have the willpower for it.

[-] 1 points by marsdefIAnCe (365) 12 years ago

What about closed door meetings between "friends" where one happens to work for a large corporation and one in Congress? I'm not supporting the lobbyists at all and consider them to be a major plague on society. But this is the reality of how attempts at that sort of regulation is currently skirted as it is difficult to codify that sort of stuff into law.

I'm with you on the fed. Choke off the lobbying money supply. Time to stop fighting symptoms and strike a blow to the beast.

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 12 years ago

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root" -Henry David Thoreau

[-] 1 points by wmspecialist (26) 12 years ago

I agree wtih your sentiment but closed door meetings are the only ones where reps can do what they think is "right" without worrying about special interests and pandering to the polls. Food for thought only as I know theobvious problem with them assuming too much power

[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 12 years ago

I would say voting is where they should think about doing what is right.

It's something to think about.