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Forum Post: ON bank bail out's where is the money going?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:17 p.m. EST by tsoptntsro (0)
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in england our government are making up lies saying the stimulus package is going to buisness,before this they said it was to be spent on putting credit into banks to keep them afloat,they are not offering loans to anyone unless you work i'd say thats slavery folks!in reality the money nver go's into credit cards for us the people it go's right back into wall street again and banks,the money does not even get spent on roads ect or schools,hospitals its all government lies....clearly it all go's back to banks there best illegal buddies!buisness will never grow while these goons have a strangle hold over us all!



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[-] 1 points by hbyte (24) 12 years ago

maybe they are thinking that to repair the economy doesnt require investing in people