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Forum Post: Oligarchy thru political and corporate nepotism

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 3:55 p.m. EST by hippyguru1 (0)
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The only thing that comes to mind when i think of these things is the truth..Human history is always changing but yet it always repeats itself.And there always was a small percentage at the top,wondering how much wealth and power and total control over the masses these few could attain.And consequently after the passage of time,these few have almost cornered every part of human influence.They control the money, they dictate the economy as a whole ..the world over.Thru politcal and economic nepotism they even dictate what countries will fall.And the sad truth is that America and all the military might that this country has is used as a "club" for the oligarchy that rules the world. They own it all including what we all think is our freedom,our liberties and reality as we know it.The only way to fight this force is by a complete world revolution.If the people all over the world realized that we dont start wars>>> its our goverments and their corporate interests that cause the wide spread deaths of its people and the continual raping of its liberties and percieved realities.The truth is that they own you,they own everything and we the people are nothing more than a dying commodity to them.So try not to put any faith in a government full of puppets. for our liberties and everything we were brainwashed to believe in..is nothing more than an" american dream">>to bad you have to be asleep to believe in them...



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