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Forum Post: "Oh when it all falls down"

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:38 p.m. EST by PeaceNLove (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm new here and haven't read much but my question is:

"What steps is this movement taking to escape its current situation?"

Personally I believe the real underlying motive is a simple shift back to simplicity. Less bullshit, more happiness.

Mass non-compliance would take down the current system, but it will take a huge catalyst to turn the tide. I think it's like a teeter-totter: Once you get enough weight on one side, the beautiful mechanism of reality does the work for you, it just all comes down. The weight is the choice of the individual.

So again what is the direction? People seem to still be looking at their supposed 'enemies' for cooperation. If you step away from that and talk to one another only than the fight ends. Where do we walk off to? I'm curious to hear people's ideas. I think this brainstorming is positive



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avoid a confrontation from fear of the result?