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Forum Post: occupytranslation

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 1:01 p.m. EST by atanabe (8) from Brattleboro, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Simple concept: See something in one language, put it in another.

For me, the most powerful elements of Occupy are the production of dialogue and the creation of new organization/possibilities. Walking through LIberty Square one is stuck by the Human Mic, the working groups, the energy, the fluidity and mass in the center. But on the fringe - along the street vendors, on the corners and across the street - there is talk. Ties and t-shirts, blazers and jeans, even blue hair and badges. People are engaging with the issues, the complaints and the grievances.

Expand the fringe!

Help translate signs, posters, slogans, papers, newsletters, commentary, everything. Imagine if every sign, every slogan and every chant was translated in Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and every other world language, ready to be gobbled up by the international media and sent to every corner of the earth.

With unions, workers, teachers, nurses, students and others in the 10,000s marching on oct 5 in NY the international media takes notice of Occupy wall street. Help them spread the messages. One idea is to organize multilingual volunteer teams organized like working groups traveling amongst protesters and marchers to translate signs into a multitude of languages the voices of Occupy wall street can be heard around the world. But thats just one idea. Expand and inspire!

Aid the chatter! Conversation is impossible unless we understand each other. Let's expand the fringe to Cairo, to Homs, to London and Paris, Beijing, Tokyo, Bangkok, Sydney, To Moscow and St. Petersburg, to Tehran and New Delhi, to Jerusalem and Mecca, to San Diego, Pyongyang, Seoul and Montreal. Use comments to organize translation! also go to twitter for more!

We are an acephalous mass!



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[-] 2 points by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD 12 years ago
[-] 2 points by skizzy (445) 12 years ago

Awesome Idea .. Just like the middle east protesters with English signs

[-] 1 points by atanabe (8) from Brattleboro, VT 12 years ago

Hey John,

Thanks for your message. My name's Drew and i'm a student in Vermont at a small liberal arts college studying political theory with some japanese in there. I just spent 6 months in Hiroshima and am very excited about joining my japanese skills with the creation and aid of decentralized political movements/collectives like Occupywallst. The Occupy movement in general is exciting to me and i've been down in NY and Boston over the past week and met several folks in both spots.

What languages do you speak? have you been in contact with others about this idea? are you involved in LondonSE right now? I'd love to hear back from you on any information/ideas/contacts etc.

its hard to tell what the best way is to interact remotely with a movement so rooted in Place. But language is definitely one of those ways.

[-] 1 points by johngaines (6) 12 years ago

John Gaines. a 99% of the Houston Chapter and OWC, is in London, and is available to assist: ethicalip@uk2.net

[-] 1 points by atanabe (8) from Brattleboro, VT 12 years ago

occupytranslation on twitter. Tweet, Tweak, Organize!