Forum Post: Occupy Wall Street Protesters = Losers
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:18 p.m. EST by twatisha
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Protesters = Pitiful Losers. You know who you are. You know exactly what I am talking about and you know, deep down, that it is you. You are a, capital L, Loser with a worthless degree, no job, no prospects, no future and a bunch of maxed out credit cards. You live in your parent's basement and live off of their food. You are a soul-crushing disappointment to them. They never mention your name to their friends and cringe when those friends talk about their children.You are a follower. You will align yourself with any group that will have you. The proof of this is the abject suckness of this particular group. Obama 2008 allowed you to contribute your time and money but, after abusing your abject gullibility, they dropped your ass like a red-headed stepchild. Remember those feelings of Joy and Hope? How did that turn out? You are a serial victim of demagogues. Do you really believe that they will not yank away the football yet again, Charlie Brown? Your lack of self esteem is the only evidence that you can get anything right. You are worthless! No matter what you do; nothing will change. As the economy becomes more globally oriented, you will become even more insignificant as we, the winners of America, align ourselves with the like-minded from other nations. You will continue to be ground into the dust beneath our endangered alligator skin Italian loafers. So go and bang your drums and howl at the moon. Just be sure to remember that, with each successive whack of the economic paddle across you collective collectivist's butts, we order you to demand: "THANK YOU SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER."
are you a banker?must be, your time is up young man;
This financial reform movement has been a dream of mine since 2008, after hearing the Congressional Hearing on Energy Reform and on how Financial Deregulations hurts the hard working Americans, and turns undeserved brokers/executives into overnight Millionaires!
So I feel (and many others) that only way we can get back on safe financial footing again is to close the Enron Loophole, created for energy/oil speculators, and bring back The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which prevented the current banking and insurance scams/loopholes. After all, it worked great until late 90's, until when Congress threw it out. Since then, like prior to 1933, we are experiencing what our country went though then, total Wall Street Greed with no Penalties, its all legal Gambling now...thanks to the architects of our new system in 1999, President Clinton and Rep Senator Phil Gramm. Think about where we are now, it all started in 1999 with the subprime loans Gramm was peaching on Senate floor.
And for the Free Trade Movement, bringing back the Glass-Steagall Act will not hurt our financial markets or hinder Free Trade, as the GOP rhetoric claims, instead with this back in PLACE bankers can still make millions a day, but not the trillions as they do now on the accounts of hard working Americans.
Bankers need more regulation, not less. Don't let the Bankers new Game to charge for debit cards as the results of the Dodd/Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act surprise you. Right after it passed, we have the banking lobby on national TV saying that "we" will pay for it, after we bailed them out, What nerve! So this is their response to having it their way since 1999: We have have to find a way to give out Executives their way out of line bonuses: Bingo, charge for debit cards! This is them throwing their influence over our Election officials, that are suppose to work for us, after all we voted for them to do the right thing, which doesn't include the banking lobbyist agenda....
Cheers to all that are involved. Let's get focused and bring back Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, they got it right 1933, we don't need to reinvent the wheel because bringing this Act back will create an even playing field once again....and let's also tell Congress to finally Close the Enron Loophole, which allowed Enron to charge what they wanted for energy; they went to jail for this; but no one closed the loophole, why? Re-election Monies from the banks and oil companies! The writing is on the wall.
Why we need Glass-Steagall to be reinstated:
Why are oil prices high?
You're wrong. Take an economics course. In the United States, (a country with abundance in capital and land) but a scarcity in labor, the economy will only grow through the free trade of capital (the one thing the U.S. seems to have an enormous Comparative Advantage in). It's basic Ricardian economics - if you restrict free trade, you hurt the overall economy. Instead, the labor factor (i.e. OWS folks who simply earn wages) will only be placated by the welfare state. Therefore, the only real way to make you jerk offs happy is to allow unbridled free trade for Capital, protect labor and land somewhat, and let the government give you '99%' some kickback from the excess wealth EARNED by the 1%.
The protectionism of the 1930's worked reeeeall well...You're a moron. It led to a global recession where each of the World's largest economies cut growth in GDP by nearly 50%
When you get trolls like this spouting off; it means that the 1%er's are worried and they have to take a defensive posture. It also means that the 99%er's are doing a good job and should TURN UP THE HEAT !! In the end - the 99er's will prevail !!!
Actually it is not fear that motivates us. Its just that you fools are one of the few hilarities we have left now that your generation has f-ed up Saturday Night Live. Belushi is rolling in his grave and Bill Murray is standing by to roll in his.
Bill Murray was a friend of Hunter S. Thompson. Any friend of HST would be supporting the 99%...
Oh it's fear alright. Fear that your tax dodging gravy train is near an end. Fear that corporate welfare may be near an end. Fear that you may lose control. And all you can hit me back with is SNL? Comon'! Look; let's take a chill pill and regroup; because the problem and answers here affect all of us - supply side AND demand side. It take two to tango. IMO for prosperity to endure, it needs to be shared. Mass production demands mass consumption, but people can’t afford to consume if the wealth an economy generates is concentrating at the top. It' like a poker game, where the chips are concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the other people can stay in the game only by borrowing. When their credit runs out, the game stops. Nobody wins!
Actually, in your poker game scenario, when the game stops, the guy with all the chips wins!!! Thank you for playing. Now get back to driving, I ordered that pizza 15 minutes ago.
So you basically have no idea what you're talking about. You respond to everything by pretending like we're bums, without actually addressing what you're saying. You sound like the uneducated idiot living with his parents, not us. You have no reasoning skills and everything you say makes me want to scream in your face how absolutely stupid you sound.
And when the damage that your kind has made the value of your chips turn to $0 ............. What do you have then? Since you have nothing to contribute to the debate except insults, I am moving on to find someone on your side that is intelligent enough to do so. You really should see someone to address your fear problems.
im watching you on TV from the cozy comfort of my 4 bedroom east side penthouse. and i didnt pay any taxes last year, ha! eat cake you fools
Well said, SparkyJP. Trollymctrollerson is having trouble keeping up with rational argument here.
That's their problem. They have no rational argument. If they did, they wouldn't rely solely on insults and name calling. Having a rational argument would require intelligent thought; something they lack. But the name calling is fun and uses up their time:) ......... so I'll play! Kinda childish though. Cheers!!
I'm a 1%er, and I have taken a better route. I am sucking-up to the protester so that when all of the 1%ers are rounded up, I may be spared the guillotine. I didn't get rich being stupid.
Was that too transparent?
No, no. This person is not of the 1%. The 1% would never take the time to make a post because they are hardly aware of what is going on on the ground and if they do they dismiss it as those without power or significance. No, this post is from a person who is of the 99% but is in denial of what is going on, he or she is afraid. If they have to acknowledge that they are of the washless masses it will break their illusion of being someone who benefits from the system. They are afraid because they think their government is inherently good and can do no wrong and to say otherwise is 'unamerican'. They believe that if they side with the 1% that all of that wealth and mainstream acceptance will rub off on them and they will not have to suffer from unemployment, homelessness and financial marginalization. He or she deems that if you are right then they are wrong then they are being duped. It is something their fragile sensibilities and ideas of what is real cannot handle and so should not be challenged, because the moment it is challenged then they have to leave illusion and face reality. This is why they have to paint the movement as a bunch of 'losers' etc.
You should feel sorry for them precisely because they are NOT a member of the 1%. The 1% is approximately 400 families and they are too busy living in their own worlds to notice what is going on on the ground and if they do notice they immediately dismiss it. Marie antoinette did the same. This person notices because they are afraid, they are threatened.
My three grown up children - 21, 19 and 18 live with me and I provide for them, while celebrating, with Joy, I was able to save them from the system.
Their time will come, but it will be in a world of Freedom, Liberty, Equality and Plenty for All, A World without Capitalism, governments and instruments of control.
OK This is just sad and pathetic. ..."three grown children" says it all.
Listen to yourself!!! You have raised 3 adults who can not fend for themselves!!! YOU are the Problem!! If the system failed; it was because it did not save them from you. While your whelps were playing soccer without keeping score, the rest of the world's children were learning math and science. And I can assure you that their parents and teachers were keeping score. Was there no man in the house to teach them how to succeed and prosper? By the way, my 3 sons all support themselves and bring in more than 150 k per year. But I am not worried as I expect them to do much better once they gain more business experience.
Don't respond to this shit. Let the thread die. Everytime you respond you keep the ball in the air. They are baiting you. They are distracting you. Don't let them out smart you. Let it alone.
About that part about "Don't let them outsmart you." Way too Late for that.
Not too late. We are learning. Those think tanks are good at this. They've got Smarties and tons of resources to throw at us to try to discredit and derail this movement. But we've got something they don't have. Numbers. Voters. Angry voters ready for some accountability.
But you still don't have any ideas that make any sense.
I would accept that you some of the ideas don't make sense to you, but all? You don't find any problem with the fact that special interests groups buy influence with our elected officials? That seem like a good thing for a Democracy? Doesn't that smack of bribery?
Obvious troll is obvious.
Nice variant of "Shit Was So Cash".
How will you do it? By killing us? Will you pull the trigger? You are so full of fear. Let it go. What you want is FREEDOM and SECURITY. That only comes from PEACE not money. So stop crying and whining about protestors and get out there and demand freedom. Your accumulation of paper will never buy you that security. So brush off the fear. Have courage. Go ask for what you REALLY want.
Rather than instituting a difficult nationwide round-up, we will do it by convincing you and your fellow travelers to come together in small outdoor areas in major cities across the country. We will send in "care packages" containing water laced with sterility (or was that impotency?) drugs so that your seed will die with you. It is already too late to do anything. The drugs are already in your system. Think it is far-fetched? We brought down the twin towers with internal explosives didn't we? Signed, Mom and Dad.
hahaha. I wish you really were Mom and Dad but you are just some slave hoping for extra slop at the massa's table. I would love to let the real Mom and Dad know that I LOVE YOU. And you will be much happier once REAL Peace has descended upon you. You must be tired of the sickness. Let it go. Be brave. There is a place for you too. You are loved.
Great, now put down the bong, ditch the video game, and go clean your room.
That was easy. No more scary messages? Did i hit a nerve? Let's discuss your fear. You actually believe you are on their team. You think because you have sold your soul in the pursuit of paper, sold out your family's freedom and right to liberty, that they will protect you? You are nothing to them. They enforce their rigged system through violence. You are nothing but a peon. The more you make the closer to the ass you are. If that is a measure of success.. well you may have drunk a bit of that water you mentioned earlier. That said, there is still time. Look at your MASTER and DEMAND PEACE. Tell them you no longer SUPPORT violent domination over you and your Family. Even if they kill you at least you will have been free.
Citing an overwhelming number of requests from parents that he continue to provide them with a "time-out" from their leech-like adult "children" who, having found a paucity of demand for jobs requiring advanced degrees in "Trans-Gendered Art History" and "14th Century Bulgarian Poetry", and had moved back into those parent's basements and couches, Mayor Bloomberg, today announced, that Occupy Wall Street protesters can stay in the park for as long as they choose. Bloomberg went on to state that:"Its the least that I can do for the parents, many of whose investing activity contributed to my immense fortune!"
Don't cry little baby. Just relax into the loving arms of Peace.
This is no longer entertaining. Do you not realize that the gibberish that you spout makes you not only unemployable, but unintelligible as well? Read your own posts.You want to discuss my fear. OK, I fear that the future of my country will be determined by people, like you, who do not posses even a modicum of understanding of economics. People who, like you, are educationally, emotionally and psychologically unfit to compete in a global economy. You and your racist comrades are not going to be able to keep the citizens of less developed countries down by your anti-globalization nonsense forever . While you and Johnny Creamcheese were playing soccer without keeping score, the rest of the world's children were learning math and science. And I can assure you that their parents and teachers were keeping score. So, OK, if I need a question answered about womyn's contributions to indigenous Andean poetry, I'll give you a call. But in the mean time, if I need something built right, I will go where the core competencies reside.
Wow. You are brilliant. I've been saying the same thing for the longest time. Liberal arts majors = no job. Isn't it obvious?
If you are a guy, you can be my wingman. If you are a girl, will you have my baby?
twatisha: You.Are.Deluded.
Let go of the fear. Seriously.. you are going to give yourself cancer or a heart attack. Stop sucking up to the murderous oppressors. They cannot give you freedom nor liberty. They offer false security by pretending they won't murder you like those in Iraq or Libya. I know it's hard to admit the system you have sold your soul to may actually eliminate you at anytime. That there is no contract but the one were they promise to Violently dominate you. Just Demand peace and live free NOW. They may kill you anyway so you might as well enjoy some true peace and freedom while you can. You may even inspire other peers to do the same.
Insults are wonderful complements when hurled from one's adversaries. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this effort. You and Tony Baloney are exactly what this movement needs.
Hey Skippy: Fill it with high test, check the oil and make damned sure you clean the windshield this time. BTW heres a quarter.
Didn't you just use that... Maybe you should be filling my tank. Can't think of anything else twatisha, gettin a little slow on the game?
I have 2 cars.
Oh well, I only have one... I guess you win... By the way, I'm not a pathetic loser and I believe in this movement. My mother worked three jobs and went to college. I have worked at least two part time jobs when I wasn't in school. I have also worked my way through college and am getting a graduate degree. I'm not a pathetic loser that can't work, and I don't smoke marijuana. I'm just a better person than you.
Your Mom said to tell you that she disagrees with your last sentence.
In fact quite a few people in this movement are college graduates, who are also working hard. The funny thing about a truly capitalist market is, that it can never exist in the real world. Evidence of this is that companies are merging into massive conglomerates and effectively eliminating competition in the marketplace because they outsource their production to other companies, which by the way exploit these countries for cheap resources and cheap labor. Are you really for that? I hope you sleep well at night, all jabs aside, I'm glad you are able to be okay with that. But I'm not. I stand for something better because I have the courage and conviction to. You seem to be complacent. Enjoy the drift off to sleep.
You are a racist! Capitalism provides third-world citizens with opportunities unavailable to them under their former economic systems. You and your racist union friends are just angry that their wage rates are more competitive than yours. You and your cronies want to deny them the chance to better themselves. They exercise free choice and you hate it because they are better than you and your ilk.
That' the nicest thing that anyone has said to me all day.
For your sake, I hope the Italians have started fitting their loafers with C4-resistant soles. "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy's car is on fire!" LOL...
I bet you have never even seen C-4. Put the video game down, "pull your pants up, turn your hat around and get a job." PJ O'rourke
I bet you I have. I bet you I've also been working longer than you've been alive. But of course, that would ruin your typically lazy and facile notion that the only people who want to see fat-fingered Wall Street reptiles separated from their "loved ones" by either prison walls or a coffin are unwashed, unemployed 23-year-olds. LOL...better guess again. The chickens are in the driveway, sonny boy...
No, I am over 60 and I have personally seen far more unwashed, unemployed, 50 and 60 year olds than 23 year olds. I, myself, dabbled in socialism in my teens, not in 'nam of course...but then I got a job and had to start paying more than my share of taxes for losers like you. I have witnessed your brand of utopianist economics up close and personal in places like Albania and North Korea and it does not and can not work. A person your age needs to comprehend that naivete, while it can be quite fetching in a 16 year old ingenue, becomes downright pitiful once you attain the age of 25. You need to recognize that the time of aging hippies, like you, who have lived those lives of quiet desperation has long since passed. When you voted for Obama, did you not realize that he would beat you and your kind like rented mules once he was in office. You folks have been played like a Stradivarius. I hope that you Occupy Wall Street types at least have had the good sense to request a reach around this time. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!!! By the way, please clean your drive-thru window, it is becoming rather unsightly.
I voted for Ron Paul, and I've worked nonstop since the age of 16 (that's 34 years now), so the taxes you've paid are no different than the taxes I've paid. I'm also not sure what "utopianist" economics you're talking about--all I care about is that the Wall Street scum who created the CDOs and mortgage-backed securities that have helped bring down the financial system (along with the politicians--left and right--who loosened regulations to allow them to do it) are properly raped in prison. Why is that so hard for you to understand? I mean, I know the NY Post doesn't publish that kind of stuff, but surely you had to have run into it by accident somewhere. Maybe, you know, while you were enjoying a big steak and a cigar at Peter Lugar's, like every other standard-issue, nouveau-riche goombah, WASP and Jew in the tri-state area who was raised blue collar but is determined show everyone how they're now living the "high life." LOL....
If you voted for Ron Paul, it is a disgrace that you have not examined his work at the von Mises Institute or the work of his protege Frederich A. Hayek. The bankers, while not blameless, were merely responding rationally to a government policy that effectively stated that the government would buy back or guarantee any and all mortgages no matter what. The government, through the "Community Reinvestment Act," pushed lending institutions to write riskier and riskier mortgages in a politically motivated drive to make credit available to people that the Government considered "socially disadvantaged" or "underserved." The primary and secondary mortgage markets functioned efficiently for well over 200 years until the government put their thumb on the scale by removing the credit repayment risk from the lender and placing it on the American taxpayer. A moron could have predicted that this would happen!!! Get educated!
Sorry--every study (such as the one undertaken by the Federal Reserve and discussed in the speech below) has shown that the loans encouraged by the CRA (and "encouraged" is the operative word, because no one was putting a gun to the banks' heads and telling them to offer no-down-payment loans) have performed just as well as other loans issued by the same banks:
"Over the years, the Federal Reserve has prepared two reports for the Congress that provide information on the performance of lending to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods--populations that are the focus of the CRA.3 These studies found that lending to lower-income individuals and communities has been nearly as profitable and performed similarly to other types of lending done by CRA-covered institutions. Thus, the long-term evidence shows that the CRA has not pushed banks into extending loans that perform out of line with their traditional businesses. Rather, the law has encouraged banks to be aware of lending opportunities in all segments of their local communities as well as to learn how to undertake such lending in a safe and sound manner."
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message.
HAHAHAHAHA!! Pretty funny stuff. And right on the money.
This blogger really sums up what were fighting against out here doesn't it.
Please ignore this thread
You should feel sorry for this person!!!!
This person is not of the 1%. The 1% would never take the time to make a post because they are hardly aware of what is going on on the ground and if they do they dismiss it as those without power or significance. No, this post is from a person who is of the 99% but is in denial of what is going on, he or she is afraid. If they have to acknowledge that they are of the washless masses it will break their illusion of being someone who benefits from the system. They are afraid because they think their government is inherently good and can do no wrong and to say otherwise is 'unamerican'. They believe that if they side with the 1% that all of that wealth and mainstream acceptance will rub off on them and they will not have to suffer from unemployment, homelessness and financial marginalization. He or she deems that if you are right then they are wrong then they are being duped. It is something their fragile sensibilities and ideas of what is real cannot handle and so should not be challenged, because the moment it is challenged then they have to leave illusion and face reality. This is why they have to paint the movement as a bunch of 'losers' etc. You should feel sorry for them precisely because they are NOT a member of the 1%. The 1% is approximately 400 families and they are too busy living in their own worlds to notice what is going on on the ground and if they do notice they immediately dismiss it. Marie antoinette did the same. This person notices because they are afraid, they are threatened.
I am glad you have been entertained for a moment. Now us adults will go back to saving democracy.
but 1%ers are widely prepared. For example the rich Managers invented a new juristic battlefront called "compliance".
Full of ignorance and stupidity. Many of us have degrees and even jobs, you fucking idiot! For me and many others, this is a protest AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT ITSELF, not just lobbying and the top 1%. This is about all of the wrongs that the government has committed. This is about the corruption, the police brutality, the pointless and arbitrary laws, the government working for itself instead of the people, the completely unreasonable tuition rates, the government's imperialistic nature, and everything else that we all know is wrong with our country. It's time for you to grow up and stop being loyal to an entity who tries to control your life, AKA Government.
Haters gonna hate. But hate will get you nowhere. Negativity will change nothing. Whether a failure or success, at least we can say we tried, and that alone is something to be proud of. It makes me sad to see this kind of thing, whether serious or trolling. Your words are hateful and so they do nothing. Our words are hopeful, and are meaningful. Try it.
im watching you idiots in the park on TV from the cozy comfort of my 4 bedroom east side penthouse. and i didnt pay any taxes last year, ha! eat cake you fools
Wow! All the crazies are crawling out of the cracks! Now I understand why workers spit in some of those take out window orders! LOL
Hahaha. You're trying so hard here...this has to be satire. One criticism though. Have you been introduced to the grammatical devise known as "the paragraph"? Because it's hard for me to enjoy your ingenious quips, your razor sharp wit, AND to simultaneously appreciate the depth of knowledge and understanding that you bring to the table here with this gem of a post.
I suggest that when you want to begin a new subject, that you should start a new paragraph. Do you see how I've just done so? For example, when your anger switches from "blend" to "puree", you may want to take a breath and put a space in there, just so we can all appreciate the forethought you put into this comment. Cheers and happy trolling!
Oh! One more thing. Have you considered taking the "isha" off the end of your screen name? I believe the resulting name would suit you well. Just a suggestion.
You're funny, dude. What's up with the line 'endangered alligator skin Italian loafers'? Do you seriously wear that? Hilarious!
I certainly dont agree with alot of what the more extreme among us have to say but there are some problems that need addressing. The trading community in particular is a menace, engaging in behavior to maximize short term profits (and commissions) at the expense of long term stability. CEO pay is another travesty. They all serve on each other's board of directors, to ensure the big pay outs. There ARE things that need to be addressed, and again while I may not agree with much of whats said, I'm glad this is happening.
I certainly dont agree with alot of what the more extreme among us have to say but there are some problems that need addressing. The trading community in particular is a menace, engaging in behavior to maximize short term profits (and commissions) at the expense of long term stability. CEO pay is another travesty. They all serve on each other's board of directors, to ensure the big pay outs. There ARE things that need to be addressed, and again while I may not agree with much of whats said, I'm glad this is happening.
Your still here??
Go play in some other park.
Looks like someone thinks he is above the economic collapse. Better get ready for it, buddy, or you're going to find yourself living out of a cardboard box.
Yep and when I'm not around to pay the taxes that cover your welfare; good luck.
Most ALL, but most.
what do you do that makes you such a winner?how do you help the world??
Only promises of free money to losers
There was no hope or change with the Obama administration but we can try again.
There was no hope or change with the Obama administration but we can try again.
Great news anne! Bloomberg says you can stay. Bloomberg: "Citing an overwhelming number of requests from parents that he continue to provide them with a "time-out" from their leech-like adult "children" who, having found a paucity of demand for jobs requiring advanced degrees in "Trans-Gendered Art History" and "14th Century Bulgarian Poetry", and had moved back into those parent's basements and couches, Mayor Bloomberg, today announced, that Occupy Wall Street protesters can stay in the park for as long as they choose. Bloomberg went on to state that :"Its the least that I can do for the parents, many of whose investing activities contributed to my immense fortune!"
Angry kind sir? My my where does that stem from? Your own kid perhaps out of work but maybe you kicked his butt out rather than take him in? Your brother or sister without a job right now and you have unresolved childhood issues? Your daddy in the military?
Seems like you have a hard time seeing a big picture. Sometimes we have to stand up for what is right and give the insight necessary to people who are not speaking the truth or the facts of reality. Anyone can spit and fume "freedom of speech" and "free to believe what we want to believe" but its time to grow up and face the facts that Corp American has saddled up way to close and government has turned sour in many corrupt deals that do go down every day never mind what has been. its time to stand up for the truth of it all and demand change to rid the present process of all its corruptness! Its the way it is plan and simple. the campaign that is now gone global is a community speaking for a community. Many of us are hard working individuals actively working for corp america. i personally have fought back in many cases over my tenure in corp america. As an individual i have stood up - i have brought the courts into companies to try to right the abuse that goes on in companies - one person fighting gets small poignant results. This drive is to awaken everyone involved - to cut the tie that used to be "Big Business owns the Government"... this is such an old saying but has only strengthened over the years. Its high time to demolish this saying and change the entire process for how business does business with our government - which in our democracy should mean "how business does business with US - the People who the government represents!
From your post, I take it that this means that you will vote against Obama next time then. YOU are the Problem!! While your whelps were playing soccer without keeping score, the rest of the world's children were learning math and science. And I can assure you that their parents and teachers were keeping score. Was there no man in the house to teach them how to succeed and prosper? By the way, my 3 sons all support themselves and bring in more than 150 k per year. But I am not worried as I expect them to do much better once they gain more business experience.
Issue with Male domination! Got it... thats more like an answer one would expect from you. Sorry you are so blinded by the ills of your little world. We are a global world now - no escaping this evolution... what we need to change is the way we do business right here in our own back yard to right the wrongs. Then we adjust the way we do business with our global partners ... this is what we are fighting for... change to make the corruption dissapear. That would mean your three sons may have to deal with higher tax... oh no
You are a racist! Capitalism provides third-world citizens with opportunities unavailable to them under their former socialist economic systems (for which your side is now advocating). You and your racist union friends are just angry that their wage rates are more competitive than yours. You and your cronies want to deny them the chance to better themselves. They exercise free choice and you hate it because they are better than you and your ilk.
Not a racist and not a union member or supporter. you are once again WRONG! I work and have to make a living to pay my bills just like most of the people supporting this campaign.
Are you against Evolution of the human race, by the human race? Love thy neighbor as thyself - its a good thought - maybe you should practice. The way we run the business side of this country is no longer viable. Lets see your sentence up there - "provides third-world citizens with opportunities unavailable to them under their former socialist economic systems ".... needs some work! Like get educated! Handing out money has brought this country DOWN yes we are in the toilet right now, though your sonny boys are bringing a decent pay home if thats even real. Lets say it is, i'll bet within a year one of them loses the job, is demoted/less pay, or is given an early retirement package... lay off coming!
you ask that because you make some sort of reference to Obama keeping the ties to big biz? i will vote for Obama because not yet does (1) repuke-lican running offer any strengthening platforms - i don't have too much repect for Mitt, Newt, or hmm, Bachmann or Palin... is there anyone who has announced any form of platform that says they have the intelligence to turn things around over night? Because that is just what a lot of conservatives have dished out about Obama, that he has failed to turn the unemployment rate around! Well guess what folks, Obama inherited a mess that no one could have ever turned around in a 4 year term - thats a fact. You provide any kind of white paper, dissertation, or propoganda-like play sheet from any of these candidates and many of us will blow holes through it! This all started in the late 80's when manufacturing started moving overseas. In the 90's it only got worse and today - look where we are - land locked to the likes of China? India? Korea? they need to deal with the Holiday Tax and bring it back home!
the only thing I don't like right now about Obama is his nomination for Job Czar - GE CEO... that is extremely disappointing however, until we hear the sales pitch he used and just why obama chose him - i can only conjecture that this guy lied his way around the truth of it all. this guy is all about moving overseas "if its the best thing for the moment" according to his bank statement!
You state that Obama is unfairly criticized because: "...he has failed to turn the unemployment rate around!" GET your facts straight!!! Unemployment was at 6.7 when he was elected. It is now over 9!!! "That government governs best that governs least."
fact is that it was tanking and kept on tanking because of predecessors activities and lack there of ... darn straight it did - that would be because it was ALREADY on the spiral DOWN that no one would have been able to stop.
this post = epic trolling (basement dweller submitted)
epic? How about EPIC!!!!!!
I love trolling too. We hit the jackpot with this site!
Your very welcome!! Glad you enjoyed it.
I can see that "twatisha" is afraid of the end of the system, and capitalism.
Better reconcile yourself - nothing can stop it.
How many times have I heard that in the last 60 years!!!!
Yup, the usual grade school level put down, stereotyping, and smearing of someone, or some group you disagree with rather than argue issues in a mature adult way.
You are referring to the signs of the protesters, no? I was so looking forward to the puppets.
wish for a "get a job" section
that last sentence...
very sexual and arousing.
I'm well educated, and have a well-paying job in IT. I've now joined the 99%, look out Corporate Coddlers.. the days of the Emacipation of the Corporation are numbered!
Obviously not well educated.
I'm well educated, and have a well-paying job in IT. I've now joined the 99%, look out Corporate Coddlers.. the days of the Emacipation of the Corporation are numbered!
What is the "Emancipation of the Corporation?" Did Jesse Jackson just enter the building? By the way, don't buy anything on credit, as the Cloud has rendered you obsolete.
your dreaming.....ever heard of the American Revolution?
A simple ? for anyone (a challenge if "you" will). In looking @ the numbers given as actual fact on any scale, who knows of more people that have lived over 70 (or even till ETC.), compared to how many that "they" knew that have passed on? % wise, WHADDAYA GOT? "Most sincerely", (LOVE-n-STUFF) DONNIE Salem Mass. EST. 1626 P.S. Everybody shouldn't have to read dates on tombstones to know which side of "any" scale, went through the floor. +
Historically speaking (and correct) the "European Aristocrat(s)" have been trying to pull this country (and it's PEOPLE) into every endless imaginable conflict, that they ever could/is at all possible. Where did they get the idea to begin w/ looking into greener alternative fuels (solar, wind, HYDROGEN, ETC.) ? From "US" (?) just talking about it for over fifty years. Instead of under the table deals (in total contradiction of any leadership set course), what do you think would happen, if instead of making promises (a.k.a. wrong deals ETC.) into ensuring that the flow of oil (as well as it's usage ETC.) continue, they would do if "WE" announced tomorrow that since it is clear "that all cooperation has gone out the window", "The United States" has decided to begin manufacturing it's own HYDROGEN (and using "it" just like scientists have wanted) as a main alternative fuel/power source/ETC., by using the other methods (solar/wind/NOT EXCLUDING "IT"/ETC.) to do it? "Most sincerely" (LOVE-n-STUFF) DONNIE Salem Mass. EST. 1626 P.S. If a nuclear enriched pellet could run a super aircraft carrier for ten to fifteen years ETC., how much HYDROGEN (as an energy alternative) could that same "PELLET" produce? P.P.S. What are you, a LOSER or JUST A FLOOR MODEL? +
Your Mom says to turn down the boom box.
No, she said "walls were made for kids to go through", and man ain't she right. Why did they hijack planes and fly them into those buildings? Because they couldn't storm them, and everybody knows that (or should have). "They say our life was just a fairy tale, that no matter how we try", "we must surely fail, but where are they now, how could they ever understand? "We" didn't build no castle's in the sand." (Song: All the Kings horses Band: THE FIRM / ALBUM: MEAN BUSINESS) What if (CREED/ ALBUM HUMAN CLAY), twas only gold? "Most sincerely", (LOVE-n-STUFF) DONNIE Salem Mass. EST. 1626 +
Put down the bong, ditch the video game, and go clean your room before your father gets home.
I am the father, stop playing w/ yourself so much honey, or everyone will have to swing their hips just to hit both sides.
You are a racist! Capitalism provides third-world citizens with opportunities unavailable to them under their former socialist economic systems. You and your racist union friends are just angry that their wage rates are more competitive than yours. You and your cronies want to deny them the chance to better themselves. They exercise free choice and you hate it because they are better than you and your ilk.
My step grandfather was black (and I grew up in the late 60's/70's/80's), I am also a proud grandfather of two half black grandchildren, so kid you have no idea what the f-bomb that you are talking about because someone is intentionally keeping everybody (you/I/police/etc.) at each others throats so that nothing gets done ("IF" that is the way you fly, your acting like the racist, so f-off before someone drops a house on you).
"We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files."We'd like to help you learn to help yourself". "Look around you all see are sympathetic lies" ("but most of all you gotta hide it from the kids" / Paul Simon / Mrs. Robinson). Never give up, say it like it is. The President is/was right about eating your own peas. The perfect over example for what has happened to/w/ Social Security. Please let us do discuss (as well as apply) first and formost reading/writting/and comprehension to a program that when started WAS MANDATED NEVER TO BE TOUCHED. After which it should be mentioned that when honored, up running and showing surplus, which by law should have been protected from one dime going anywhere other than this program/ the concerned/ families of/ any new Americans (through a fair correct earned due proccess) and yes probably even disability after given proper motivation/ chance if it were only rightfully placed to collect it's own "little" intrest rate on/in beginning it's own seperate area (which a senior should be able to collect part of (let's say 3rd of any benifit) when inevitably they do become disabled/ vise-versa (protected by universal anybody would be out of their minds laws to touch/change). This is where meanless confrentational uproar says "well just how do figure"? Well (for the number crunchers), we should look @ every moment of the past where it was "rumage funded" elsewhere meant to be replaced (exclaimed as such) and never was, instead of safe (not endangred by) penalty/ purjury laws where it was mishandled, misdirected, mismaneged, over billed and/or scalped (a.k.a. stolen/extorted) etc.. Again "how do you figure"? Well (besides any of the before mentioned), having been a former CNA of some 13yrs. I must say that although it is nice to know that catheter users can now get a clean catheter every time they need to cath, 200 catheters a month seems not only exsesive but expectionaly cruel (ouch), the backwards "yes we are", "no we're not", p.s. "nor were we, until we milk it and THE PEOPLE for whatever their worth" matters of wrongful (because of self implicating involvment) bias politics. "Well how do you figure"? Well energy speaking if we had kept it as things were (spending only what was needed w/ little extra for "just in case") even if we were to add 12-17% to put towards easing the burden on the program(s) it would still be less (as well as more benificial) than it is now and/or going to be. This is where we're sorry you have gone beyond the number of allowed characters that you are permitted to use, please shorten what you need to say and return to the back of the line while we consult w/ Charles Manson. After being patient having gone through the line for the second time I'll just say "okay" as Brad Pitt in the movie fight club would put it taking someone else's head of lettuce, cucumber, onion, tomato, etc. as well as your carrot and jammin' it all up your own butt does not make you a nutritous salad, it only means that you just "F'ed-bombed" yourself(s) w/ a bunch of produce in a few hours that could have fed everbody for three or four days. P.S. If your not a rabbit then how come you got long ears, hmm?/the Abominable Snowman to Daffy Duck dressed like Bugs Bunny/and you can file that in your private fileing system (or "page") under FYI, hump salad, and you (?) as well as Charlie can kiss my sweet mid-40's, English-Italian/french-Irish, proud grandfather of two half black children ass. Oops, now look what you made me do, back to the end of the line (not for swearing but for once again using to many characters). (LOVE-n-STUFF) DONNIE Salem Mass. EST. 1626 +
I think you are projecting, lets talk about you.
Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.
Hey Skippy, Finally found a use for that worthless Psych Studies degree, huh. Now get back over to the drive-thru window and super-size those fries.
Sorry,. my worthless degree is in nuclear physics, and I work in game design. Also, I don't eat junk food nor would I work for any 'restaurant' with a drive-through window. But hay, if you enjoy eating sht, by all means have at it.
"Across the country thousands of Americans, young and old, are demonstrating . . . Among them are some with a pretty good idea of what we need and others who are there because they realize that some expression of peaceful protest against the rape of America is absolutely necessary."
"What do the Occupiers want? Mainly Economic Justice!"
"To get economic justice, you must have monetary justice . . . three things are absolutely needed:
1) The present form of the Federal Reserve System must be ended - it must become a part of our government - what people mistakenly think it is now! In the Treasury Department is best.
2) The accounting privilege that banks now have to create what we use for money out of debt, must stop once and for all. What's called fractional reserve banking must be decisively ended.
3) The Congress must understand and be empowered to create new money and spend it into circulation as money, not debt. For example the $2.2 trillion dollars the Engineers tell us is needed for infrastructure over the next 5 years. As the system progresses, health care and education, and grants to the states are made."
Stephen Zarlenga, American Monetary Institute
Geez, what a piece of work. You probably think we should revert to a serf-based economy (as long as you are in the ruling class, of course). As for aligning yourself with the 'like-minded of other countries' (read despots and fascists), I wonder if the fact that the phrase smacks of treason even enters your egocentric mind....
Oh, and I am an executive with a six-figure salary at a world-renowned organization with a lovely house in a gated community. However, that does not make me a winner - the love and respect of my friends, family and colleagues does that. Something I expect you lack, given your general attitude.
troll - loser. obvious troll is obvious.
According to a 2008 article by David Rothkopf, the world’s 1,100 richest people have almost twice the assets of the poorest 2.5 billion (Rothkopf, 2008). Aside from the obvious problem – that this global elite has their hands in everything from politics to financial institutions – …
To the extent that we, the people, are removed from control over our lands, marketplaces, central banks, and media we are no longer empowered. In practice, those few who do control the land, central bank, media and "free market" are the real rulers of our corrupt and declining "democracy."
Due to propaganda from a corporate-owned and edited media we are kept from knowing, much less debating, the nature of our system. Due to a central bank owned by bankers, media owned by a few global concerns, and trade regime controlled by global corporations (i.e., one designed to remove the people from control over their markets and environments) the vast majority have become little more than latter-day serfs and neo-slaves upon a corporate latifundia.
To restore a semblance of effective democracy and true freedom Americans, and people around the world, need to re-educate themselves as to the true nature of their political and economic systems. Toward this end, is dedicated to providing old and new information, books, links, reform ideas and debates not easily found or accessed today in establishment media. is but one more site and sign of the times as ground-up counter-revolutions arise around the world... all in response to a forced and freedomless globalization courtesy of a ruling global elite perfecting their top-down plutocracy and revolutions of the rich against the poor. In short, democracy is no longer effective today. For this reason, it is toward a restoration of truly effective and representative democracies, and natural freedom, that this site is dedicated.
What if they gave a revolution and only a couple thousand retrograde hippies showed up?
what if they gave an economic meltdown and the mass distribution network failed?
hello? earth to right wing trolldom? your civilizations evil practices have brought your civilization to the brink of collapse. Not only will more people show up, but things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. The oligarchies only smart move is to give up because the longer they try to hold out the more likely the consequence will be that the mob will literally eat the rich. Get smart, wake up, and be a part of positive social change, instead of a troll and part of the problem. There isn't going to be any shortage of protesters any time soon, bush policies sent 50 million people from middle class into poverty. This is just getting started.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss!
I doubt you have any wealth at all, and your loafers are probably fake. If you did you would have something else better to do then pick on these people. Live and let live. You probably live at home with your parents
This is no longer entertaining. Do you not realize that the gibberish that you spout makes you not only unemployable, but unintelligible as well? I fear that the future of my country will be determined by people, like you, who do not posses even a modicum of understanding of economics. People who, like you, are educationally, emotionally and psychologically unfit to compete in a global economy. You and your racist comrades are not going to be able to keep the citizens of less developed countries down by your anti-globalization nonsense forever . While you and Johnny Creamcheese were playing soccer without keeping score, the rest of the world's children were learning math and science. And I can assure you that their parents and teachers were keeping score. So, OK, if I need a question answered about womyn's contributions to indigenous Andean finger painting, I'll give you a call. But in the mean time, if I need something built right, I will go where the core competencies reside.
Gibberish?? YOU talk about gibberish?? That is literally the word I was thinking of as I read your posts. The thought that any person could actually believe the majority of protesters are "basement-dwelling weed-smokers" is pitiful.
How well is JP Morgan paying you, troll?
I own my own company, loser.
Yeah, it's called "Shinebox Inc."
Great news Vooter! Bloomberg says you can stay. Citing an overwhelming number of requests from parents that he continue to provide them with a "time-out" from their leech-like adult "children" who, having found a paucity of demand for jobs requiring advanced degrees in "Trans-Gendered Art History" and "14th Century Bulgarian Poetry", and had moved back into those parent's basements and couches, Mayor Bloomberg, today announced, that Occupy Wall Street protesters can stay in the park for as long as they choose. Bloomberg went on to state that :"Its the least that I can do for the parents, many of whose investing activities contributed to my immense fortune!"
LOL...remember, WE tell that election-stealing little monkey what to do, not the other way around....
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message.
THIS IS WAR. It is meant to be NON VIOLENT. An expression of democracy. Do not try to INCITE. The masses have had enough becareful of backing them into a corner. There is still time for diplomacy and democracy to work. Lose your arrogance the people in America have spoken before in History and will not hesitate. Change your TONE and work for the common good.
Yeah Yeah Yeah, put down the bong, ditch the video game, and go clean your room.
I don't smoke don't play video games and I am a Working American. I am not alone. I Vote and will encourage others to do so. Your smug response is unnerving your complete lack of understanding is a testament of what is wrong. You will not prevail in this course but you have a choice to stand with the American People or the Corporations. Pick a side.
Wait just a minute, If you don't smoke the sticky icky, how in the hell did you come up with the sentence: "Your smug response is unnerving your complete lack of understanding is a testament of what is wrong."? I may have been born at night but it wasn't last night!
Your naivety about the class divide says volumes. Are you being honest with yourself? Is this the future you want for your children? Do you have a responsibility to your fellow citizens? Do you honestly believe that the halls of money should control the halls of power? This is your chance to make a stand.
I don't wish to offend you as my children will rely upon your children for cheap labor.
You are a horrible human being who will have to face judgement. Good Luck to You!
When the Venutians come, and come they will, they will clone me and castrate you.
Good luck with that. You'd better pray the Martians stay out of it :)
Don't feed the TROLLS
Oh I like that. Need to get t-shirts made!
your mom "YEah.." (BaM)^5
"endangered alligator skin Italian loafers"
damn !?
I need to return some videotapes.
Stiglitz and Krugman know the way
This is a repost from 5 minutes ago..
cool story bro.
I would rather donate all my money to save the dolphins then allow bums to receive it as social welfare. I think there is a lot of weathly people like me that will not allow their money to go to worthless bums.
I think these wall street protesters would be better off occupying a job than wall street. But I guess that's too much to ask of a loser. Continue down this path and the wealthy that provide your jobs will outsource to a more tax friendly country. We will be broke like most of Europe. Just look at Greece. Socialism destroys economies.
I DO NOT LIVE IN MY PARENTS' BASEMENT! I still have my old bedroom above the garage, next to the maid's living quarters. SO THERE!
BTW, does anyone know where to get this week's protest paycheck for volunteering? The craigslist ad said we would get $650/week every week we kept up the stink, but I only received last week's paycheck, which barely covered the cost of my food. Thank Lenin for the free "maryjane" dispenser in the park! The curbside sex & defacation is fun too, but I still want this week's paycheck.
After all, the unions & Obama promised to redistribute their wealth, but now they are cheating us.
That is a fairly accurate description of many down at Zuccotti Park.
I have poor self esteem and need a hug. Hold me twatisha... If I'm not a redheaded step child, can I still get that hug?
I love how you think that just because someone doesn't decide to promote cyphoning off of some third world country's resources they are a pathetic loser. Your comments are evidence of the vapid and soulless ideology that has inserted itself into the capitalist system. Your complete idiocy and wholehearted conviction in the individual and their ability to achieve success in a inequitable and deeply entrenched class based society, which by the way, is a product of thousands of years of people working together and deciding that to help others is to help themselves, just shows that you have been duped. Every road, water source, and electrical outlet has been subsidized by the very workers that you refuse to pay a living wage. I hope you enjoy those alligator shoes when your children choke on the foul air spewed from the company that manufactured them. I am not against capitalism, I am against the complete lack of regulation and recognition of the uneven distributions of it's costs.
Fill it with high test, check the oil and make damned sure you clean the windshield this time.
You are pathetic. I'm glad there are people like you out there to remind me of why I'm rejecting your world and helping people with my education. Go drink your corporate kool-aid and get it over with. Enjoy being ahead now before they fire you when you're over 40 and deemed "useless" to the company. When that happens and you apply for low income housing because all your stock options were fucked I will remember how you really loved your alligator loafers.
I own the company and I will do the firing around here.