Forum Post: Occupy the U.S. House and Senate with votes! Anyone want to help create a list of candidates?
Posted 12 years ago on June 22, 2012, 11:49 p.m. EST by jake22
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm really concerned about getting the same kind of far-right Republicans and moderate-right Democrats in the U.S. Congress.
Would anyone like to help me with this list:
on here, the blog, or Not a money-making effort on my part. There will be no blog ads - cross traffic marketing or whatnot. Thanks.
Check out PDAMERICA.ORG also see
Yeah, vote for anyone who does not have a D or an R as the first letter of their political party.
Exactly. +10.
Better to create a new constitution, as follows:
We the peoples, in order to secure Freedom and Justice for All, do enact this Constitution for Strategic International Systems LLC (or SIS LLC) as summarized in the following Business Operations Forecast:
The customer value mission of SIS LLC is (1) to organize all customer-investors into 3,000 investment squad sites of 16 friends (or virtual specialties), and related internet investment legislatures of 50,000 friends (or virtual towns), requiring (2) a $20 weekly capital contribution for 1 year (or $1,000) to (3) create your investment club bank of 50,000 friends (or physical town) -- that is, having $50 million in initial assets -- which (4) due to the operation of today’s fractional banking system becomes (5) $500 million in new annual business loans (or $10,000 in new annual individual loans) from yourself as a new bank officer to yourself as a new business officer who (6) takes 75% employee business control as business officer-investors and 25% customer business control as bank officer-investors of (7) your specific 12 businesses (or investments) in your new bank investment account wherein (8) your investor voting power equals (9) your 1 of 12 levels of experience in (10) your 1 of 12 sectors in 1 of 50 industries in 1 of 200 occupations in 1 of 3,000 specialities which (11) votes-upon your purchasing (or investment) orders as (12) proposed by your employee-elected chain of command.
This means you will have 75% employee business control over your workplace as business officers and, as bank officers, 25% customer business control over all 12 investments (or businesses) in your new bank investment account. In turn, with this 100% town-level business control of your 3,000 workplaces, you can decrease your 12 customer consumption expenses by 75% for services, vehicles, education, retail, food, construction, technology, manufacturing, wholesale, health, justice, and banking expenses; that is, over your first 12 years of SIS LLC membership using a 75% more effective and efficient town design, and related 3,000 workplace designs (herein). Furthermore, while creating your new town & workplace design as described by this constitution, you will replace today’s communist big businesses, and related big governments, with your new small investment club banks, and related small businesses (or investments), as proposed, financed, and patronized by your 3,000 investment squad sites of 16 friends (or virtual specialties) in your internet investment legislature of 50,000 friends (or virtual town).
Why? First, because today’s executive business income (mostly from bank or financial asset income) is 33% of all income which is a huge amount of upper 1% income to split among yourselves as new bank officers having 25% customer business control, right? Second, because today’s executive business wealth is 42% of all wealth which is a huge amount of upper 1% wealth to split among yourselves as new business officers having 75% employee business control; that is, only after becoming new bank officers (above) first, right?
For example, this means if you earn $12/hour today, then you will earn $36/hour tomorrow after adding (1) your old wage income, plus (2) your 33% (more and new) interest income as a new bank officer, plus (3) your 42% (more and new) dividend & gain income as a new business officer. Together, these 4 sources of wealth & income from your specific 12 businesses (or investments) will double your net worth every 6-12 years (until retirement); that is, from the compound interest decline of today's upper 1% executives whom you will replace as the new bank & business investor-officers. So, with this power, let’s end today’s communist big businesses, and related big governments, okay? How? By helping to operate your own Business Operations Forecast (above) at ; so help us help you, today!
Would mind not spamming the sight with this?
The article is filler. The trolls are coming out in force. I'm sure thrasy will be drowned out in the mess of trolls that we will begin seeing more of as the election closes in.
Current politicians are often corrupt and it's too late now to recruit new people. You're too late.
It's not too late to use the same aggressive tactics used by the right on healthcare to stamp out Romney. That should be the goal now. Don't give up! This movement can move but it needs to be just as vigilante as the righties.
I don't see any difference in the level of corruption between Democrats and Republicans. I did advocate Occupy recruiting its own candidates in the same manner as the tea party, no one thought the idea was worth pursuing. It's too late now to find honest people to run. Now you have to pick from two bad choices.
I see it as having two options, take over the system or let it crash and start over. Too few wanted to take over, so now we're left with letting things collapse. Voting for corrupt Democrats may be slightly better then voting for corrupt republicans, but in the end it's just going to perpetuate a corrupt system.
Can't we force Dems to vote their historic, natural progressive principles?. The Dems failure is that they have moved right for 30 yrs. They have caved in to vote for right wing policies! They have taken corp 1% money to get re elected. The left wing constituents share the blame in that, no? We've been asleep. Even after we elected Pres Obama to correct these right wing policies we went back on the couch and let the right wing resurrect itself with (tea party) protests. Can't we drag Dems back to the left with progressive (OWS?) protests? Or should we give up and wait 'till the right wing amasses enough power to continue voter suppression (ALEC), implement more anti protest laws to crush dissent, and steal elections with corp money? Then what happens?
It's only my opinion but I believe Occupy should have made use of the techniques used by the tea party. Expressing outrage over economic injustice at town hall meetings, demanding regulation, recruiting candidates and running them against Democrats or Republicans that were under the influence of corporations. They elected to stand apart from the system and hold out for a shift from republic to anarchy.
Now I'm supposed to get excited over a choice between Republican and Republican-lite. It doesn't matter which party you vote for. You do have a shot on individual issues still, but this election cycle is lost as far as any real change is concerned.
We can affect some change. The House and senate are very closely held. Enough left wing policy supporters can change the mood/momentum of the country. If our movement grew and showed clarity we could define the conversation and direction. It can be done. Vote the issues. Don't surrender the govt to right wing 1%'rs.
I'll certainly vote, I just find it a little depressing that there was an opportunity to do so much more and in my opinion OWS threw it away.
The powers against us are immense. That OWS has survived under the crackdown, the right wing attacks, and the media blackout/lies about us is amazing. This can take years. It won't work if we give up of course. And whatever we do we cannot just not vote becasue that is what the 1% wants. They know OWS supporters are progressives and would not vote for the 1% agenda.
Don't forget that OWS itself has chosen to pull back from the process under the impression that an anarchistic direct democracy can rise up once the current system collapses.
I know. I can support the direct democracy rise. but I can't tell you I want to see things get worse with a system collapse. I want improvement! progress. I can't plan for things to get worse and wait in the wings. Better to attempt improvement while agitating for direct democracy.
It should have been done from the start, with occupy camps in so many congressional districts they had the opportunity to run their own candidates in primaries all across the country. Even failure to win some primaries would put the ruling party on notice that their jobs were not quite as safe as they once were.
It's as though they were miffed that the tea party had done it with some success and wouldn't try what another group made work. Now I'm left only with bad choices.
I agree there was an opportunity to run progressive candidates. It may have been not wanting to be like the Tea party, but I think also it was real disgust with both political parties. I think still many at the top of OWS refuse to accept that the dems might be co opted. Yesterday we had a primary in bklyn and our very dem district was running blatently pro OWS campaigns. They didn't really have to, because it is a solid dem district. They did because they believe it. We can find many real progressive dems. But no progressive repubs! and everyone should take note that Bernie Sanders (definitely progressive) votes for dem policies.
You cannot fix a broken system from within, you lying pro-regime plant. There will be no solution without Revolution.
name calling=weak arguments!
We should embrace all non violent tactics.
Support OWS! Vote out pro norquist, anti Buffet rule politicians!
My focus is on challenging right wing 1% supporters who spread skewed propaganda. You just call me a liar. That is weak. I say specifically why I am more disappointed with dems. They have moved right! They cave in to the right.! It is the right wing policies at the center of our problems. You don't acknowledge that fact because you are a republican partisan plant.
And what changes would you like to see them implement?
The system as a whole is so corrupt, third party candidates aren't even allowed to debate. What you want can't be done but, with time and momentum,it can be. The wretched right is much, much, much more corrupt than the left. Left unhindered, you won't get the chance to start again. I say we keep the band aid on for now until the movement can grow more. More folks are signing up. You have to trust me.
Sorry you misunderstand me, I don't think the best course is to retreat from the system. What I see as the best course OWS has rejected. They should have recruited their own candidates, new to politics, to run in primaries. The tea party is pushing the republicans with a relatively small number of representatives. OWS could have, an din my opinion should have, done the same thing. They failed to take the moment, now it's past.
ohhhhkay. got you. Well, I agree with that idea. Sorry it didn't gain traction. All I was saying is we need to keep the band aid, (Obama), on until we can stop the bleeding...a return to the Nazis, (evil incarnate), will be utter destruction.
Is this a "movement" of Democrats?