Forum Post: Occupy the media. CNN fox news and NBC
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 7:09 a.m. EST by onionrovirosa
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
They ignoring us. Let's go and camp in front of their headquares. Bring the news to them if they dint want to come to us. America needs to hear about Occupy.
Is incredible all the news about Egypt, Syria and Lybia, yet not even one report from the occupy movement. They try to shut us down by ignoring us. Let's go camp in front of the today show!!! The morning show al the shows with a window. Let's make to the front pages. We can do it!!!
Camp out in front of all their morning shows or any show that has street level windows or does out door spots
That is the main idea. :) I like it
Piracy would be very effective.
Piracy is something I cant agree. Kill jobs and make people lazy. :(
Think about this,
Yesterday there were more people at one single mall in NJ than there are at OWS and there are roughly 47,000 indoor malls across the country and five times as many outdoor malls.
I know. Is kind of a little heartbreaking after reading all the black Friday boycott messages across all web forums. Never the less. Let's focus on our movement and not let us get distracted by the media.
good idea. that would bring attention to everything using their propaganda machine agianst them. if people can chant loud enough to were they cant be heard broadcasting the today show wonder if they will call in the riot police. then america can really see whats going on.
I've wondered why they don't take advantage of those live free sources of exposure, myself.
Yes, occupy the media!
Seriously, occupying the media, mic checking the media, exposing the corporate media fog, bringing down their antennae if necessary, is the only way forward.
do you have any concern for the people who live with their families in the areas you want to camp out like animals? do these people have a right to a good night sleep? are you all so self absorbed? you claim you are not treated fairly; do you think your movement is treating others fairly by behaving like this?
Broadway and Wall Street are residential areas? I didn't realize
yes people like myself and my family live right their
These people are speaking FOR you, whether you like it or not. They're putting their own comfort and safety on hold for the greater good. So what if there's some inconvenience? You have much more to gain from OWS than to lose from it.
if that is the case please do not speak for me.
I believe in personal freedom as long I am not emotionally or physically hurting others I have the right to do as I please and so do you. I apologize and feel sorry for the good people who live around the camp areas. But America needs this movement and is for the greater good. They same way you don't (I assume) didn't mind American forces being to deploy into fake war zones were many lost their lives. I believe that peaceful protesting is the best solution. :)
i dont know why you assume anything about me. I never supported the war in Iraq but war is a business and has been since this country was born. it will continue to be. Obama no Obama. I just don't get the bitching and complaining. things are not perfect but you can make a nice life for yourself in this country. Does everyone who makes more money than you make too much? Actors, musicians, doctors, lawyers, bankers etc. maybe you should have gone into another line of work. Yes, I know things are not perfect. It is not a utopian society we live in but you need to realize that it never was and it never will be.
Agree. And understand your sentiment. Maybe a few years ago I would have been on the same page as you. But when I star seeing hard working honest people loosing their homes because they got sick or people loosing their jobs for no other reason that their boss want to double profit while cutting his employees or when job rights are taken away or see that most college graduates don't have job opportunitities and instead have loans that will never be able to pay. That is where I draw the line. I am lucky I live in TAiwan where people still comes first where I have a really good job and where poverty is 0.5%. but I still feel sad for my friends who live in America that hve to go throu this injustices.
as a follow up, please name ONE company that laid people off and then saw a double in "profits" I would like to know the name of the company when the layoffs were, how many people were laid off, what were the profits prior to the layoff and how long they took to double. would also like to know the name of the "boss"
many of the injustices you discuss are your opinion and not fact. very few if any publicly traded companies lay people off so their "boss" can double profits. That is just not how things are done. If production is down and profits are down, yes there are cut backs. These are the choices and risks people take who decide to go into this field. I have many friends who work in real estate and do not have salaries but commissions and have nearly 100% job security. This is just another option for people. The people I know who have had to move from their homes or apartments have been due to the inability to pay for their mortgages or rent. Not to mention all of the other expenses in one's life. America is free of choices and has its problems but we have had problems in the past and will have them in the future. And I can assure you we will survive as we always do.
The lists are too long to for this write them down. But is ok I will give you an example. GM was making profits in the billions and closed all their US factories during the 80's. I follow the stock market and is I credible all the profit these top 500 companies make while they fire people. This doesn't happen in Taiwan. Example HTC and Acer just keep hiring people( not factory jobs ok) to keep improving. America is going backwards. How about IBM or HP they fired by the 1000's Keep killing jobs sooner than later there won't be a middle class anymore. You can choose to stay blind or see the reality. Not because I have a good life means everybody else Is doing good too. Not everybody should be doing stocks to have a good life. Tell me something how can a student make a living after college with with crazy debts on their shoulders.
so IBM and HP fired 1000's and this doubled profits for their "boss"? you still don't answer my question which was a simple response to your previous post. "you can choose to stay blind, " now is that a nice thing to say? I am blind because I have a different view than you? You are right and I am wrong? I have a great idea. How about kids in high school do what it takes to get a scholarship to college? Imagine that? Or is that too much work to ask of someone and it is simply easier to blame the cost of school. How about this idea? Work through college to pay off loans. Yes, imagine that take classes and have a job or 2. I did it. I know lots of people who did it.
Maybe playing lottery would help. You just have to choose the right numbers at the right time and you can get rich beyond your wildest dreams. And everyone has the same chance to do so.
The only gambling I have done is on myself. Grew up extremely poor. Paid my way through under grad and grad school with not one but 2 jobs. Found a job out of school and continued to work a 2nd job for 5 years. Made my way out of debt. Swore I would never let that happen again but was grateful for my degree's and my job yes, on wall street. Have worked my ass off, made a good living, have a wonderful family, give time back to my community as well as give money to charities that are important to me. I am one of the 1% you hate but I did nothing wrong except work hard and took responsibilities for my actions. I suggest you do the same.
I do not hate all the 1% and doubt you are part of the super1% there are lots of business people who are good and play safe no matter they are born rich or poor. In fact I agree there are lots of morons at the OWS and lazy people who deserve living on the street. But you have to understand the sittuation we are living has go e to the extreme. Plus let me ask you if today you graduated from Coolidge and didn't have those 2 jobs how would you plan to pay your debts? Not everybody is so lucky. This are times for solidarity. When cops attack innocent civiliants for exercising their right to protest that is when it becomes touch. By the way you didn't see many cops disrupting the Tea PArty protectors. I think you should be more understanding after your story of hardwork and success. :D
i was waiting tables and bar-tending while in school to save money to pay off those loans. I have confidence that I would still be able to find those jobs. As for cops acting like assholes, do you thing this is news? I am not saying it is right because it is not but it has been going on for as long as I can remember and will continue to. Abuse of power is not anything new. OWS acts like they found the cure for cancer. OWS is bitching about what has been, what is and what will always be. All I can say is this country is still great, still offers amazing opportunities. It was and will always be easier to blame others for your misfortunes.
First I want to say thank you, for giving a civilize conversation in this forum. Is hard to find people willing to listen and share their opinion Respectfuly wit insults :) Wish you the best. I agree people should not blame others in their misfortunes, but you must agree That times are getting more and more difficult for middle class people. Quality jobs are disappearing for no good reason and the country is in terrible shape due to selfish and greedy politicians and business people. Also I don't think you should judge OWS because some bad apples. A lot of the people there are smart and successful.
I wish there was a michael Moore / Ron Lawl hybrid running for president.
there is a great deal more wrong with this country than "greedy politicians and business people." there is a sense of entitlement that I see among our youth. there are many wonderful politicians as well as many wonderful business men and women. I continue to bring up the blame game because it is a major problem on OWS and throughout our country. people want fast results faster and seem to have forgotten the basic principals of hard work. this country is very much a reflection of its people. Are quality jobs disappearing because of people like me on wall street or are quality jobs disappearing because there are less qualified people here in the US. We must take some responsibility for our problems. All I hear is about the criminals on wall street and in DC. How about the overweight out of shape cigarette smoking lazy uneducated finger pointing Americans. Are any of these people to blame for the problems OWS cries about? Come on, you seem intelligent...nothing is black and white. Playing drums near the Mayor's apartment house will not keep quality jobs here nor will it make life easier for the middle class you speak of.
Maybe that is why I like this movement. Because is getting those lazy people finally of the couch. An agree with youth sense of entitlement. For that I blame the Internet google, napster and compamies that can struve by giving things away for free. Nothing should be free, except for basic necessities. But honestly hate those people in comment boards who even complain about commercials on YouTube or on tv.
But still I don't support those and even veterans are joining the movement. Let's not single out the bad and focus on the good. I believe in the greater good and I think this movement is striving for it.
Sorry my iPad. I DO support OWS and even veterans are joining. This movement goes beyond those lazy people. Is for the greater good.
So you are one who won in the lottery of capitalism. But there are many people doing as you did and they don't get along with that. I, personally, found a place which serves my needs too, but I don't think, if the system is good for me it's good for all, because I see it is not good for all. If we all were billionaires, a piece of bread would cost a billion.
And I don't hate the 1%. They are just slaves to the system as we all are. And if we don't find a solution for the global debt crisis even some of the 1% will very quick downgrade to the 99%.
Please could you follow the link, think about it and tell me where I am wrong?
Even the Dailyshow with John Stweart ignore us or mock us( which mocking would fine because is a funny show but should do it a lot to get us more attention)
Try finding any OWS news in this homepage. Or how about in this website Or this one
did you ever think they don't find you important enough to report about?
And the Kardashians are? Or how about the protesters in Lybia or Syria or Egypt, I guess those are more important. I take a wild guess and tell you why is not being reported. Because they trying to show China a false sense of American political and social stability meanwhile they show the struggles in the middle east and european economic woes and pretend America is an investment stave haven. That way china can keep giving us money to fill the pockets of the 1% while screwing the other 99%
you are so sadly misguided. I live in NY. I don't know much about the Kardashians but know a great deal about what is happening in Lybia, Syria and Egypt. Who doesn't know China is fucked up? this is nothing new. And who pretends America is an investment haven? I work on wall street and it is well documented and known that millions of people have lost fortunes. The market will rebound, people will make money again and guess what, we will have another economic crisis and people will lose again. Again, this is nothing new. History has a way of repeating itself. I am sorry but what you are saying is simply not true.
I live in TAiwan. I do invest in the local stock market too. By the way China is NOT fucked up. Chinese peal are doing great. Have you ever visit HonHai( Foxconn) ? Is a really cool factories with cinemas employees have vacations they have great bonuses they raise their salaries just about 20% last year ( not sure on the percentage right now) plus great bonuses Chinese government protects its people like it or not. The suicides by the ways were isolated insurance that the western media enlarge to make the poor Americans still feel as thing are better in America than china. In fact Cinemas in china are always full. Meanwhile box office in America keeps sinking. You know why? Think about it.
first they ignore us
then they laugh at us
then they fight us
then we win
then they ignore us
Great idea; wish I could be there!
Come on let's do it. Monday morning let's hit the media. I really think this is a good idea. :)
This is a good idea. PLease read it think it. We can do it
I currently live in Taipei . Wish I could afford to be in Amercio. I would go there myself :)
They aren't ignoring you; OWS had its 15 minutes of fame. Now, go back to Mommy's basement and do your chores. Mommy and Daddy might let you borrow the car tonight. News is for adults.
OWS is not a Kardashian. Lol. By the way I am 30 years old , marry live in Taipei and have an exelent job working at one of the top companies in the country. Is your immature comment that shows your true colors. Troll Get back to your cave.
I think the media was somewhat supportive at first, the Democratic party thought it had the leftist version of the Tea Party. After some time it became obvious that the OWS movement was a disorganized, incoherent movement that seemed to just want to protest something for the sake of protesting. If you notice Fox news and conservative media still talks about OWS, and the left leaning media ignores it. The obvious reason is that this group is hurting the democratic party due to public displays of pure dronism and blatant anti American sentiment coming from the movement. A protest only means something if it has a message and someone to listen to it, which OWS seems to have neither at this point.
What he means to say that first the democratic party establishment dismissed us:
Then after we continued to grow despite all of the attacks from all sides of the mainstream political spectrum, they tried to hijack us:
As it becomes more obvious that they cannot do to OWS what the Republicans did to the Tea Party some of them have given up, and some of them have simply redoubled their efforts:
You're being ignored for a reason. You're no longer cool and hip, today you're fools and nit-wits. It took a while but even the lamestream media has figured out you're toxicity is more than just the smell of urine in the streets you occupy.