Forum Post: Occupy Protests Plagued by Reports of Sex Attacks, Violent Crime
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 16, 2012, 9:40 a.m. EST by libtardsSuck
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 16, 2012, 9:40 a.m. EST by libtardsSuck
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don't understand what impact you see this old report as having. Any large collection of people is going to inadvertently offer an opportunity for criminals to hide among the group. With an ideal of democracy and no authoritative structure it's simply easier to hide in and among your victims. You can't draw the conclusion that occupy is made up of criminals.
No offense but some of you people must be blind, if you google anything about OWS and violence, thousands of sites come up
I agree, but violence sells, that's always been obvious in the news. Demonstrations often lead to some violence, but their entire point is to draw a response from authority. In the encampments, crime isn't so much the protestors as it is just the fact they are handy and easy targets for criminals.
No offense, but some of you right wing douchebags try a little to hard to make the point. It's a repeated effort, when you aren't taking Jefferson and other founders out of context.
Occupy Protests Plagued by Reports by libtardsuck...
Move along asspat
Shoo fly.
yeah... i'd believe anything fox "news" reports. even their choice of what's reported is horribly biased, and then from there it gets worse... only a sucker would watch fox. surveys have shown that their viewers are the least educated and least informed among all news watchers. it's for idiots.
Then perhaps you will believe OWS itself: Read the portion from Nan at housing.... about 1/2 down the page.
If you bother to read further on the NYCGA site you will see that this kind of thing is a very real problem.
What are the police doing about it? Or do the police just bash people's heads?
I have no idea what the police are doing about it. Guess you'd have to ask the people involved.
As much as I despise FoxNews I doubt if they would invent incidences. Sure, they don't just provide news, but they try to push their agenda down their viewers throat. But still it can't be all untrue
If you google it then you will find thousands of links from a variety of other news outlets to violence, rape, murder in the OWS clan.
sure, fairly representative of the broader population. every human is the result of ten thousand years of these acts among members of our species. do you expect suddenly people would stop doing this just because they support a cause--all that genetic history magically goes away??
It's not a matter of "genetic history" (whatever you mean by that) going away. It is that OWS tries very hard to keep this type of thing from becoming public. If you read the NYCGA site you can find posts about thievery in the churches they are staying in, a pastor's laptop was stolen.
What is important is the fact that they do absolutely nothing about the members accused of doing these things. Because of their beliefs they are reluctant to even ban people they know shouldn't be in the movement.
by genetic history, i mean, we've had, throughout every year of human existence, at least one or, usually, several wars raging, and raping has been common, as well as drug use. and so it would seem to me we're wired (genetically) for these activities. only under the influence of the higher, morally-influenced, realms of thought have most abandoned such behaviors... but not everyone subscribes to those influences.... and thusly we get this result. and none of the aforementioned behaviors are unique to humans--every animal i am familiar with exhibits them... they are also not the best for peaceful survival.
So because we are "wired for these activities" then that makes it all okay. Look, I know that these type of things can happen anywhere withing any type of group of people, especially when there is absolutely no boundaries. Without boundaries humans can be a pretty nasty bunch.
OWS has to own it's problems and deal with them.... something they are not willing to do.
The OWS movement does not even hold a candle to the Tea Party movement. Tea partiers do not disrupt, trash, vandalize, rape, murder, social unrest, getting arrested, like the OWS is
but, but, the tea party is so dumb. they want smaller government, but at the same time they want the government to outlaw abortion and being gay. dumb. and lazy. can't even stand up at their own gatherings, have to sit around in lawn chairs. disruption? these folks swallow every stupid thing their preacher tells them. they are way too inept to be disruptive.
statistically, i am quite sure there are vandals rapists and murderers who support tea baggers too. it's the normal in any group to have a certain number of them--i guarantee a church congregation has some too.
Yeah I did. ANd you are right
Propaganda. Again.
Fox News, the world's most reliable source for commentary on protest movements. Fair and balanced, assuming you're a right wing fucktard. Fox News is itself a sex crime, as in, I lose my interest in sex for at least 30 minutes after being exposed to Fox News :)
Does not surprise me
It shouldn't. You just posted the same shit the other day. But, you are entirely too big of a chicken shit douche bag to stick with one ID.
No it is not the same duh!!!! This is a different article although it is from the same source "Fox" number one in the ratings and fair and balanced
Loved by the un-fair and believed by the un-balanced.
Is the message the same, douche bag?
No if you are unable to read then please have some read the story to you that was posted the other day. The one posted today is different. Wake up, there has been hundreds of crimes committed within this shallow group
Listen, douche bag, is your message the same?
No duh!!! How many times to I have to say it is different already???
Let's see article written about the same time as your last presentation. You are dumb as fuck.
Are you as ugly in person as you are in your posts?
Why, uncensored, did you come seeking something else?
Yes, civility.
Bull shit. This is what you came for and I can tell. :D
Isn't this fun?