Forum Post: Occupy Oakland will be used as a justification.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:14 a.m. EST by unarmed
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The counter to OWS is happening now, in Oakland. Unless the streets of Oakland are filled with 1000's of peaceful protesters from throughout the bay and northern Ca, Expect the rest of the protest around the country to be tear gassed and cleared within days.
awesome. they prove that they have no regard for free speech and free assembly they prove that our rights are pop fictions. the 99 percent awaken to find that they are peasants. The more that they break their own laws to harm us the more they prove they are evil, the more this generation wakes up.
breaking up the occupies will prove to be the worst mistake the oligarchy could have made.
the smarter course of action would have been to leave them alone. that would at least have prevented them from proving that they have no regard for "rights" which have become mere fictions.
the more evil they do- the more they prove they are evil.
then, when episode 1 is finished, everyone comes back to the wiki.
next years protests will make these look like coffee klatch.
and by then, we will be VERY organized, and it will not be possible to disperse us.
im surprised you use the term "evil".. i would use a different term.. maybe "unjust"..
evil is live spelled backwards. evil is anti life. the pigs are anti life. what they do is anti life. what they do is evil, and we should absolutely regard it and define it as such.
unjust.. we should call it unjust.. most people i know with a scientific mind do not think in terms of "good" and "evil".. of course you know i get where you are coming from.. and believe me.. i abhor the actions of the police in many of these instances. .but i believe people like you and i need to be setting the best examples here... pointing to the "man" as "evil" discredits "us" to an extent.. this is my view on our choice of wording
This is a setup to implement Martial Law which has been prepared for since the Bush years.
Also Glenn Greenwald , Constitutional lawyer and writer for Salon dot com had an excellent interview today on NPR about his new book 'With Liberty and Justice for some' on the Two Tier Justice system , where the elite are pardoned but ordinary citizens are jailed for excercising their First Amendment rights for example and with only being 5% of the world population , having 25% of the incarceration rate world wide. We are and have become a police state where the rule of law is solely applied to the masses and are there to protect the system and the elite that run it.
The elite, as the famous line from "The Gold of the Sierra Madre" goes, like to say " We don't need no stinkin badges."
yes, thats all true.
peasants don't have rights. they have polite legal fictions, but what this proves overand over is that the system has no regard at all for our rights to peacefully assemble, no regard at all for our rights to free speech, no regards at all for our rights - the bill of rights is a sham and a lie- every last one of those rights was long ago rescinded. The only people who have those rights are the elites. the rest of us are legally owned chattel, peasants, slaves, cattle... and we don't actually have any rights.
The police rioted against oakland last night.
They all deserve to be shot. But thats not what we are going to do, because strategically, that only plays into their game plan for martial law.
The elites have no problem pitting their chess pawns against the masses and HOPE that some pigs get killed in the conflict.
we must remain steady and strong in our resolve not to become violent, or they will activate the FEMA plan and simply exterminate all of us.
what it means is...teach people how to detect propaganda...and that divide and conquer is the oldest technique in the book to centralize power over the masses.....Inform and don't ridicule others who may have different opinions ....
Don't let them continue yall. Be peaceful, stop the riots, petition, get your own to police themselevs, take a non-violent oath right in front of the cops. They are still the 99% and when the oney eventually stops they will be right there with you...may take a min. but it will happen.
There is so much to be angry about it's difficult to know where to begin. There's corporations that for 30 years no longer care about America, its people, its environment or its values. There's the politicians, bought by the corporations, who continue to pass laws that benefit corporations at the expense of Americans. There's the corrupt police forces who carry out the dirty work of the corporations without any concern for American civil liberties. I don't know how we can take back our country without tearing it down and starting over. I'm 60 years old. I have lived when America was the greastest country and now I have seen it become Nazi Germany. It sickens me.
There is so much to be angry about it's difficult to know where to begin. There's corporations that for 30 years no longer care about America, its people, its environment or its values. There's the politicians, bought by the corporations, who continue to pass laws that benefit corporations at the expense of Americans. There's the corrupt police forces who carry out the dirty work of the corporations without any concern for American civil liberties. I don't know how we can take back our country without tearing it down and starting over. I'm 60 years old. I have lived when America was the greastest country and now I have seen it become Nazi Germany. It sickens me.
is there not 1000 protestors in san francisco and berkley already?
from what i saw, the oakland group deserved to be disbanded... some scary physically threatening stuff went on down there... i hope what i'm referring to is not representative of ows at large
Don't let them continue yall. Be peaceful, stop the riots, petition, get your own to police themselevs, take a non-violent oath right in front of the cops. They are still the 99% and when the oney eventually stops they will be right there with you...may take a min. but it will happen.
Don't let them continue yall. Be peaceful, stop the riots, petition, get your own to police themselevs, take a non-violent oath right in front of the cops. They are still the 99% and when the oney eventually stops they will be right there with you...may take a min. but it will happen.
yeah right i'll throw the can right back, idc if i bleed.
just remember america. the constitution has no meaning anymore. if this police state that you see goes unpunished by the fedral government for what they did then u might as well burn the constitution. Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Constitutional freedom to peaceably assemble does NOT protect any behavior that can be defined as civil disobedience. You either do not understand your Constitutional rights or you are deliberately misleading readers here.
I cannot believe what the police did right to peaceful assembly my ass!!! Look for pics of raid
Bloomberg is already hinting at breaking up the Wall Street protest. Here in Denver the protesters were routed out at 5am a week and a half ago. This is the inevitable result as there are no clear goals other than sitting on public property (some private) and bitching that the system is unfair. Without clear and concise complaints and solutions, no one is going to take this movement seriously. From the latest news reports, the movement is looking more and more like a Soros/Ad Busters AstroTurf movement.
The fact remains that people have the constitutional right to gather and "bitch that the system is unfair" , without being gassed. Without a show of massive support, quickly, the police will begin to manufacture reasons to smash your heads in. Which is the case in Oakland, Unless there is an overwhelming show os peaceful support in Oakland, the police will have there manufactured violence and the rest of the cities will violently follow suit.
u r correct. what i fear is this is the beggining. if the cops dont understand that people are speaking out for them as well then they need to be shackled with the rest of the criminals. the actions of these officers only goes to show what we must not let discourage us. one radical is all its going to take and i fear these movements will be lost forever. the words that these movements are built on will be lost. and the beast will have won.
The police can create a violent radical anytime they choose and place him in any crowd. The "violent radical" in this case will be the entire city of Oakland. Why? History. The stage is set in Oakland for the Police to clamp down violently in Oakland, creating a justification to do so throughout the country. The way to prevent this is by a convergence of large numbers of peaceful protesters on Oakland, the site of the tear gassing and rubber bullets.
these people dont know what they are doing. its like opening a can of worms. this will only make people more aware and more hardened to the fact the government is not acting on behalf of the constitution.
The Constitutional freedom to peaceably assemble does NOT protect any behavior that can be defined as civil disobedience. You either do not understand your Constitutional rights or you are deliberately misleading readers here.
That is the core of the problem in most cases. Police making the distinction of what is considered Constitution and what is not, when that distinction should not be left in the hands of a cop with a can of mace and a canner of tear gas. The distinction should be made in a courtroom.
"The freedom of assembly is not unlimited. The government may limit the freedom if the instance under consideration satisfies three conditions.
*First, the limitation must serve an important governmental interest. For example, a law preventing people from gathering to start a violent revolution is valid.
*Second, the limitation must be content neutral. This means it must not control assemblies based on the kinds of people who gather, their reason for gathering, or their beliefs. A law preventing people from gathering to support flag burning, for example, would violate the freedom of assembly.
*Third, the limitation must restrict the freedom of assembly as little as possible to serve the important governmental interest. In Cox v. New Hampshire (1941), for instance, the Supreme Court decided that the government may require permits for parading on public streets. As long as it issues the permits without discrimination (treating different groups unequally), the government may control the time, place, and manner of assemblies for the sake of public safety and convenience."
So you know enough about the constitution to agree with my previous statements.
"The fact remains that people have the constitutional right to gather and "bitch that the system is unfair", without being gassed."
"That is the core of the problem in most cases. Police making the distinction of what is considered Constitutional and what is not, when that distinction should not be left in the hands of a cop with a can of mace and a canister of tear gas. The distinction should be made in a courtroom."
So is your argument that ALL these people were doing was gathering together to bitch about the system? That’s it? They just gathered and bitched? Because those two rights ARE established and protected by the Constitution. They are perfectly within their rights to gather on that spot every single day and bitch to their hearts content.
However, the Constitution does NOT establish or protect the right to camp out in public, or cause safety and sanitation issues, or vandalize private or public property. And THOSE are the actions the police prevented last night.
The Major is the one who instructed the Police to do what they did, and she most likely had legal advice before she did it.