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Forum Post: Occupy Mexico!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:30 p.m. EST by AllFractUp (65)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

yeah...that makes about as much sense as this "resistance movement" does. What exactly are they resisting? Cleanliness aside of course. Social justice...fairness for all, at all costs...stealing...The American Republic? Freedom? Capitalism? Their iDevices? The Socialist Democratic Party to which their much cherished leader Obama has partnered with?

While I don't agree with what they are doing or saying I do recognize their right to express it...within the bounds of the law and constitution.



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[-] 1 points by SocialJustice (7) 12 years ago

Obama has acted in a way that is far from socialist. If anything he may be one of the most effective Republican presidents we have had since Clinton. I wish he had shown more of the democratic values that he had expressed when running for president and my heart would have been filled with joy if he had shown a socialist flair in his actions as presedent. Sadly, the president seems to be more willing to play to the right rather than the left all the while being whipped by the right with words accusing him of being a Socialist. I dont get because his actions would portray him to be a man more center right than anything even coherently looking leftest. Maybe the Right is so misinformed that they dont even know what they stand for.

[-] 1 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

What do you want a list? You probably are very well aware of what the criticisms are. Even if you were made aware of it again, it is evident you probably don't care, because maybe you haven't found yourself on the outside looking in yet. With all of the job loss, the foreclosures, and the hunger, what more do you need to know anyway?

[-] 1 points by AllFractUp (65) 12 years ago

Well yes a list of what this protest is about would be helpful. Itemized please, with rhetoric would make it easier for me to get an idea of what they (or you?) wish to accomplish.

It would be neat to create a community of American Socialists, Marxists, Communists just outside the borders of America. That way they can show us how their perfect society would work. They can even take the filthy rich Democrats with them as those types don't mind being taxed relentlessly.

It would be like the Libertarians who want to use oil platforms just off our coast to create their own ideal communities. Three miles out and they're on their own. With all their guns too.

[-] 0 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

Don't worry, the "utopias" will be springing up all around you, they will be carrying signs, in case you can't pick them out. It will be a combination Hooverville and Walden Pond, with a little Abbie Hofffman Yippietown thrown in for good measure.

[-] 1 points by AllFractUp (65) 12 years ago

Well if the hippies are involved I'm sure I'll smell them before I see them. Will there be drum circles?

[-] 0 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

I don't care for either lifestyle, so I wouldn't know, and I'm not on the street, yet. But, if this right-wing scenario plays out, who knows, maybe I'll see you out there.

[-] 1 points by AllFractUp (65) 12 years ago

I had to look all that up. Wow, sleeping in history class got me through the day but I missed out on a lot. Or, they didn't teach it at all. So...you're talking about modern day slums deliberately built? People who want to live in single room sheds/shacks with what to show for it? Crappers in an outhouse? Sounds like a return to the bad old days before industrialization and the high technology age. Will hippies and libbies really be able to give up their technological wonders (toys such as anything from Apple, game machines, internet services, TVs, Radios, media players?) What a bleak future!

What both political parties need to do is stop "fixing" society to their whims, let the people choose their role in society, and just do what the Federal Constitution permits them to do. Serve and protect. Not steal and condemn.

[-] 0 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

Oh no, another stinking Libertarian anti-constructionist. Give me a break. Crawl back to the farm.

[-] 1 points by AllFractUp (65) 12 years ago

Can you explain what you mean by "anti-constructionist"? What makes me a Libertarian?

[-] 0 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

Minimal government, Constitutionalist, etc. The clues are all there. (Maybe I read it wrong. Why don't you tell me?) http://sibob.org/wordpress/

[-] 1 points by AllFractUp (65) 12 years ago

Why is it bad to live according to our nation's constitution and laws? What are "constructionists", is that right?, trying to construct? Not minimal government. Smaller government. Government that does not impede on my civil and constitutional rights. Government that does not impose its will over that of the masses. I'm not trying to pick a fight here, I would like to get a genuine understanding of the purpose and positions of the protesters. Right here on this forum would be ideal. Keep it all under "one roof" so to speak.

[-] 1 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

I can only speak for myself, and I have not been concentrating solely on this protest. After last winter's Wisconsin uprising, I have been attending the many union rallies in support of their cause, and in protest of NYC budget cuts. I have also marched with the Wall Street Occupation group. My website, which has been up for one year, is dedicated to all of this, and labor history, etc. It is all part of the big picture. I lost my factory job years ago and things are looking pretty dismal, at this point. What any other person is doing down there in the park, you would have to ask them about. But, I am sick and tired of sitting home and feeling like a victim. Whether or not anything gets accomplished or not, I have to at least try, and I think many others probably feel the same way. http://sibob.org/wordpress/

[-] 1 points by AllFractUp (65) 12 years ago

That is a lot of opinion to read through. Do you mind telling me what type of factory job you lost? Or what you have done to re-invent yourself? You said you don't like feeling victimized. Have you thought of moving to one of the newly discovered oil fields in America? I hear that it is a new boom town with more oil deposits than Saudi Arabia! Or, is oil extraction one of those no-no topics that are off limits for you?

[-] 1 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

I have applied to anything and everything that will accept a digital resume. My age works against me. Regardless of what the EEOC regulations are, discrimination occurs every day. I will not really get a return-on-investment for a college education at this point in life, as the number of years I have left to work will not provide me with a break-even point on the investment, and by the time I would complete that process I will be of Social Security age. I am mainly concerned with holding on to what my wife and I have worked very hard to get, at this point. The jobs are not there anyway. http://sibob.org/wordpress/

[-] 1 points by AllFractUp (65) 12 years ago

So, why are you determined to classify me as an "anti-constructionist"? No offense but I am not inclined to read through all your personal opinions. So I shall leave it to you to discuss matters with me or not.


[-] 1 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

Nobody can force you to do anything.

[-] 0 points by mpacc (3) 12 years ago

Obama is a corporate puppet. Elect Ron Paul

[-] 1 points by Anomnomoose (44) 12 years ago

And you are a puppet of this "group".