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Forum Post: Occupy is all of the worst elements of society and hardest sob stories combined into one...

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 12:47 p.m. EST by thomasmiller (163)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupy is filled with people who are part of the hardest hit parts of America. I cant help but feeling sorry for them, but life goes on and they certainly have no right to block my way on the street or into my work. They have no right to negatively effect and force their opinion down upon others who dont see it their way.



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[-] 3 points by LaughinWillow (215) 12 years ago

Actually, they do have a right to be wherever they like.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

No, they dont.The 1st amendment guarantees free speech, but you can't yell fire ( when there is no fire) in a crowded theater and not be culpable if people die as a result of the mayhem to escape.

[-] 1 points by LaughinWillow (215) 12 years ago

No one is yelling fire.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

read reply below.

[-] 1 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

"be wherever they like"

Nothing was said about yelling fire in a crowded theater.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

O.K. They still can't be wherever they like. They have no right to close down a public thoroughfare like the Brooklyn Bridge. It's an endangerment. Do you think they have the right to stand in the middle of the FDR?

[-] 1 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

No, they don't.

Civil disobedience.

[-] -2 points by thomasmiller (163) 12 years ago

and I have the right to self defense if they get in my way.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 12 years ago

Excuse me, but defense is what happens when a there is a perceived threat to life, limb and property...not when someone is 'in your way'.

However, you, like everyone else, do have the right to complain.

[-] 1 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

Haha, no you don't.

[-] 1 points by rimards (15) from New York, NY 12 years ago

You are Americans, and some of the world, life becomes meaningful when we succeed in sacrifice and renunciation of unnecessary luxury and a pinch generositelt return it right, we have taken away from the more or less. we will feel much better to train our taste buds for real life, I know what I'm talking about!

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 12 years ago

"They have no right to negatively effect and force their opinion down upon others who dont see it their way."

Isn't that what Globalists do, all the time, in point of fact?

[-] 1 points by oaklandcami (71) 12 years ago

But we're supposed to listen to your boohooing...

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

They do have a right if you are blocking their path through life by supporting a corporation that is hurting them. Who are you working for? And what are they really up to? Are they paying taxes into the corrupt system? Are you supporting a corrupt system that has turned its back on ordinary people?

[-] 0 points by thomasmiller (163) 12 years ago

Did the Koch Brothers really hurt anyone? They employ 70,000 people. Did they come and burn your house down? You use extreme talk and the majority of people will see through it.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 12 years ago


"From 1999 to 2003, Koch Industries was assessed more than $400 million in fines, penalties and judgments." for environmental and safety violations.


"Koch Flouts Law with Iran Sales"


[-] 1 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

You are incredibly naive. The Koch brothers have caused suffering around the world that you and the courts will never see.

If they have 70,000 people working for them, now I would call that an army of financial hit men.

All these big money groups work behind the scenes and through other entities to work their manipulations.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

What suffering have the Koch brothers caused?

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

Global investment losses, leading to poverty, humiliation and early death. Slow murder is still murder. Legal money manipulation can still be unethical. When they push the price of oil up, it robs the family trying to feed their children quality food. This ends up robbing the children of IQ. Try to put a price on that, Mr. economist wise man. The ripple effect is enormous and adds up to wholesale murder, eventually, in my view .

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

So, no one should be business ever? Humilitation? Early death? Low I.Q.? Your're quite funny.

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

Yes, it is quite hilarious the way business ruins the earth and kills millions in the process. The indigenous tribes never had this problem, did they?

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

Do you mean the indigenous tribes of the new world? They were constantly killing each other. In Central and South America They were busy with human sacrifce. Ruin the earth? What are you talking about?

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

You obviously believe the history books.... Good luck with that.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

The North Americcan indians were always at war , tribe against tribr. Central and South American tribes did human sacrifice of their own people.

[-] 0 points by thomasmiller (163) 12 years ago

If you could point out exactly in detail what harm they have caused then I will gladly listen to you. Usually when there is a conversation about the Koch brothers there is never any detail into what exactly they did. I believe they are just two white dudes with money in a suit and some people discriminate...

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

Here you go again demanding more proof than anyone can ever give you.

"The Koch Brothers don’t believe in the free market. Their reported manipulations of the oil futures, based on their ability to sideline huge volumes of oil, make the market anything but free.

What is a Contango Strategy?

It is a tactic by owners of commodities to drive the prices up when a commodity market is in what is called a ”contango.” Future prices are expected to rise because demand is expected to outstrip supply. Commodites traders speculate on that price. The ones who bet on the right number and win can reap millions. Hypothetically, the price should be driven by the free market. Except that, in many cases, it isn’t. A few wealthy people with the money to buy oil and park it on the sidelines can alter the supply & demand system enough to drive prices up, and profit handsomely from doing it.

In 2008, Fortune magazine writer Jon Birger wrote an exceptional piece on contango strategy and how it inflates oil prices. The big players in this? 2008′s Melt-Down darlings, Goldman Sachs, and, of course, those whom many credit as the inventors of the strategy, Koch Supply & Trading, a unit of Koch Industries, the business owned by the same politically meddling brothers Koch.

Even though futures traders get blamed for the prices in the market, it is the contango manipulators that are really to blame. Birger writes:

“Unlike futures flippers, contango traders really do impact oil prices, yet they’re getting a free pass. According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency, domestic oil inventories have risen 9% since oil prices peaked in early July. While some of that is attributable to the weak economy and slack energy demand, gasoline consumption declined only 5% over the same period and gasoline inventories have risen only 4%. (If you’re wondering why contango traders would target crude oil but not gasoline, vaporization issues make gasoline harder to store.)”

These are legal scams, allowed by 1% laws, that hurt investors and rob trillions out of whole nations.

Their whole system encourages insider trading, and boom and bust roller coasters, that have now ruined the entire middle class.

Gold for example is being dumped in mass by organized insider trading, to create an artificial buying opportunity. Proof? It falls in price when normal indicators say it should go up.

You are a very serious idiot thomasmiller. You need to go much deeper and see the Scams and Ponzi schemes that are being played out before your naive eyes. And do some research.

Here read this:


[-] 1 points by jeffersonjackson1913 (37) 12 years ago

The banking system itself is a Ponzi Scheme. Nothing will be accomplished until the government controls the quantity of money - not private banks. The Fed and the national banks are not simply "part" of the problem. They are the core - the first step of this movement is to have the treasury issue our currency. If enough people demand it, it has to happen.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

Oh No!! blocking their path through life,

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

You laugh like a 1 percenter. No understanding, no compassion, no understanding, go fuck yourself.

You will be poor in your next life

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not of the 1%

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

Well then have a little compassion for those without any other voice. They will be out of your way, when the 1% are out of our way.

Lets just get rid of the 1% and a million other problems will disappear automatically, and a thousand others will never get born.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

Get rid of? Do you mean to kill them? Dont' you know that sooner or later you'll be looking to get rid of the people that you thought were the solution to your problems?

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 12 years ago

Any one who swims with money mongers is going to get wet. That's why we need the people running the show and and not representatives running the show. This should be obvious to anyone who has studied history.

We need a way to quickly fire bad leaders over the Internet. NO more terms for bad people. The world moves too fast for terms now.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

Is that your plan for getting 0bama out of office?

[-] 0 points by Killumination (80) from Los Angeles, CA 12 years ago

Pizzazz Picasso and the Killumination - Killuminati ft. Gaje http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLUpGGmku8g

Pizzazz Picasso and the Killumination - Change (Killumination version) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SMrnx6nkRw

Pizzazz Picasso and the Killumination - The inevitable incredible truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wg1bH6-1YY

Pizzazz Picasso and the Killumination - The all seeing eye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgKS4i-u0OM



