Forum Post: Occupy Ignored!? Unappreciated? We gotta Make some Noise!!
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 7, 2012, 7:19 p.m. EST by VQkag2
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Huffington Post.
Richard Brodsky
Missing in Charlotte: Occupy Wall Street Ignored
Posted: 09/05/2012 6:19 pm
It was certainly an upbeat, warm and effective first night of the Democratic Convention. If the next two are as smartly done, and if any of America's 12 undecided voters are tuning in, the Democrats are helping themselves, a lot.
The buzzwords and constituency touches were carefully and thoroughly done. The Identity Interests were welcomed, mentioned and thanked. Gay, female, Jewish, Latino, black, veterans, small business, youth, seniors -- the list goes on. Yet one special constituency was carefully omitted: Occupy Wall Street. None of what happened last night would have been credible had the movement not begun last year.
Cast your mind back a mere eighteen months. The reigning political narrative was debt reduction and reduced government spending. Put aside whether it was good economics or bad. There really was no competing worldview that easily explained out situation. Obama and progressives were badly on the defensive, with no real counter explanation or program. The Tea Party and austerity ruled the world and swept the 2010 election.
Then, bubbling up from the concrete at Zuccotti Park came a new explanation, a new world view: Corporate dominance and the concentration of wealth had pitted the privileged 1% against the 99%. Again, put aside whether it's accurate or fair. It became the counter view to austerity and anti-government anger, and the counter organization to the Tea Party. It went countrywide and worldwide, spilled from the Park to the streets to campuses, attracted support from old and young, used the internet and social media and changed the discourse forever.
I was on the periphery of the movement and shared many of its views to be sure. But the point here is not to argue its merits: It's to point out that Occupy Wall Street gave voice to a different, progressive vision of the world and politics. Obama and other politicians were able to ride the pony, in the method of LBJ and the civil rights movement, Bobby Kennedy and the anti-war movement, or Nixon and anti-communism. The specific policy proposals that emerged after OWS, like a millionaire's tax or increased regulation of Wall Street, reduced interest on student loans were all the offspring of a widely shared view that government and the wealthy were benefiting at the expense of everyone else.
But still, there wasn't a word about it last night at the Democratic Convention. That's kinda understandable in cold political terms. There was a concerted right-wing effort to marginalize OWS as lazy hippies and malcontents, and OWS itself has taken a much lower media profile since the end of the Zuccotti Park occupation. Gratitude is a commodity in short supply in either party.
So let the thanks come from here and elsewhere as people are moved to remember what actually happened to change the political dynamic. OWS gave voice and form to the human consequences of thirty years of anti-government, pro-corporate policies that concentrated wealth and power in a very small number of Americans. If Obama can pin that image and resentment on Romney, and he's certainly trying, his path to re-election is much easier. If Obama wins, it will be on the shoulders of OWS.
Sad that not even PBS has video
I've seen very little. Only a few hundred showed up.
Very disappointing.
Next w/e we have a chance to ressurrect the movement. Is AZ doing anything on the anniversary?
we are planning an Occupy Phoenix for mid Oct. sort of block party a little more toward celebration and renewing contracts with groups, I think people are wondering what OWS represents, not that many people who care about wealth inequality want to see Obama lose, or want to protest the Ds, even in the few pics not one message that I could see, hard to get people out just to be there, if we don't take a stand how can we call on Obama to?
Well sounds good! Protests for money out of politics, and othe real change is the most important thing. Educating people not attacking people will grow the movement. Bigger protests can force change.
Good luck. Solidarity
Stop campaigning on this forum
allowing gays in the military won't make me support the military
I support the military. I don't support what our government does with it.
I understand the fear of descent
Should have left your original comment. Our military save the lives of millions of people. But hey, you're safe and cozy, why should you concern yourself with such things.
Your original reply was to call me a coward. Don't edit it. Say what you mean. You think I'm a coward. Ok. Stand behind your words if you want my respect.
stop shilling
and kill many more
Full Metal Alchemist AMV - Behind Blue Eyes
funny, I don't feel safe opposing the military
had my car window crushed for a NO WAR bumper sticker
I will edit what I will
Ah, so having an opinion makes me a shill. I think we're at the end of our association. Take it easy.
holding the opinion that everyone is taught from birth without questioning it may as well be
Stop campaigning on this forum. Please do
Yes, you are.
I believe Occupy Wall Street has been taken over by Wall St. All my posts exposing Wall Street have been rejected. The 'rules' sound like they were written by a Nazi, and there is no freedom of speech on this site. You people must start your own site, which exposes the Fed, and the truth.
Why aren't you telling America that the 2008 Recession, banking fraud, war in Iraq, homeless crisis, jobs sent overseas, etc. are all caused by one corporation: The Federal Reserve? The Federal Reserve has never been part of the government. It's an illegal corporation. Liberals and conservatives will stop fighting each other, once they see that they all have one enemy to fight, and that the Federal Reserve stockholders are destroying democracy, and are making us so financially desperate that we'll agree to give up all our rights, just to survive. IF you doubt this for a minute, just take a look at the insane things they've already done to us. They got away with it all because the American people never ask WHY?
Occupy is supposed to be leading the American people because our politicians can't. If they oppose the Fed, they'll be killed. Ron Paul has no intention of opposing them, he's not an idiot. Therefore, he's just another politician who will say anything to get elected.
Occupy leaders across this nation must focus on ending the Fed, first by protesting to educate the rest of America, then by increasing the size of the protests. Only after millions of protesters demand it, our political leaders will be able to stand up to the Fed without being killed.
End the Fed!
OWS marching in the streets chanting "Fuck Obama" and "Arrest Obama" and you think if he wins, that will be why?
Go back to your campaign office.
Occupy came about because the system is a joke, not to endorse the system.
Im sorry you fall for political talking points and hollow promises.
I ain't fell for nothing.
I agree why OWS started. I support those reasons, and their goals. I support OWS!!!
I'm only pointing out how OWS success has been used by one party and attacked relentlessly by the other.
It's like a reality thing. I'm not taking a position on one party or the other. Just pointing out facts!
You don't see what's happening around you.? You don't stike me as delusional or in denial. It is what it is! OWS woke progressives up. One party has tapped into that! LMFAO!
Can you handle the truth?
read what you write all over this forum...OWS will not be co-opted by a political party
I agree. OWS will NOT be co optd. I ain't trying to do that!
I want OWS to protest for "
money out of politics. corps ain't people, money ain't speech.
Adding public healthcare option.
ending the war on terror, fear mongering, drone wars, civil rights violations, Cutting military budget.
cut taxes/debt for working class, raising taxes for 1%.
i would agree to an extent but constantly pushing obama down peoples throats doesn't help.
I agree. That's why I don't do that.
but you do sure you may not use obamas name all the time but you try and push voting for progressives down this forum's throat. I'm sorry for attacking your agenda but both the republicans and the democrats are the supporters of the 1% if not the 1% themselves. Lets put real people into office instead of these robotic politicians that will bend to anyone just to win.
Who we put in is meaningless if they do not support the change that benefits the 99%.
That IS progressive people. Maybe you don't like labels. That's fine. You don't have to. Labels exist to make it easy to converse. OWS is progressive. Progressive concepts will help the 99%.
That is why I push progressive pols/agenda. I see it as what OWS believes.
OWS is about justice, not political direction. That's up to the people to decide.
In your opinion?
economic/tax equity, Healthcare public option, money out of politics, student debt forgiveness, ending drone/war on terror, ending NDAA/patriot act, ending foreclosures. Job creation/living wage.
I think addressing/correcting these issues could be called seeking justice, but it also requires choosing principles that dictate a political direction. In fact it requires changing the current political direction.
All ofthe issues OWS is concerned with are currently controlled by the existing corrupt political system. Therefore, we will need that political system to change.
Many in OWS seek that change from outside the system, without taking part in it. But still certainly they are looking for a radical new political direction to achieve the Justice we require for the 99%.
OWS can accomplish nothing meaningful on it's own. Our direction does not belong in the hands of the top 1% or the tiny percentage that is Occupy. It belongs in the hands of all the people. Let's educate them up to the point of being able to wrestle back their full power in our democratic system of government. If they want anarchism, so be it. If they want socialism, so be it. If they want capitalism, so be it.
Let's not fool ourselves into thinking Occupy can do it alone. The best we can do is point out that we all have choose our direction, or else the 1% will choose for us.
Well this ain't a conservative site.
so if you don't agree with progressive agenda than you are a conservative?
You might be a moderate. But time will tell the tale. All I am saying is that this is a progressive site.
Is it true you're a moderator here?
We have had this conversation before - in fact you have had this conversation with many individuals here - and I think the only ones to agree with you so far are the shills trolls quislings DINO's RINO's corpoRATist's and such.
Besides they are here on a mission - they are not going to go away.
[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (3139) from Sun City, CA 1 minute ago
I thought I read on another post you were. Well whoever is supposed to be moderating needs to remind the members that feeding the trolls encourages them to keep coming back. Stop engaging trolls and they will disappear.
It makes no sense to say I hate the trolls and at the same time continually engage them. It fills the forum with page after page of useless babble that both new and old members just can't tolerate and leave.
I've been guilty myself on occasion. Watching others sling crap on each other till every square inch of every wall in this forum is covered a foot thick in feces makes no sense. No wonder more supporters don't stay here long.
We must stop the petty arguments and get back to the core issues. Why continue to engage with a troll when we all know better, and choose to ruin this forum instead. We all know Einstein's famous quote. Why do we expect a different result? ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
"Besides they are here on a mission - they are not going to go away."
That reminds me of the war on drugs. Good people valiantly fighting a battle they can never win. Look at some of the before and after pictures of speed users. Once vibrant people reduced to grotesque shadows of their former selves. Even with the war on drugs in full effect, the drugs are still winning. The more we fight it, the worse it becomes.
When a strategy has been used for a long period of time, and has failed to solve a problem, and instead made that problem grow, that strategy must be abandoned and a new one installed.
The same way with the war on trolls. The present strategy has had no effect but to increase their strength. Another strategy is needed. If we truly value this forum, then we need to put aside any selfish pleasure we may derive from the back and forth exchange between trolls. Instead we need to put forth the vastly more important message that Occupy so desperately needs to proclaim as it once did a year ago!
It means - for what ever reason - that at this moment in time - you are not on their radar. Enjoy your status.
[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (3141) from Sun City, CA 4 minutes ago
They don't attack me personally because I rarely engage with them. Doesn't that tell you something? Ignoring them does work. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
I try to moderate and I am not the only supporter of OWS and all Occupy movements that tries to do some moderating here. Most of the long time contributors to this site do moderating. As I have seen you moderating as well.
I thought I read on another post you were. Well whoever is supposed to be moderating needs to remind the members that feeding the trolls encourages them to keep coming back. Stop engaging trolls and they will disappear.
It makes no sense to say I hate the trolls and at the same time continually engage them. It fills the forum with page after page of useless babble that both new and old members just can't tolerate and leave.
I've been guilty myself on occasion. Watching others sling crap on each other till every square inch of every wall in this forum is covered a foot thick in feces makes no sense. No wonder more supporters don't stay here long.
We must stop the petty arguments and get back to the core issues. Why continue to engage with a troll when we all know better, and choose to ruin this forum instead. We all know Einstein's famous quote. Why do we expect a different result?
Go about your business - as far as I know the trolls are not attacking you - so don't let it get in the way of your work - ignore them.
If I could I would boot each of them the 1st time they made their presence known. If you think they are given too much leeway - then talk to admin and see if you can not get them booted quicker.
As like I say - they are not gonna leave on their own and they will continue to spew BS.
They don't attack me personally because I rarely engage with them. Doesn't that tell you something? Ignoring them does work.
No it isn't.
Ask admin for a clarification - I have already gotten/received confirmation from jart.
Must be why your comment was market [Remove] the other day. Because you have approval. Obviously not.
This forum doesn't need your labels. This is an Occupy forum. Please refrain from placing any other labels on it. thank you.
Hey you goin all sockpuppety now trashy?
Like I said talk to admin ask jart.
[-] 1 points by MrHyde (10) 3 minutes ago
You have not been given permission to represent the political leanings of Occupy or this forum. You are allowed only to speak for yourself. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
You can get your confirmation from jart. This is a left leaning progressive site.
You have not been given permission to represent the political leanings of Occupy or this forum. You are allowed only to speak for yourself.
You got a problem with liberal progressive concepts.?
This isn't a liberal site either.
It is a left leaning progressive site.
This is an Occupy forum. Please refrain from using any labels not present in the about section of this site.
Check it out with admin.
[-] 2 points by DrJekyll (9) 2 minutes ago
Must be why your comment was market [Remove] the other day. Because you have approval. Obviously not. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
your "facts" are nothing more than empty promises from a corrupted system that is not going to change.
Occupy is the one LMFAO at sheep like you.
Here, educate yourself. Turn off CNN and FOX and read this:
If it's an illusion?
Why do they do these things?
That it's an illusion, IS the illusion.
Im glad that a redistricting vote in Texas is enough to keep you in the dark on the big picture.
Great contribution as usual shooz. Go back to class and do your homework.
But you still haven't provided proof of your thesis.
The failure is yours.
Or do endorse such racism?
Or feel it doesn't matter, which is an endowment all it's own
If you are looking for proof, just scroll through the forum posts. Its everywhere. Duh.
And you posting a random piece of good news does make me or anyone else that believes the system is broken a racist.
I did.
You didn't prove a thing, yet you do keep repeating the same propaganda.
Ignoring all the proof that tests it.
So dont think its possible to find pieces of good in a huge overarching system that is broken?
How intelligent as usual Shooz.
Your elisions in sentence structure follow through to your thinking in general.
And still no answer. You should run for congress. They love that type of dodging there.
You know.
You still haven't answered either.
So WTF do you think you're running for?
Take a long hard look at your own corrupt State.
Do something!!!!!!!
But you won't. You're too damn lazy.
I was not happy with the speakers at he democrat national convention
Was that sentence structure supposed to be a sign of competence?
It was as lame as the insult you ended your post with.
And no answer from the naive student. As usual.
You still haven't accepted the neolibe(R)tarian influence nor the effects it's had.
You're still stuck in the same box they built for you.
Babbling bullshit about a nonexistent duopoly.
Deathly afraid to work on your own corrupted State, but thinking you are qualified to do so nationally.
Thinking that gives you some sort of higher ground.
It doesn't.
In a state full of racists and bigots, I would think you have plenty of work to do there.
You "choose" instead, to pretend that doesn't matter.
Ok, lets try this again....
So dont think its possible to find pieces of good in a huge overarching system that is broken?
Great link hchc! It boggles the mind that people get dragged into talking about whether Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel or not, when the real question should be...Why is Israel even being discussed as a part of the democratic platform? Or ANY US political platform?
But that isn't allowed to be discussed here, is it?!...and of course there is always the good old 'shaming' standby..."anti-semite".
In fact less and less is allowed to be discussed here. There were certain words, people, and websites that weren't allowed here right from inception, which is pretty bad really, considering what OWS is supposed to signify...but recently there has been a rampant surge in deletions and shadow banning. Its troubling. Solidarity and freedom among OWS members is important, and that is hard when you have to walk on eggshells, worrying if your work is going to get pulled. Censorship, I feel, erodes solidarity, because our focus shifts from one of open free discussion on a myriad of subjects, to a tedious one of "how are we going to get held back today". Our minds and spirit get cluttered and chipped away at with mundane technicalities.
Exactly. Any discussion onto why our country is so fuckin obsessed with Israel and here come the antisemetic blasts.
What promises have I mention that you feel are empty?
Your not makin sense. Slow down. Absorb my comments, questions.
And answer honestly.
Have you noticed how one party is using OWS rhetoric, and positions to rally their voters? And have you noticed the other ratcheting up it's attacks?
"Rhetoric" ? Yes. The other ratcheting up attacks? Actaully OWS has been out of the news lately, but yes.
Actions? No.
And actions are what matter. The rest are hollow promises from a corrupted system that is backed by corporations and employees rich assholes who would rather stay in the club in DC than do what is right for the country.
Actions matter. Agreed.
We MUST protest all pols to increase the taxes on the 1% (expand/increase the Buffet rule & PASS it)
We MUST agitate for more military budget cuts (Double the $1 trillion already passed)
We MUST pressure for a public option (Now that we finally have health care as a right we must end private health insurance and create a real public option)
We MUST agitate for additional Financial reform (expand Dodd Frank,add Volcker rule, reinstate Glass Steagal, Prevent the one party from repealing fin reform,)
We MUST protest all pols to end the endless war on terror, and the fear mongering that has facilitated the drone bombings, and civil rights violations in the name of our security.
"Occupy Unmasked" is opening in a theater near you , september 21st.
why not go see it for yourself when it opens and decide . have you seen "2016"?
More propaganda. Wouldn't wanna give my money to those lying right wing wacko partisans.
Linking OWS to Obama is campaigning on this forum. Stop campaigning on this forum.
Stop campaigning on this forum
How is reporting on the OWS protests campaigning?
Please stop harassing me with false accusations!
they aren't false accusations
Sure they are. If they were true they would have offered evidence. Are you familiar with that concept? Hootie.
Give a hoot, don't pollute (the forum).
Thats the problem with mascots. They have lots of energy, but they contribute very little to the actual outcome.
You have stopped any important contributions. You have given up and begun the personal attacks.
Empty weak arguments have been countered and you have nothing left but little boy tantrums.
You have been dispatched! You are dismissed!
My vote will be for Obama but only because I have a choice between Exon Mobile and Chevron, At&t or Verizon - I'm picking the lesser of two evils and the party that will hurt me a little less than the other one - how is that for a free country and a fixed corporate system. If Ron Paul and Elizabeth Warren could join forces they will get my vote.
We must Protest to get money out of politics, to change election/campaign law. And all other change.
It's up to the people to take our govt back.
Stop up-voting yourself to anchor links to divisive and partisan threads.
Stop campaigning on this forum.
Stop up-voting yourself to anchor links to divisive and partisan threads.
Stop campaigning on this forum.
Stop campaigning on this forum.
Stop campaigning on this forum.
Obama Win = OWS Support is campaigning. Stop campaigning on this forum.
Stop campaigning on this forum.