Forum Post: Occupy Idea...
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 12, 2011, 8:30 p.m. EST by kingdavid
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I wanted to share an idea I had for the Occupy movement... Why not get a list of the 1%'s home addresses and Occupy there? I think that would make a bigger statement to those 1%. Think about it... What do they care if people are posted outside their work. They may be 10 min late to work, but that's about it. Think about what their neighbors would say if hundreds of people were camped out in front of their homes. Curious to hear your thoughts or if others have already discussed this.
I like your thinking. Actually, I was hired once to break some legs in my younger days. I know how to hire the right people. Hippy legs are probably pretty soft and tender. I understand there are groups of mid-western rednecks that would do some travel time for payment.
Yeah man, pasty skinned vegans with puss energy who think that Red Bull makes them strong.
We have the midwestern rednecks, certainly...they would do it, but by the time OWS puts the list together they'll have most of the country so pissed that we could send an army of grannies in there and cane 'em into submission.
If they break the law, I think the law would be on your side of you kicked their ass. I'm game. I have a couple of weeks vacation. THere are a couple on here that I would like to search out. I would let them swing first.
If I was a 1% I would hire a bunch of big weight lifters and pay them to walk around and kick your asses.