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Forum Post: OCCUPY. FOCUS.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 4:31 a.m. EST by RiseUp (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

An open letter to follow Occupiers:

As we organize and focus, my feeling is this: money is the root of our evil; so lets attack the problem at the root.

Our rallying cry should be this: GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS.

I. Separate money from politics. II. End corporate personhood. III. End media conglomeration.

a new form of democracy has come to rescue the old; a democracy by, for, and of the People again.

And remember: if anyone tells you we're not going to accomplish anything, laugh at them and move on.


more resources: www.getmoneyout.com www.movetoamend.com www.freepress.net



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[-] 1 points by iseeamuse (155) 12 years ago

This is a very negative approach. There's a lot of stopping, but no suggestion of where to go next. Money will never be separated from politics, because Gov't has the power to request issue of money. They are also in charge of the appropriation of our tax dollars. I agree that money is a root of this evil, but not just in politics, but in the very construction of the institution. Ending corporate personhood is great, ending or diminishing corporations as an enterprise model might be a good idea too, but what else is there? Maybe the Occupation can officially endorse cooperatives as an option? Ending media conglomeration, sweet. What do we endorse to replace it? Which avenues do we use to get our news? Who do we want to pay to make and broadcast our television, radio, film, print, web media? Maybe a more co-operative model could work there too?