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Forum Post: Occupy Dominated the News and Changed the Debate...

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 2:09 a.m. EST by kiddclass101 (19) from New York, NY
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NEW HAVEN, Conn. - The growing scrutiny of the rich dominated this year's best quotes, according to a Yale University librarian who anointed the Occupy Wall Street protesters' slogan — "We are the 99 percent" — as the year's best.

Special Section: Occupy Wall Street Protests

Fred Shapiro, associate librarian at Yale Law School, has released his sixth annual list of the most notable quotations of the year.

Shapiro noted that the conservative tea party movement was prominent in last year's quotes.

"The tea party quotes are very strongly anti-government," Shapiro said. "The Occupy quotes and the other more liberal quotes that you see at the top of the list this year are directed more at Wall Street and the upper 1 percent economically of the country rather than focus squarely on government."

The original "Yale Book of Quotations" was published in 2006. Since then, Shapiro has released an annual list of the top 10 quotes that would be incorporated into the next edition.

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Shapiro picks quotes that are famous, important or revealing of the spirit of the times, not necessarily ones that are the most eloquent or admirable.

The "We are the 99 percent" slogan stems from a movement against economic disparity and perceived corporate greed. Protests began with the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Manhattan in September and have spread around the country.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett made the list for his complaint that rich people pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than middle-class taxpayers. His op-ed prompted President Obama to suggest that a minimum tax be imposed on millionaires.

And Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat running for Senate in Massachusetts, made the list with her remarks that the rich didn't do it on their own.

While the super-rich were in the crosshairs of this year's top quotes, bumbling politicians made their usual strong showing.

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry came in 5th with his "oops" comment at a debate last month. On the Democratic side, former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York placed 9th with his "I can't say with certitude" when asked whether a lewd photograph was in fact of him.

The list:

  1. "We are the 99 percent." — slogan of Occupy movement.

  2. "There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there — good for you! But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for." — U.S. Sen. candidate Elizabeth Warren, speaking in Andover, Mass., in August.

Warren takes on GOP's "class warfare" argument

  1. "My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress." — Billionaire Warren Buffett, in a New York Times op-ed on Aug. 15.

Warren Buffett wants to pay higher taxes Buffett wants son to chair Berkshire "60 Minutes": Howard Buffett: Farming and finance..."



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[-] 1 points by InspectorGadget (-50) 13 years ago

Please spread the news about www.copblock.org & www.adamvstheman.com which is two groups of very dedicated people out on the front lines fighting the growing tyrannical para militarized police state and corrupt governmental system for our rights. Thanks!

[-] 0 points by kiddclass101 (19) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Crazy right wing movement trying to disrupt this site:




They're main source of communication is http://occupywallst.org/, from there they communicate events and strategies via the forum http://occupywallst.org/forum/

The best way to stop the flow of communication is to post absolute nonsense on the forum.

Do not directly get into arguements with members on the forum or use hurtful language or pornographic content on their forum.

Examples of good nonsense posts: http://occupywallst.org/forum/now-hiring/



They do not moderate their forum, this tactic will easily yield a 100% rate and will disrupt their communication. {awful awful people and nutty right wingers}

~Good Media: http://caucuses.desmoinesregister.com/2011/12/29/occupy-movement-compared-to-civil-rights-movement/ Speakers likened Occupy Wall Street and the protest campaigns it has birthed to the civil rights movement Thursday night at a panel discussion attended by about 100 people in Des Moines.

Kathleen McQuillen, a member of the nonviolence group American Friends Service Committee; John Nichols, a political writer at the Nation magazine; and state Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad of Des Moines all spoke at the Occupy the Caucuses headquarters in the East Village.

The commitment to nonviolent protest is a key link between the two movements, the panelists agreed. Both movements have also been influential in turning the spotlight on human rights.

“I think every 20 or 30 years you have an event that awakens the people,” Abdul-Samad said.

While the civil rights movement took up the cause of racial injustice, the Occupy movement has sounded the call for economic justice, McQuillen said. “Perhaps that’s the last one to be brought forth in our society,” McQuillen said. “Not that there’s equality around races at this point, but we started that, and I think when we can bring forth economic justice than we can also bring forth a more racially equal society.”

Nichols said Occupy protesters must focus on spreading their message. He called protests related to Iowa’s caucuses “the beginning of a process that will put people who have been stomped on too long in charge of this country.”