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Forum Post: Occupy Australia! Bushbama trades Nobel Peace Prize for Sales Trophy from US Defense Contractors

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 11 a.m. EST by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL
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Occupy Australia! Bushbama trades Nobel Peace Prize for Sales Trophy from US Defense Contractors:




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[-] 1 points by bobkevin (13) 12 years ago

just visited the link. i am not happy with the news i just read.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 12 years ago

Bechtel, WATER (see the documentary movie on Netflix titled "Blue Gold: World Water Wars" guaranteed to blow your mind about the politics and corporate acts upon local water supply here and abroad-Nestle is one of the big companies covered), Defense Contracting and US tax payer financed.

Should make anyone outraged when that money could be put to use to help the millions of unemployed, underemployed and unemployable in this country some of whom are also suffering from medical conditions that prevent them from being able to work!

I really like your synopsis of the media machine: "Our Kleptocracy-controlled media focuses on America’s two-year election cycles as if who wins or loses in the swinging of the pendulum was a matter of life or death, when in fact even at the Presidential level it makes no more difference than the outcomes of Monday Night Football, American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, Hillbilly Handfishing or the trial of Michael Jackson’s doctor. U.S. elections are staged primarily to give Sheeple the illusion of control so they will (a) vent their frustrations and expend their energy, emotions and resources supporting or attacking the Puppet on the Left hand or the Puppet on the Right, and consequently (b) never recognize and challenge the common omnipotent Puppetmaster.

There was no real change in 2008. There was no real change in 2010. There WILL be real change in 2012, but it won’t be coming from tele-brainwashed couch potatoes, manipulated voter lists, rigged voting machines or predetermined ballot counts. It will be coming from us…'

The 99 Percent
