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Forum Post: Occupy Atlanta Under Attack by Mayor Reed

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 6:36 a.m. EST by Restorefreedomtoall1776 (272) from Bayonne, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Mayor Kasim Reed is mayor of Atlanta only because of the civil rights protests of the 1950's and 1960's, and Martin Luther King's sacrifice of his own life in 1968. However, he has used every means at his command to try to crush Occupy Atlanta, which simply asks for justice for the 99%. If Dr. King were still alive, I believe he would support Occupy Atlanta with 100% enthusiasm. Please contact Mayor Reed and insist that he recognize the right of the people to assemble and protest peacefully in Atlanta, the USA, and the World! Thank you all.



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[-] 2 points by daddyo14171 (48) 12 years ago

It has been sad to see the lack of media attention given to the assault on first amendment rights by local governments. The most egregious was the governor of Nashville, the sweep in Oakland and now Mayor Reed plus countless others across the country.

It really boils down to the rights of local government vs. those of the right to assemble and the restrictions that have been enacted by policy to stifle and limit protests. Money issues have become more important than freedom.

Where have all the freedom fighters gone?

[-] 1 points by JadedGem (895) 12 years ago

Its Georgia. Its the richest part of Georgia but its still Georgia. I live in GA, I'm from GA. I was in Atlanta looking at all the big houses not long ago. The rest of GA wasn't building so big over the years. Ga has provided cheap nonunion labor for quite a while. I worked in a factory once as a temp where I was told uttering the word union would get me fired. We were out producing the Union workers up north and everything. We were told we had to produce more to offset what the owner's hometown factory were getting in high wages. I was told I working so hard as a temp because up north the worker were getting new machines and $20 an hour. They were still having people run between temp agencies to keep their jobs because they were too cheesy to hire people full time and pay them benefits in Georgia. Eventually they moved to Mexico I think. Factories opened up down here just to bust unions in the north. Georgia offered them the right to hire and fire and worked to keep wages low. Factories moved around to get the best tax deals and cheapest labor force. The people who have profited from these antics are definitely anti-Union. Too bad after all the exploitation we were just a pit stop on the road to Mexico.