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Forum Post: Occupy a Purpose: Money out of Politics and Debt off of the future leaders of our place

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 5:38 p.m. EST by HoneyintheHeart (101)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupation Movement, throughout its various locations and within its various participant bodies, should adopt drop student debt reform as its a central issue. Despite the thought that the future of our nation beginning their independence in debt and owned by loans we should join the petition that has seen overr 400,000 signatures and embrace a multitude of thems that spread their loving touch out to a diverse audience... join ForgiveStudentLoanDebt.com to learn and support more.

Occupation Movement, throughout its various locations and within its various participant bodies, should adopt campaign finance reform as its central issue. Despite the pro or anti capitalist, pro or anti socialist and various other anti-authoritarian and anti-corruption messages being promoted throughout the various factions, ending (or at least managing) "corporate greed" and "corruption of government" is a central facet of nearly all platforms and positions. And again, despite the variety of opinions regarding overall political or social structuring, nothing will strike to the core of corporate collusion and influence in government more than campaign finance. Politicians are bought and traded every day by financial giants and corporate elites. The democratic process and basic republican theory behind the United State's systems of government and popular sovereignty have been entirely undermined by the ability of powerful and resourceful entities to sway not only electoral processes, but legislative efforts by their ability to fund, defund, support or oppose a candidacy. This has not only institutionalized the corruption of government, but has also industrialized and dominated popular activism, and has taken control of our collective resources in terms of labor and vocalized populism. For this reason, I ask that all parties and individuals involve adopt the message and call to "END PRIVATE MONEY'S PRESENCE AND INFLUENCE IN OUR POLITICAL AND ELECTORAL SYSTEMS."



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