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Forum Post: Occupy Congress

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 9:48 a.m. EST by bfranklin (11) from Honey Brook, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In the coming event in Washington, It would be nice to have a candle light parade. A single file line past the Vietnam memorial, Around the WW!! memorial and then on to Arlington! It would be a great way to thank those that have contributed the most to this country.

Anyone out there know how to set this up or to put me in touch with people that could? Thanks in advance Benjamin Franklin



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[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Please learn how all this was enabled by our complete (government sponsored) ignorance of history. It is not too late to change it, but we all need proper context to realize we need to restore the REPUBLIC not transform it further into fascism via democracy. Learn the difference and pass it on! http://occupywallst.org/forum/interesting-read-about-the-constitution-and-corpor/#comment-404866

[-] 1 points by bfranklin (11) from Honey Brook, PA 13 years ago

Yo! BofL, I know all is not perfect and you missed my point and question. Thanks for the effort