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Forum Post: Obama Just Keeps Rolling Over

Posted 10 years ago on April 28, 2013, 2:11 p.m. EST by nazihunter (215)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The GOP has taken this last election personally to show just how un-American they are. They have voted against war veterans, the elderly, the sick, the children, a good education and the middle class even more vigorously. Before this nation can change, we have to distinguish between and, even better, disband these two parties. They have served to do nothing but create a way of doing nothing. What do they do for a living? NOTHING! and they're quite good at it. The real parties are the Big Oil party and the Chemical Party and the Bank party and the Drug party and these parties get voted in again and again behind the fronts called Democrat and Republican. It's like a mob front. They buy a pizza shop and deal drugs out of it. But 100 million Americans keep voting for Pizza. How can they be that stupid? And why is Obama making so many concessions with nothing in return? We didn't send him there to make friends did we? The only way out, I think, is for the North to start a Civil War. Yes, this time the North should start it and succeed from the Bible Belt and the Children Of The Corn. They have been rotting this country from the inside out since FDR died. Anyone who has a brain and a few guts knows it.



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[-] 3 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 10 years ago

obama like most democrats is a democrat in name only. the new democrats control the party, have since at least 92 with clinton and their rich backers have guaranteed there will never be another nadar 2000 situation again to threaten their power. the only way out is a new political party. a progressive libertarian party one that harkens back to the fundamentally american principals of individuality, independence, ingenuity, innovation, fiscal responsibility, integrity, honor, civic duty, reason, progress, democracy, civil rights, equality under the law, and liberty.

[-] 3 points by Theeighthpieceuv8 (-32) from Seven Sisters, Wales 10 years ago

Those currently in power are not Democrats; these are "Obamacats."

[-] -1 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

yes, you're right. we need a whole new society of yay me and fuck you. And we can see how that's working. Stupid is as stupid says and you are very stupid. Throw out some more labels why don't you? Empty, useless, irresponsible fucking jargon when put to the test is total fuccking nonsense.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 10 years ago

so you don't believe in these values? very interesting. also, i am very stupid? well now, that is even more interesting. hey fuck face, i have an iq of 136, posses a degree in liberal arts as well as currently seeking degrees in both mathematics and civil environmental engineering and have known what time it is since at least 1991, when i was 13 the same year i was invited to attend to attend johns hopkins center for talented youth . that is more years ago than you have probably been alive. so now tell me how you are in fact a genius so much smarter than me and how i don't know shit. however the reality is i started college just after turning 16. i have a degree in liberal arts, as well as the fact i am currently seeking dual degrees in mathematics and civil environmental engineering. so yeah stupid that is me. dumbfuck.

[-] -2 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

you want values? Here's one I sorely miss: modesty. Ever heard of that one? It's not so broad-based and generic as yours, which harken back to last week at the most. The same old tired, lying-ass jargon used by every politician. How tucking original. Get it? Original? How the fuck is individualism a value?

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 10 years ago

how the fuck is being a clone a value is the better question. how the fuck is doing shit for yourself, your way a value???? hmmm man it's soooo hard to figure out. it's like the logic functions of my brain are off or something.

[-] -1 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

you don't get to answer questions with questions. DNA alone makes you an individual. That in and of itself means nothing. You are a clone What is that you do that stands out from everyone else? Most likely, nothing. Name one thing. You can't. You're a clone. Get used to it.

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 10 years ago

I don't understand this hang-up with the South when the real problem hangs its hat in New York City; Wall Street that is. They're the one's sucking the life blood out of the rest of the country. When is somebody going to start a civil war on Wall Street? We need to evict, or more like eradicate that miserable entity from the planet.

[-] -1 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

If it were only that simple. What avenues are there? I say take the 2-party system and make one of them extinct. Once one becomes extinct, it opens a whole new door. But, OWS needs to take the lead because the vacuum could become filled by a greater evil, (if that's possible).

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 10 years ago

I just assume getting rid of both parties, but even getting rid of just one is already damn hard. That is not to say we shouldn't try. Your correct; it is not simple. If I knew the answers I'd be leading the charge.

[-] -1 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

That's true. And look at this way; what if we just had the right wing in this country. It'd make Nazi Germany look like a cake walk.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

UK wants to Privatize Health Care, the public health system. There is a new Idea. Does that sound like Thatcherism or Milton Friedmanism???

Max Keiser does his last show on this idea. Apparently some people in the UK don't think the national health system has enough debt. So naturally they want to privatize it and pull more money out it by loading it up with Debt.

And there is a twist. You get more GDP from Hospitals by performing unnecessary surgery or procedures by charging insurance claims for it. This increases the profit for the hospital. I guess Medicare doesn't allow this. But it happens in the USA and New York as charges go to the Insurance Company.

Yes, racketeering in congress. RICO Violations. Just give us a gift and we will see if we can get the law changed for you.

Pete Peterson is behind the "Third Way" Think Tank which is pressing for Privatizing Social Security and Medicare. Bill Black talks about this.

Well they already have ruined over half of Retirements and Pensions. 84,000 pensions have been canceled so far.

[-] -1 points by Narley (272) 10 years ago

“But 100 million Americans keep voting for Pizza. How can they be that stupid?”

And therein lies the problem. The nation is split almost 50-50, right down the middle being liberal and conservative. The hate between the left and right is so venomous no reasonable discussion is possible..Both side just berate and attack the other side with such hate there seem to be no solution.

To compound the division between liberals and conservatives most people just don’t give a shit. As long as they have a big screen TV, iPhone and take out pizza they are happy. Basically the masses are comfortable and secure in their lives and won’t rock the boat. It’s hard to start a revolution when everyone wants to sit on the sideline, munch popcorn, and watch the action from a safe distance.

As for a civil war, be careful what you wish for. Some of the more “out there” folks want to see it happen. It’s not as farfetched as you would think. Just remember, if a shooting war ever broke out, the rednecks, hillbillies and bible belt folks are armed to the teeth.

[-] -2 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

whaddya chicken? rr u a lilly liver?

[-] -1 points by Narley (272) 10 years ago

Hee hee. I don’t think so. I live in Texas, own lots of guns and train (sorry, I mean practice) regularly. So, when you come to get me you better be packing. I’m just one of those crazy liberal gun nuts.

When I tell you that Sothern folks and bible belt folks are armed to the teeth I’m not joking; and they hate liberal and hippies.

[-] -2 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

yes, I thought you might be. I lived in NC, GA and FL and have visited several other parts of the South. So, trust me, I know what you are saying.They don't even have to say anything. You can FEEL the hate. Over a war most Northerners don't even recognize any longer but it's in the Southern DNA. Future wars will take more brains and less guns, though. Consider that as well. Actually, the statement about a Civil War was tongue-in-cheek. I was just pointing out since we're going nowhere, why not have one side wipe out the other, or wipe each other, and then maybe there will be a future. I think. But why be liberal? These are just labels. If we got rid of them and went down an original list, we'd probably be agreeing about a lot of things.

[-] -1 points by Narley (272) 10 years ago

I sincerely appreciate your response, both in tone and words. The reason is I too believe one of the biggest obstacles is resolving our differences is we can’t talk to each other. Hate is the emotion of the day. The left and right hate each other with such venom that no reasonable discussion is possible. All we seem to be able to do is vilify and berate those who disagree with our point of view. This forum is an example. Any time a post is made that is not popular the responders go in attack mode. No one seems to want to actually works things out.

The idea that if we are to accomplish anything we will have to talk to those who we disagree shouldn’t be a hard problem to solve. It’s accomplished at the personal level. Just use civil discourse. The fact that I live in Texas and own guns automatically bring out the beast in a lot of people here. They aren’t interested that I think the government is corrupt, corporations are greedy and Wall Street is evil. They just focus on where I live and think I’m evil since I own guns. They just don’t see I have the same ideals as OWS in New York.

So, I think if people would accept the fact the nation is split almost 50 -50, conservative and liberal. To solve anything we will have to have to talk to each other.

[-] -1 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

yes indeed. and i don't ridicule the South. There is a lot good about the South. That which is all the more reason to try to get beyond the differences.